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Socoder -> Festive Threads -> Advent of Creativity 6

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Thu, 30 Nov 2023, 03:56

Advent of Creativity 6

Welcome to Advent of Creativity 6, the 2023 edition!

Over the course of Advent (December 1st to 24th, and maybe 25th if you're feeling super-productive, and even all the way to the end of the year!) your challenge is to post something new to the forum.
You can be as creative as you feel, posting any or all content that you'd like, as long as it shows an ounce of creativity.

What's Allowed

  • Write a poem.
  • Make a little tune.
  • Create some sprites.
  • Build up a selection of sound effects.
  • Make a silly little tool that creates lovely patterns.
  • Doodle a picture of a scene from your favourite Xmas movie.

    I certainly don't expect anyone to have time to make a game each day, but maybe if you're aiming to release a Xmas game towards the end of the month, you could post a daily update blog, and some of the assets/gamedev blogs as you go along.

    Really, anything goes, as long as there's creativity involved.


    The postings begin on December 1st.
    You might want to make frequent use of the [spoiler] tags!


    Consider yourself "Winning!" if you can keep up the rate of one creative post a day over the whole event.
    Since it's unfair to those of us who actually have busy and active lives, it's been decided that this won't be a true competition, but it is at least something to keep us active.
    I do hope you all join in, even if you don't quite manage to keep up the daily rate.

    Be creative.
    Be happy.
    Be festive!!

    Word for each Day

    In recent "Month-Challenges" I made a word list, so I figured that if you need inspiration at all, you might like a similar calendar for December.
    You don't need to use these daily words. They're just here to inspire.
    > Reveal 🔎

    ''Load, Next List!''
  • Fri, 01 Dec 2023, 02:22

    Day One

    "A sunset is witnessed, painting the horizon with shades of orange and pink."
    (Daily pictures drawn by Bing. Daily prompts were also decided by Bing, after I fed it the month's calendar words)

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Fri, 01 Dec 2023, 15:09
    ART DAY 01:

    Fri, 01 Dec 2023, 15:13
    HAIKU DAY 01:

    Golden sun descends,
    Christmas lights in the twilight,
    Peaceful, joyful night.

    Fri, 01 Dec 2023, 16:29
    Sunset Haiku Gets!

    Sunset approaches
    But It's barely afternoon
    It's winter time now

    Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
    Fri, 01 Dec 2023, 17:28
    Pancake Waffle Biscuits (mp3)

    95% of samples from today's Advent Calendar by Otakupunk

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Sat, 02 Dec 2023, 04:55

    Day Two

    A puzzle is solved, satisfying the curiosity and the intellect.

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Sat, 02 Dec 2023, 11:39
    ART DAY 02:

    Sat, 02 Dec 2023, 11:43
    HAIKU DAY 02:

    Puzzles by the fire,
    Christmas morn, pieces align.
    Joyful scene complete.

    Sat, 02 Dec 2023, 15:36
    Frozen Magpie Phenomenon (mp3)

    I haven't a bloody clue why I'm doing this..

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Sun, 03 Dec 2023, 03:03

    Day Three

    "A mermaid swims in the ocean, singing a beautiful and enchanting song."

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Sun, 03 Dec 2023, 14:03
    ART DAY 03:

    Sun, 03 Dec 2023, 14:07
    HAIKU DAY 03:

    Mermaids by the sea,
    Christmas lights in ocean depths,
    Magic meets wonder.

    Sun, 03 Dec 2023, 17:02
    Logged Cherry Blossom (mp3)

    Logged Cherry Blossom
    Otakupunk hasn't posted today's Advent Calendar vlog, yet, so I had to do something without.

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Mon, 04 Dec 2023, 01:56

    Day Four

    "A drone flies over a city, capturing stunning aerial views of the buildings and landmarks."

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Mon, 04 Dec 2023, 08:02
    ART DAY 04:

    I am calling an audible for today's creative postings. Since it is Christmas, I am doing decorations instead of a drone...

    Mon, 04 Dec 2023, 08:05
    HAIKU DAY 04:

    Decorations bright,
    Twinkling with festive delight,
    Christmas magic's sight.

    Mon, 04 Dec 2023, 08:17
    Huh.. I tend to go with "Twin Kell Ing".. Like "Twinkle", but with an ing on the end. I guess you're going with "Twin Cling"

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Mon, 04 Dec 2023, 08:26
    twink-ling two syllables
    Mon, 04 Dec 2023, 15:18
    Incomplete Temporal Porting (mp3)

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    Tue, 05 Dec 2023, 02:29

    Day 05

    "A knight fights a horde of orcs, wielding a sword and a shield."

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    Tue, 05 Dec 2023, 02:47
    Oh golly I have to catch up a lot here!
    Tue, 05 Dec 2023, 08:14
    ART DAY 05:

    Tue, 05 Dec 2023, 08:19
    HAIKU DAY 05:

    Armor gleams so bright,
    Knights in yuletide's gentle hush,
    Christmas shields their hearts.

    Tue, 05 Dec 2023, 11:58

    View on YouTube

    I recorded a quick cartoon style short rap in koala sampler, and stuck it in a quick track I made yesterday in Hammerhead. This all finished and mixed and mastered in Logic pro.
    Tue, 05 Dec 2023, 15:10
    Principled Fruit Action

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