-=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- (c) WidthPadding Industries 1987 0|472|0 -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=- -=+=-


Steganography Encoder

11th August 2008

Hides information in plain sight


Spline Editor

7th July 2008

Edit Paths Made Of Bezier Curves


C++ Unfinished Image Class

13th October 2007

An unfinised class for dealing with images. So far it only loads and saves 24bit bitmaps, but I am planning to add support for PNG, JPG, and TGA. It is not dependent on any non-standard external libraries. The image data is loaded directly to RAM, which av*snip*


C++ Flags Class

13th October 2007

Heres a little class I made for handling binary flags. Its templated so it can hold an interger type of any size up to 64 bit.
[code]typedef unsigned char Uint8;
typedef unsigned short Uint16;
typedef unsigned int Uint32;
typedef unsigned long long Uin*snip*


C++ String Class

13th October 2007

Heres a string class I was working on until I discovered that it was pointless considering I could use the built in C++ string class. Still it does quite a few things with strings that you can do in Blitz, and it shouldent be hard to convert a function or *snip*


Fast Colour Blending Function

23rd August 2007

Heres a fast colour blending function using some techniques I was shown over on the DBF boards. I thought I would share it as its something I find it useful. It avoids floating point maths and RGB colour conversions.
[edit]Oh, and the alpha component shou*snip*



20th August 2007

A fractal effect I came up with a while back. Its hideously slow for what it does, but it looks kind of cool. Change the effect by altering the constant values, just dont set 'recursions' much higher cos it wont look any better, it will just eat up all you*snip*


Fast Image Scaling

20th August 2007

This is some code I am working on for my raycaster. It creates an array of scaled images to remove the need for realtime scaling. Each frame has its own handle and is sized appropriately to save RAM usage. At them moment there is only 1 scaled image array,*snip*



12th August 2007

Heres a raycaster I'm working on. It has some clipping problems at the moment, and could be made faster, which are things I'm working on.
[code]Const GRAPHICS_W=640
Const GRAPHICS_H=480
Const DRAW_FROM=20
Const MAP_W=30
Const MAP_H=30
Const TEX_W=64*snip*



9th August 2007

Heres a fire effect I converted from C. I did a whole load of tweaking to get the frame rate up, but it runs at quite a good speed now.
[code]Const GRAPHICS_WIDTH = 640
Const DRAW_FROM = 300 ;set to a point where fire is not*snip*


A-Star Pathfinding

6th August 2007

Heres some AI code for pathfinding. If you want to know a bit more about it, heres the tutorial i worked off to create this. Its a pretty good explanation.
[code]Graphics 640, 480, 32, 2
Global font = LoadFont(arial, 10)
SetFont font


Type Handle Example

10th April 2007

Heres some example code of using a handle to get types. I dident write this, it was originally posted on CW by Bram32, but its a good explanation and a useful thing to know so here it is:
Type enemy
Field x
Field y
End Type
;make an ar*snip*


Amoeba Things In Cobra

11th March 2007

A Cobra version of a Blitz prog I posted a while back. It now has a fill parameter using the built in FloodFill command, which makes it look much nicer :)
uses pure2d, keyset
fuzzer: array[10, 360] of integer
fuzzdir: *snip*


Rounded Rectangles

11th March 2007

Draws Rounded Rects


Scrolling LED text

5th March 2007

Heres some code for scrolling LED-like text I just finished. It shouldent be too hard to add to programs. Theres still a bit of tweaking I want to do to it but other than that its pretty much finished :)
Graphics 640, 480, 32, 2



4th March 2007

Heres a pair of functions I posted on dev-crunch. But since its gone i figured i may as well put em here. Once function does a vertical scrollbar, the other a horizontal one. They work pretty much perfectly as long as you dont use more than one of each typ*snip*


Sector Drawing Function

3rd March 2007

Draws a sector of a circle


Floodfill Function

11th January 2007

Heres a little floodfill function I made in case anyone needs one. Its kind of slow and simple so if anyone has a better floodfill routine I would like to see it :)
Type fill
Field x, y
End Type


Pompom Amoeba Things

7th January 2007

Heres a function I made the other night that draws moving fuzzy circles. You can get quite a range of effects by altering the parameters.
Dim fuzzer(10, 360), fuzzdir(10, 360)


Fizzy Vortex

1st January 2007

Happy new year. Heres a fizzy vortex to celebrate, and make your head spin.
Graphics 1024, 768
Global particles = CreateImage(GraphicsWidth(), GraphicsHeight())
Global count, oldtime, fps ;for fps
Global mode
Global col_timer, col_change


Binary Game

27th December 2006

A little game I made for practicing Binary maths. Switch the bits on/off by clicking the box with the mouse then press space to proceed. I put this here cos its not really worthy of a showcase but it can be fun for a few minutes.


Bubble Trail

27th December 2006

My first attempt at doing particles. I'll be working making it nicer and get it running faster. Play around with the variables in the NEW_BURST function to alter the effects.
Graphics 1024, 768
Global particles = CreateImage(GraphicsWidth(), Grap*snip*


Dropdown Menu

16th December 2006

A dropdown menu function with a little demo prog:
Graphics 1024, 768
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
;**********************!!! GLOBALS NEEDED IN PROG*snip*


Homing Missiles

2nd October 2006

A homing missile demo I wrote in Blitz Basic

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