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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Site updates coming soon...

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Sat, 17 Feb 2007, 05:47
Left overnight, Windows Vista is certainly thorough in it's methods of destruction.

It very nicely downloaded and installed some "Important Updates"
Very important they are, too.
Like the new driver for my graphics card which causes the display driver to crash every 5 seconds.

Luckily, if you Disable the driver completely, you still get to use the graphics card as a sub standard SVGA adapter.

No Aero theme for me, anymore!

So, the need to purchase a decent graphics card has increased, and yet I'm off to work shortly.
Guess that'll have to be done tomorrow, then.

Or maybe I'll code tomorrow, and go Card-hunting on Monday instead.

Oh, yeah, and DevKitPro (DS Devkit) doesn't work in Vista.


''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 17 Feb 2007, 08:09
power mousey
hey Jay,

which driver and for what graphic card? Is it Nvidia or ATI? Maybe...um do you have another grahics card such as an FX 5200 or equivalent?
I hear they work good on this Vista. Again, I'm not getting Vista until way,way later. Until Microsoft works out the bugs and glitches. I'll just wait awhile.
I better get that new desktop PC and fast that still has Windows XP installed(pre-installed) in it. true.

Sorry to hear that your DS devkit doesn't work on Vista.
But will the programs you develop with this DS devkit on the XP work in Vista?


Sat, 17 Feb 2007, 14:52
Hey Jay, which version of vista do you have. And i recommend that no one should ever buys a Microsoft OS until at least a year after being released, then it is likley to have a lot less bugs...

''It works, but I'm not sure why it works...''
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