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Virtual functions and multiple inheritamce - OOP question(s) and general rant

23rd October 2007

Your code doesn't represent multiple inheritance, though. Both animals are extending one type, not the other way around. Multiple inheritance would be if you had two classes (say Shinythings and Timepieces), and one class, ( a wristwatch, in this example),*snip*


Ubuntu 7.10

20th October 2007

I was planning on dual-booting too, although on the same hard drive. I downloaded it, burnt it to a cd, ran the live-cd, and ended up tearing my hair out at the partitioner. What a pain in the ass.


WM001 - The Pickups

16th October 2007

My entry will not be finished in time, due to a few things getting in the way (Homecoming, school, life in general, etc...). Maybe I'll finish it up anyway just for fun, though.


#120 - The Slots Challenge

13th October 2007

That's really awesome, Jay!
High Score: 80


WM001 - The Pickups

10th October 2007

I started an entry yesterday. It should be done soon.
My game is extremely simple, but hopefully it'll be fun.


Which language?

10th October 2007

[quote]Wolfenstein 3D? Doom? Doom II? Quake? Windows Vista? Windows XP? Linux kernel? Rollercoaster Tycoon? Sonic the Hedgehog 1 and 2? Super Mario Bros?[/quote]
Aside from XP and Vista, these are all old applications. I highly doubt any of us will be cod*snip*


Which language?

9th October 2007

[quote]Its probably best used for certain tasks once in a while and thats about it really.[/quote]
Precisely. Unless you're coding graphics card drivers or extremely tight math algorithms, you probably don't need it.


Which language?

9th October 2007

[quote]Assembly language is extremely flexible and one of the more useful things that it does is polymorphism which it alone was the best at handling years ago.
Although C now does this and a host of other programs, like the use of polymorphism, Assembly *snip*


No Screen

8th October 2007

I believe Bram32 used to mess around with doing stuff like that, but in all honesty, Blitz just isn't the language for this.
If you want this functionality with ease, use a more versatile language.


Alternative IDE? Protean etc

6th October 2007

I recommend IDEal.
Put simply, it's the best--although I won't use it much until it supports BlitzMax.


Linear Gameplay?

2nd October 2007

Even with the options, the gameplay would still appear linear, assuming that I'm understanding your idea. The person would choose an option, and then be fed into a stream of linear change--which is basically no different than an entirely linear gameplay. S*snip*


Screen Names?

30th September 2007

When I was originally making a screen name for AIM, I had no idea what to choose. I looked up on the wall of where the computer was, and there was a painting by an Emile Torrente, from Bordeaux. Hence my former nick of Torrente, and my AIM screen name whic*snip*


Return of lyonzy

29th September 2007

[quote]What's up with everyone using me to get laid nowadays? o.O First that damn Nathan (indirectly through Noel Cower, whom my ex wouldn't have known if it hadn't been for me), and now this...[/quote]
Get laid? Sorry Afr0, but I really think you and I h*snip*


Return of lyonzy

29th September 2007

[quote]Use your brain... why do you think he didn't reply to this topic, for instance? I dunno for how long they've been at it, but that's relatively irrelevant.[/quote]
Three things. One, that logic doesn't make much sense, seeing as about 120 other memb*snip*


Software business idea

25th September 2007

You're thinking from the customer's point of view, mindstorm. The business couldn't care less if you buy a bad game, because they're making money.


Freebasic Stuff

15th September 2007

Really awesome job! Thanks for providing the source, too.
I've been thinking about using Freebasic for my next project, and after seeing your demo, I'm inspired.
Just curious though.. do you always code in uppercase?


The New iPod

5th September 2007

[quote]I NEVER buy anything from the iTunes music store (DRM, 128kbps, bleh), but I still love iTunes and my iPod.[/quote]
Same here.


The New iPod

5th September 2007

[quote]if it can play audio files that arnt iTunes that is[/quote]
I'm almost sure it can, as Apple is smart enough not to shave off such a huge user base. My 30Gig Video Ipod can play any song--It just has to be added through iTunes.


Wot your Weakest in coding?

3rd September 2007

Artificial Intelligence. It's fun, but it can really be a pain in the ass, and is incredibly hard to do right.



30th August 2007

Christmas themed shoot-em-up.


Rent a coder

29th August 2007

Real companies would be unlikely to use a service like this. They hire coders not only to program, but also to learn the system for future reference.


'Resolutions' compo

26th August 2007

Do XBox360 controllers relay input to the Joystick commands in blitz? I've never used them before, and seeing as this compo requires compatibility with an xbox360 controller, I might as well ask now.
Anyway, looks interesting. I may enter this one.


Your Desktop(s)

25th August 2007

Haha, I love the fake porn folder! I might have to try that.


problems registering

24th August 2007

That's a feature. We make the "register" button move away from the users mouse, in order to discourage new members.


SoCoder city!

24th August 2007

Check out google.miniville.fr

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