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SoCoder -> Blogs Home -> Blogs

Created : 28 February 2012
System : Mac

AppSale Stats..

Normally I like to have nice flat areas, then bump things up with a nice sale, or an update, or a new app, so I can watch the spikes and see how much things change as a result.

This month, I've gone MENTAL!

  • 3 games free for a day (Unijuggler/SpikeDislike/Sheep Goes Left)
  • 2 new apps (Unijuggler/NeonPlat)
  • 1 update (Unijuggler)

    February kicks ass!!
    ...But, has it actually helped?

    .. can't tell!
    Ironically, doing it all at once has naffed up my usual "watch and see", because there's loads of stupid little bumps and ripples all over the graph.

    The "Free App" downloads have shot up for the one day I had the games free, in exactly the same way they did last year.
    SpikeDislike obviously being the biggest (2,600!), with Sheep and UniJuggler being about 300 each.
    You can tell which one's popular!

    Sales wise, it's plodded along at the usual 2 or 3 per day, with little spikes where the new ones pop up. For the most part, these are twitter followers, and AGameAWeek downloaders.
    Methinks Marketing may be the key, here... I suck at that!

    SpikeDislike's had a good 5-per-day since it's freebie day, though.. That's not too bad!

    Otherwise, it's just little bumps as usual.

    It's far too early to tell how NeonPlat's going to do, but so far it appears to have bottomed out just like Unijuggler, Daisy Chains and Sheep Goes Left did.

    *carries on regardless*

