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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Anything new for Socoder?

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Thu, 04 Sep 2008, 15:54
Well folks, I can honestly say that I've got sod all to amazingly reveal tomorrow!

I had started about 7 or 8 different themes over the course of the week, but all of 'em ended up being rubbish and got scrapped.. I'd show screenshots, but I've deleted all evidence of the horrible horrible themes!

The Hoverpop was going to be kept aside until tomorrow, but having tweaked the frontpage to test it, (deleting all the old frontpage in the process) I then couldn't be bothered putting the old one back together again! Same with the Shoutbox.

So, assume I've put them up tomorrow instead

And Happy Birthday, Socoder!
2 years on, and still going strong!
Thank god I didn't code it too badly

Now to open up my FTP proggy, and download the whole kit'n'kaboodle, just to be absolutely sure I've got every last little thing backed up! (That'll take a while!)

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 04 Sep 2008, 23:17
Happy birthday SoCoder!

(And a feature suggestion: you could program some virtual members to get some more activity around here )
Fri, 05 Sep 2008, 18:21
Orion Pax
Here is a suggestion for one of your allready new added items! The hoverables....instead of moving the mouse over them to see the info under them. Make it so it doesnt dissapear and reaapaear as the mouse moves. Meaning make the first one default, always shows up first, no need to move the mouse over have that info allready there. Then as the mouse moves have it change the info as it does allready but no dissapear when you move the mouse away from them. Just leave it there. And leave the last hovered items info there.
Mon, 08 Sep 2008, 14:05
Excuse me, but what about my suggestion of seeing who is inside the mudchat without going inside? How rude.

Mon, 08 Sep 2008, 14:40
It's already there, and has been since the dawn of time... If you use the Blitzcoder theme, the members in the top bar will have yellow/gold colored icons to the left if they're in the chat.
Mon, 08 Sep 2008, 14:54
You can see which theme Dr's using, by clicking his name!
In this case, he's using TNT's Matrix theme. The Green pills are folk in the Matrix. The red/blue pills aren't!

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 08 Sep 2008, 17:00
Ooh! Thank-you!!
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