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Socoder -> Off Topic -> new here

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Wed, 24 Oct 2007, 05:12
hay all. im new to the site, i used to be on codersworkshop.com as the-coder
but left after life go in the way to code but thats over now .

ijust found out that cobra is released and am about to get back into coding so im wondering which is better for 2d games.

cobra or blitz basic/blitz3d?
Wed, 24 Oct 2007, 06:23
Either Cobra, or Blitz Max.
I'd say they both have about the same amount of graphical effects to do rotations, transparency and scalings. All the things needed for "Nice" 2D games.
If you're not going to use those, go for plain Blitz.

The choice between Cobra and BMax is purely down to the language structure, with Blitz taking the Basic route, and Cobra going the Pascal way.
Give them both a try, they each have 30 day demos.
Try coding the same basic game in both languages (pong perhaps) and see which syntax you prefer.

Welcome to Socoder

He asked "Which of Those Two", not "Are there better free ones."

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 24 Oct 2007, 06:52
Jayenkai He asked "Which of Those Two", not "Are there better free ones."

That's why I didn't reply sooner.

Wed, 24 Oct 2007, 07:20
power mousey

I would've replied sooner but
I'm not feeling well.
I'm sorry.

but hey, welcome coder.
Wed, 24 Oct 2007, 08:40
Oh No ! :0... The Mousey's not feeling well ?... Here's a fun picture to help cheer you up .

And hello coder, welcome to the place where people will make you feel welcome .
Wed, 24 Oct 2007, 12:31
Is that Duck? Purple?
Wed, 24 Oct 2007, 16:07
power mousey

thanks, steve.

I'm feeling a little bit better.
And sorta weird looking at the Purple Duck meow mix thingie.

thanks and cheers
Thu, 25 Oct 2007, 10:34

He asked "Which of Those Two", not "Are there better free ones."

I only have two words to say;



Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Thu, 25 Oct 2007, 10:42
He asked "Which of Those Two", not "Are there better free ones."

i'm confused... were did you get that from? was there another post previously?

anyway i have not got much experience in cobra, about 2 days
so i couldn't comment on cobra. but blitz is good.

welcome to the forums


Thu, 25 Oct 2007, 10:46
T'was from Jay's post - read the bottom! ^^
Thu, 25 Oct 2007, 10:49
o right it was a skim read
Thu, 25 Oct 2007, 15:51
He asked "Which of Those Two", not "Are there better free ones."

In his defense, I don't see any mention of BlitzMax either.

Thu, 25 Oct 2007, 17:05
power mousey

well, hey!

nobody mentioned Nuclear Basic.
until now.
The Beta is coming out in November...I hope.

also how about some
Apple [] Basic programming.

View on YouTube

Thu, 25 Oct 2007, 20:35
I would recommend Blitz Max over Blitz Basic. However I would also recommend gonorrhoea over aids.
Thu, 25 Oct 2007, 23:54
power mousey


you do have a weird sense of humor, Diablo.

but I don't want any of those diseases.
Fri, 26 Oct 2007, 08:35
I would recommend Blitz Max over Blitz Basic. However I would also recommend gonorrhoea over aids.

Oh, quit with the blitz-bashing. You obviously don't know enough about BlitzMax to criticize it anyway.

Anyway, if the choice was between Cobra and BlitzBasic (Max not included), then I'd say go for Cobra. If BlitzMax is an option, then I'd take that over Cobra.

Download the demos for both, try them out, and make your own choice.

Fri, 26 Oct 2007, 12:27
cobra over blitz basic
blitzmax over cobra

also DD you really have no right to criticize it, you didn't even think that you could define variables like so.

you keep thinking that blitzmax is just blitzbasic with OOP tacked on when you really haven't had enough experience with it to see all the differences

just like you criticize C++ for not being as OOP as java, a language that was created years after C++. C++ was the basis for many languages to follow. you can't insult an old meteor(one of the first british jet fighters) for not being fast enough to catch up to a russian mig-20. or a V2 not being able to go as far as the apollo rockets

i like green haired girls...
Fri, 26 Oct 2007, 12:30
power mousey

so so true, Nolan.

I have tried the demos for both BlitzMax
and Cobra/Cobra 3d. Actually, I have the demo
of Cobra 3d and I gotta tell you and others
I'm glad I went back and stayed with Cobra/Cobra 3d.

I wish the docs were more complete and yes I have the latest Cobra docs. But in a way I'm glad they are kinda shoddy in some places cause it makes learn and code as I go more and deeper.
Makes me think,research and investigate more and deeper too.
Fri, 26 Oct 2007, 12:33
power mousey

hey, a little easy there on Diablo.

he was just joking....
its just his style.

Diablo, just try em.
And if you like em.

cheers to all
Fri, 26 Oct 2007, 16:47
HyruleKinght also DD you really have no right to criticize it, you didn't even think that you could define variables like so.

There might have been a time when I didn't know that, but I do know that. I also did try Blitz Max for far longer then the trial (if you put your date back you can continue to use it) and I really didn't like it.

HyruleKnight just like you criticize C++ for not being as OOP as java, a language that was created years after C++. C++ was the basis for many languages to follow. you can't insult an old meteor(one of the first british jet fighters) for not being fast enough to catch up to a russian mig-20. or a V2 not being able to go as far as the apollo rockets

I don't remember this. I suspect you may have misread something from one of my and Instincts debates. But your metaphor is also suggesting that Java is superior to C++, I'd disagree. It's different but not better. However thanks for suggesting that it might be.

Anywho, I found what I said quite amusing and that's 90% of the reason why I said it. I also meant it that Blitz Max is superior to Blitz Basic.
Fri, 26 Oct 2007, 18:11
Everyone has a right to their own opinion. Personally I'd chose Blitz Basic over gonorrhea, but thats just me
Fri, 26 Oct 2007, 18:13
I would recommend Blitz Max over Blitz Basic. However I would also recommend gonorrhoea over aids.

I know that I like Blitz, but that was funny.

|edit| Diablo... Why has your username changed to JL235 ?. Or is there a new user on here using Diablo's avatar ? :~ |edit|
Fri, 26 Oct 2007, 21:02
ROFL - Comparing programming languages to STIs - now theres an unusual metaphor!

Anyway, welcome coder

blog | work | code | more code
Sat, 27 Oct 2007, 05:57
I suppose you could say that a virus is sort of like a digital gonorrhoeae or chlamydia. That must mean that anti virus software is the digital equivalent of the Clap Clinic.

|edit| But without the cocktail sticks |edit|
Sat, 27 Oct 2007, 07:37
power mousey

ahhhhhhhh!! so true, steve.


anyway, again welcome um...oh yeah
hey welcome again coder. )

Its So coder.
Sat, 27 Oct 2007, 17:09
No there is not another user, I am DiablosDevil. It's just I have decided to change my username to JL235.
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