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Orion Pax

#154 - The Screensaver Challenge

3rd June 2008

So could I just rename my games exe into scr and submight that? LOL. Just kidding.

Orion Pax

Average harddrive-space these days?

3rd June 2008

When you say solid state, your talking about things like USB sticks right? Not HD's with spinning disk and a head to read the information....

Orion Pax

Need help with a logo!

2nd June 2008

I tried making one that has the lettering looking like old roman columns But it would seem that I really suck at that. And it didnt look very good. So oh well!

Orion Pax

Firefox 3, The Squishyness!

1st June 2008

Its usually under the matress!

Orion Pax

Firefox 3, The Squishyness!

1st June 2008

That would be sweet. Some one could make a foxcoder client that would load a specific skin that jay could make to complement the site and client. So who would do it....

Orion Pax

Download Firefox!!! - World Record Day!!!

30th May 2008

Its not download day yet. Download day is the day FF3 will be released. I just did my pledge. I dont use anything else other than Firefox. And will never use IE again.

Orion Pax

Number accuracy or snapping objects together

29th May 2008

Yeah blitz has a habit of doing that.

Orion Pax

Number accuracy or snapping objects together

29th May 2008

Oh and let me ask....
CollisionNY() - Returns the y component of the normal of a particular collision.
What is a NORMAL?

Orion Pax

Number accuracy or snapping objects together

29th May 2008

Hey fred, do this....each piece is still its own entity right? Test the collisions for turning against each piece individually. Like make a seperate function for each piece to test collision with it and the cars. If it has collided then turn. You will *snip*

Orion Pax

Number accuracy or snapping objects together

28th May 2008

I would suggest just finishing up the track problems. once the layout is 100% working then just randomly choose each option to work on I Guess....or go in order of importance. I like the random idea.

Orion Pax

Number accuracy or snapping objects together

28th May 2008

What that first code box does is find the location of the vert where the next peice needs to line up with.
Then the second box just positions the mesh where that vert is at. And if you moved your meshes MOST BOTTOM LEFT VERTEX to 0,0,0 in your mesh edito*snip*

Orion Pax

Number accuracy or snapping objects together

27th May 2008

I was wondering what happend to that. I thought you were still working on it. I was hoping to see that one to its end. Oh well. I never saw any misalignments on yours.
Back on topic. Will my suggestion now work? Or are you saying that the piece*snip*

Orion Pax

help: calculating entity size

27th May 2008

The pivot idea is a temp and lucky fix. As I stated its just luck that placing the pivot at the VertexX,Y,Z of your vertex is giving you the same result. VertexX,Y,Z just gives you its location on the mesh. TformedPoint WILL give you the verts location *snip*

Orion Pax

Number accuracy or snapping objects together

26th May 2008

You could do something like this if you know which vert it is.
surf=getsurface(mesh,1) ;Assuming your mesh has 1 surf, most do.
X=VertexX(surf,1) ;The 1 you change, its the number of the vert on your mesh*snip*

Orion Pax

help: calculating entity size

25th May 2008

Line 1 = # surfaces
Line 2 = # verts
Line 3 = VertexX(Surf,5)
Line 4 = VertexY(Surf,5)
Line 5 = VertexZ(Surf,5)
Line 6 = TfromedX() OF VertexX()
Line 7 = TformedY() OF VertexY()
Line 8 = TformedZ() OF VertexZ()
VertexX,Y,Z does give *snip*

Orion Pax

help: calculating entity size

25th May 2008

Ok I have never messed with banks yet but there is one thing that has my eye.
For y = 0 To CountVertices(surf)-1
size# = max(size#, distance2D#(0,0, VertexX#(surf, y), VertexZ#(surf, y)))
Wouldnt that just overwrite the old va*snip*

Orion Pax

help: calculating entity size

25th May 2008

NUTS...why does everyone use windowed mode in 3d? Mindstorm...add a commandline switch to will disable windowed mode for me and I will check it out for ya.

Orion Pax

I've been pimpin' !

22nd May 2008

Wow....thats roughly $20-$60 per gallon. Ok so no nitro here. LOL. Probably not as efficient as gasoline.

Orion Pax

WM009 - Blocks

21st May 2008

Ok I am having an issue here. Cant seem to think of something or get something working. This is harder than I thought. Especially in 2d. Could I do it in 3d with nothing but sprites? I can handle sprites...lol

Orion Pax

WM009 - Blocks

21st May 2008

Ah ok...so as long as its a block you dont care HOW the block is drawn....kewl!

Orion Pax

WM009 - Blocks

20th May 2008

Sweet! I think I am going to take the month off from my game and work on a workshop. My first one. Gonna be a real challenge JUST to try and not do a tetris clone.
So when you say "OTHER THAN PLAIN BLOCKS", your talking about???

Orion Pax

I've been pimpin' !

20th May 2008

Sweet. Home made? I soooo want one. I remember my dad had one when I was a kid. Brings back memories!

Orion Pax

Gratulerer med dagen, Norge!

19th May 2008

Lol...indepence day is the 4th of july. The birthday thing was a joke....tho my b-day is the 17th of july. Just saying I was more important...lol.

Orion Pax

Gratulerer med dagen, Norge!

18th May 2008

Kewl...the most important american holiday comming up is july 17th. My birthday. Lets all make sure that we are off from work and party hardy.

Orion Pax

Gunslinger Solitaire

17th May 2008

Ok I gotta get one in....considering I'm probably still considered a newb here.....

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