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Socoder -> Off Topic -> COVID Test

Wed, 08 Dec 2021, 08:24
Visited my ex last week, she phoned me today coz she tested positive for Covid, I've just been for a PCR test about an hour ago and am waiting for the results to be sent to me. I'll keep ya posted.
Wed, 08 Dec 2021, 08:24
Yes, please keep us posted. Sitting over in the quarantine corner, with a chair ready for you if you need it. Somebody was nice enough to toss a couple of Hitler scrotums in to play with, not that there is much to do with them.
Wed, 08 Dec 2021, 09:50
Need to stay home until results are sent, if positive then I have to isolate for 14 days as far as I know.
Wed, 08 Dec 2021, 10:07
Wow, only 10 days here. Anyway wishing you luck.
Wed, 08 Dec 2021, 10:19
@Steve - you could always do a free lateral flow test - results within 5 minutes. You can pick them up for free fron Boots or any decent pharmacy. Evern supermarkets had them.

Anyway, fingers crossed for a Negative result.

BTW Does anybody here have to do regular PCR/lateral flow tests? I have to do them at least once a week for work. They make me gag every fucking time
Wed, 08 Dec 2021, 11:09
@rockford You mean those self tests? I have helped my mum do a couple. She dropped the liquid yesterday and decided to skip that test. Those things do get expensive if you do them regularly. All tests were negative so far.

A family friend who lives in a nursing home is in the hospital on cohort isolation with the rest of his fellow nursing home residents. A number of people we know have been infected or are now waiting for results the last week or two.
Wed, 08 Dec 2021, 11:49
Me and Mum have been trying to do two a week, but Xmas Prep and stuff (and generally getting sick of doing it!) has reduced it to about one a week, lately.

Gagging I can cope with. Weeks and weeks of morning sickness prepares you for that
It's the "then shove it right up your nose" bit that gets me sneezing for the next half hour or so.

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Wed, 08 Dec 2021, 12:28
@Pakz - All tests in the UK are free. You can pick lateral flow tests up in most pharmacies here. PCR ones are really only done in clinical environments, but we have free walk/drive-in test centres throughout the country. There are at least three around where I live. So easy. Free. Quick (PCR results within 2-3 days - lateral flow tests in five minutes).

@Jay. Morning sickness? Are you trying to tell us something?! As for sneezing - yeah, these test can damage the lining of your nose and throat, causing irritation (and potential infection).
Wed, 08 Dec 2021, 13:01
Back in 2012, post op, the subtlest movement would cause motion sickness, and the act of waking up, getting washed and dressed, etc, usually kicked off a nasty spell.
Nowadays it takes me a couple of .. slow.. hours to perform all the necessary tasks.
Slow and steady wins the .. not automatically throwing up every morning.

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Wed, 08 Dec 2021, 13:41
Yeah, I knew it was that. Just having a laugh
Wed, 08 Dec 2021, 13:59
I'm going for an ultrasound in the morning...
Wed, 08 Dec 2021, 14:05

I did do a lateral flow before I went down the test centre just out of curiosity, the lateral flow was negative. Been told to phone 119 if I don't hear anything within 3 days.

|update| -=-=- |update|
So for the time being I'm stuck indoors with my arse.
Wed, 08 Dec 2021, 14:24
Bizarre in our house. Youngest two kids have to do lateral flow tests (as provided by the school) 3 times a week. Eldest son who is at college does two lateral flows a week and a PCR test (done by spitting in to a bottle - new type).

Wife works in a care environment and the company insists that she does PCR three times a week and lateral flow twice a week (she works 6 days a week).

Me, I don't do any at all - because really no need.

Thankfully this lot is all free. And we order more lateral flows free from government every other week.

Mad old world this.
Wed, 08 Dec 2021, 17:26
Me not feeling so great at all.
Wed, 08 Dec 2021, 20:22
@Kuron. Ffffffffffff....ingers crossed.
Thu, 09 Dec 2021, 01:08
Got the text and the test result is negative, no Covid in 'ere!
Thu, 09 Dec 2021, 01:13
I guess those 3 jabs are working then!
Thu, 09 Dec 2021, 06:13
They don't do ultrasounds at our old old old old health centre, so we had to go to Health Centre 2 : Electric Boogaloo, to get my liver scan. New Health Centre is still under construction, but should be opening soon. We *think* it's just our health centre that's being relocated there, but it might be Health Centre 2, too. *shrugs*

Hadn't been in HC2 before. It's rather cramped in there.
On the door it says "wear a mask, etc" and "one way system", which curves around a very narrow corridor, leading to reception, and then the waiting room.
.. Meanwhile, other people were leaving via the same "one way" entrance...

Went alright. Nurse suggested there's a little inflammation but it doesn't look anything unlike other people who are on the same diabetes tablets.
She doesn't think there's anything to worry about, but as always, wait for the doctor to read too much into it and drag me down for another seven or eight tests.

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Thu, 09 Dec 2021, 07:27
Congrats, Steve!!!
Thu, 09 Dec 2021, 07:59
Sat, 11 Dec 2021, 10:21
We just heard the person we knew from the nursing home in cohort isolation died this wednesday. My mother last visited him a week before that and everything was fine. Corona can be quick.
Sat, 11 Dec 2021, 10:34
@Pakz - Commiserations I hope your Mum wasn't infected - it can take upto 2 weeks to appear.

A work colleague of mine was rushed into intensive care on a Monday and died on Thursday following a day on "End Of Life" care.

My 21 year old nephew died within 3 days of feeling unwell last October (he died alone - nobody knew he had Covid), while at uni in Nottingham.

Yes, it's fast. Very, very fast.
Sat, 11 Dec 2021, 11:26
I am sorry for your losses Pakz and Rockford.

Absolutely horrible virus.

I seem to be one of the lucky ones beating it for a second time. I am not sure if it speaks more to having a strong immune system, or if it is more Heaven doesn't want me and Hell is afraid I'll take over. Either way, still here and not my time.
Sat, 11 Dec 2021, 12:22
Good grief. Sorry to hear that Rockford, and Pakz too.

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