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What'd ya get?

25th December 2009

A homemade blanket that's actually long enough to cover my feet when I sleep (YAY!), a couple of books, a really nice compass, and $200 cash, which will go to various things I'm interested in.


Windows 7

16th November 2009

I personally hate the popup that requires me to type in the administrator password in Vista whenever I want to install/uninstall anything. Windows 7 doesn't have it.
I've been pinning all of my applications to the taskbar and I have it set so that all op*snip*


Are these the best games of the Decade?

12th November 2009

The only one I feel definitely should be on there (of the ones I've played) is Shadow of the Colossus. I really like Mass Effect, FFXII, and some of the others, but I'm not sure they actually deserve to be considered in the top 20.


QOTD : Are we all fucked?

3rd November 2009

Glad to hear you guys will be open minded about it. JL235, your right, there are people that are going to take advantage of it. Combined with the way the issue has been politicized, I'm not even remotely surprised at the large amounts of skepticism that *snip*


QOTD : Are we all fucked?

2nd November 2009

Oh, and Phoenix, if you are going to post links to graphs like that, maybe you should read the article. It attributes those spikes to Milankovitch cycles, and when the Earth is at angle of 24 degrees from the normal of the plane of the planet's orbit, the*snip*


QOTD : Are we all fucked?

2nd November 2009

Well, at least you guys seem to be against pollution in general. I'm taking a conservation biology course right now, and one of the topics we covered was climate change. We spent three weeks covering the science behind it and we also went into depth abou*snip*


Making the switch to a 64-bit OS

1st November 2009

I've been running 64 bit versions of windows close to 4 years, and generally I haven't had much trouble. The main thing is you won't be able to run 16 bit applications at all, but for most people that is a moot point. 32 bit applications are supposed to *snip*


QOTD : I'm not fat!!!

7th October 2009

Sunflower seeds still in their shells. Having to deshell them keeps you from scarfing them all down too fast. Just pop a few in your mouth at a time, use your tongue and teeth to get at the kernel and spit the shells out into a container, keeping your hand*snip*


Sams C++ in 24 Hours and Borland C++ BuilderX Problems

5th August 2009

Visual C++ express edition is free and quite good (and used by a LOT of people). I think you do get some nice features (better debugging tools) if you pay for the commercial version, but it certainly isn't limiting if you don't. In terms of the Borland C*snip*



30th July 2009

Although realism is high on my list (I prefer it to cartoony), I really like colorful/artsy type games like Okami. I hate drab (ie Fallout 3, although it still is a good game). I saw pictures of Rage (I think), in a magazine, and I couldn't believe my ey*snip*


Zero-Standby-Power ICs to Enter Practical Use

20th July 2009

Really interesting, especially considering that they're supposed to start showing soon.



13th July 2009

Currently I jog at least a mile everyday and do some weightlifting (I'd do more but I can barely do this without being bored silly). But thats nothing compared to last summer and fall, where I would spend 8 days in a row twice a month backpacking/hiking w*snip*


New PC Deal Discussion

10th July 2009

linky Doesn't include price of OS


Happy 4th of July!

4th July 2009

Just finished lighting off fireworks for the night. I will sleep good tonight.



29th June 2009

Somethings been bugging me... why doesn't socoder have a gallery from which random images can be shown on the main page? It seems to me like this could spruce up the main page, which doesn't seem to change very often.


QOTD : What have you done, this week?

29th June 2009

Not much. School for one. I've been working on a castle level that looks really nice, but progress has been slow because my slightly obsesive compulsive nature likes everything to be perfect. I've also been taking a shovel out and killing some weeds for*snip*


The Wednesday Workshops

28th June 2009

Time for my 2 cents: For me the WW are just too short. I don't have a lot of free time, certainly not enough to try a WW. I was more interested in the Monthly workshops becuase of this. Unfortunately, many of the ideas for those were ones that I wasn't*snip*



24th June 2009

Yeah, its a pretty good show. We've been watching it for years and almost never miss a new episode.


QOTD : Which sites???

24th June 2009



Doom Duel Progress

7th June 2009

This is going to be where I post updates on my game in progress: Doom Duel. It is going to be a multiplayer FPS (one vs one), and I intend to make it unique by giving it a customizability system comparable to that found in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind*snip*


QOTD : What're you working on?

3rd June 2009

I'm working on Doom Duel, a fps I planned for a long time. Got quite a bit done last weekend, but before moving on I'm reviewing some of my design decisions.


DVD Rewinder

20th May 2009

*slaps head*
enough said


QOTD : Future Plans?

14th May 2009

Spare, if you're interested in Forensic Research, then it can't hurt to give it a try. The reason I'm not going into programming professionally is because I was worried about how working all week long on other people's ideas would ruin it for me, and that*snip*


QOTD : Future Plans?

14th May 2009

Well, I've still got a year to go before I graduate. This summer I'm taking Field Ornithology (I have to be up at 5AM for this one!), Yellowstone Wildlife Ecology, and Biochemistry. After I graduate I have to get some work experience and go to grad schoo*snip*


SpeedTest : Cubes go round!

24th April 2009

WinXP x64, ATI RadeonHD 4870/512MB, AMD Phenom 9850 x4 @ 2.5GHZ/core, and 4GB DDR2 memory
And JL235 is right, its faster because it has fewer context switches

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