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Rectsoverlap... Ovalsoverlap

7th April 2007

[edit]Oh, I'm sorry, the distance does work! I was doing my code wrong. Thanks, Phoenix[/edit]
Dabz over a Syntax Bomb found some code but the collision part of it makes my head spin:
[code] ;------------------------------------------



7th April 2007

eh... It's not doing it in my most recent code which is still unfinished but seems to be 98% bug-free (I have one more small bug to fix; it doesn't load the easternmost column of tiles)
new game.bb file
(please note that only the level demolevel2 works b*snip*


Site Update - 26 March 2007

7th April 2007

Oh, come on, just eat the surgary, tasty, suculent, erm... yummy cookies! cookies are good!


Rectsoverlap... Ovalsoverlap

7th April 2007

I'll be looking forward to seeing it
I'm working on a *small* little project to make my own version of a flash game I played and I'd need to find out the best way to do this.


Rectsoverlap... Ovalsoverlap

7th April 2007

Yea, I thought of both those ideas, but distance will result in a diamond like this:
And I think that ImagesCollide would take a hit on program speed. Could be wrong, but that's *snip*


Rectsoverlap... Ovalsoverlap

6th April 2007

I was wondering if there was such a command or one that someone (else) has made (I am still learning trig functions) to detect ovals overlapping similar to how rectsoverlap command works



6th April 2007

try this link



6th April 2007

Erm, feedback, please?



6th April 2007

I love Star Wars novels, especially the NJO and books on programming especially (lol) The Redwall series is pretty good, too. A Series of Unfortunate Events is kind of short, but it's also a good series. And the author Lee Strobel writes some good books - *snip*


The Running Man

5th April 2007




5th April 2007

I've made great progress, including a parallex (whatever the thing's called) scrolling background for the main game, a nice bit of progress on the player frames and animation, the level editor has recieved so much attention I think it's worthy to become v2*snip*


#094 - The Atari 2600 Challenge

4th April 2007

DK was on the Atari? I could be wrong, but I don't think so.



4th April 2007

ok, took a couple-day break because I was seeing my grandpa. I bougt a new DS game, so I'm looking at it some for inspiration. (it's Mario, the game I'm kinda basing it off of) and it's been renamed "The Running Man".



2nd April 2007

Thanks, flying_cucco. It's not a problem if I use your link on the first post, right?
Right now I'm working on player movement/animation. Can't figure out what's got into the frames right now, though.



2nd April 2007

When I code, I generally leave white space for myself to read easily and once a decent bit of code has been added, I go through and make it so neat it looks like diablos did it. (j/k diablos) I do indent 'correctly' when cleaning my code, though. I'll uplo*snip*



2nd April 2007

Oi, and you have to remove the lines
Global nums=LoadAnimImage("nums.bmp",6,6,0,10)
MaskImage nums,255,0,255
in level.bb
man, shoulda paid more attention when I was deleting the useless files.



2nd April 2007

Yea, I was just coming back to say something.
the line
Const lvl$="demolevel2.lvl"
should be
Const lvl$="demolevel.lvl"



2nd April 2007

lol, where do you want me to upload then?


#093 - The Future Challenge

2nd April 2007

How about a graphics quality challenge? Allow only values that are multiples of 32 (and the number 255) for the colors and see how appealing we can make our graphics?
we'd call it the 9^3 colors challenge!



2nd April 2007

THis is my first attempt to code a sidescroller because there are basics I need to learn. I've made a perfectly working level editor in about 3 hours. (thanks in no small part to my experience coding my Blitz Paint project) But, unfortunately, you will fin*snip*


Stealth's April Fools Gag

2nd April 2007

[Laughing uncontrollably] Jayankai? 0 badges? That was a good trick, people. A very good one. [/Laughing uncontrollably]
I was reading this topic again and I saw 0 badges and thought, "what the heck? that's not right."


Peeps we've lost..

30th March 2007

Nolan.... why was that dude in my literature schoolwork today?


C++ All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies

24th March 2007

I just bought it and am about to start learning C++. does anybody else have this book and think it's great? stinks? I read it a lot before I bought it and liked it, and I think it's really easy to understand, especially seeing I don't know a mite about C++*snip*


Just out of curiosity...

22nd March 2007

I still haven't really learned how to use Shr and Shl. Probably ought to learn I suppose.


Pixel-perfect collision detection between types

21st March 2007

Ok, thanks for the [er,]help[/er,] diablos

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