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Socoder -> What Have You Done -> What Have You Done : 2nd March 2011

Wed, 02 Mar 2011, 03:32


What did you get done this week.
  • SpikeDislike 1.3 uploaded...
  • Swingy thing made
  • Silly Youtube Vid complete

    Did everything turn out as planned?
    SpikeDislike still isn't online.
    Apple used to do SpikeDislike tests in a day. They're ignore me, now..

    The swingy thing's alright. In that it's kinda playable.
    It's not great, though.
    .. I'm thinking a proper set of levels would've done it, but that doesn't really fit when you're rushing a game within 2 days!

    And .. The oddball tune is exactly as expected. Nothing special, but nothing un-odd!


    What didn't you get done?
  • Ummm......

    Why not?
    I think I managed to do everything I'd planned to do, for a change, this week.


    What are you working on right now?
    SpikeDislike Badges!
    I'm doodling some ideas, and making neat little badges.
    I say "Little", but apparently Apple need them at 512x512 pixels (even thought they're only 64x64 on a none-retina screen) so each one's taking the feckin' piss!!!

    How's that going?
    .. I've now given up trying to redo the fonts at each size, and am now just lazily rescaling them.
    Sod that!


    What's the plan for the week ahead?
  • Badges
  • More screaming at Apple, when I try to integrate GameCenter
  • And probably more screaming after that!


    You can copy+paste the BBCode from the box below, or structure however else you'd like...
    > Reveal 🔎

    ''Load, Next List!''
  • Wed, 02 Mar 2011, 07:58


    What did you get done this week.
  • Got B'lox! uploaded to the WebOS store for Palm Pre phones
  • Woke up at 04:30 and walked my dogs for an hour. That's 2.5 hours early

    Did everything turn out as planned?
    Kind of. Filling in lots of online forms is fun. Not.


    What didn't you get done?
  • U.S. Tax forms for WebOS distribution

    Why not?
    Need to visit Tax Office to make sure they are done properly


    What are you working on right now?
    A new 3D (probably) freeware game that involves a ball.
    How's that going?
    It's my very first proper 3D game and it's going well now after a slow start. I expect it to be problematic very soon though!


    What's the plan for the week ahead?
  • Other than work? I don't know yet.
  • Thu, 03 Mar 2011, 11:17
    Haven't posted on here for a bit, so let's do a list of recent things instead!


    What did you get done recently.
  • Reached a milestone in the (admittedly slow) upgrading of Snombies. Items system has now been rewritten with an attack system that makes more sense, proper graphics for bullets, an understandable weapon pickup system, and a whole host of other changes. Doesn't seem like much considering it's been over a month, but it's mostly been work at weekends, given school and stuff.
  • Started, then promptly stopped (see below) work on School Coding Competition entry.

    Did everything turn out as planned?
    Snombies progress has been typically slow, due to time constraints and some laziness. But it is going as planned!


    What didn't you get done?
  • Anything beyond a page-downloader function for the school coding compo.

    Why not?
    The rules have kept changing (well, being added to) due to a few oversights in the rules. One of these issues was big enough that it needed to be fixed before I could continue, but this took a week to sort out because the guy running the competition was on holiday. So no work really got done on that. :/


    What are you working on right now?
    In a minute I will have to do a Maths assessment, then probably work on my competition entry. Or play Minecraft. Or both.

    How's that going?
    Advanced Differentiation! Heuristics! Creepers! All these await me this evening!


    What's the plan for the week ahead?
  • Start next leg of Snombies coding.
  • Get a working prototype of my compo entry working.

    A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

    Keep It Simple, Shroom!
  • Thu, 03 Mar 2011, 15:26
    Ugh.. I hate compos with changing rules.
    Hopefully things'll be better organised next time.

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Fri, 04 Mar 2011, 03:45


    What did you get done this week?
  • Work
  • HTML project
  • Trimmed unnecessary part of site
  • Sketching.

    Did everything turn out as planned?
    I suppose so.


    What didn't you get done?
  • Oddly enough... Nothing.

    Why not?


    What are you working on right now?
    Exploring some place, somewhere.

    How's that going?
    Well, it's not as if I'm really using my legs...


    What's the plan for the week ahead?
  • Work
  • Take a photo of something
  • Get things done.
  • Fri, 04 Mar 2011, 11:14
    @Jay: It's not quite what it sounds like. Basically, the competition is involves downloading some information from Wikipedia, but some of us realised that the rules weren't clear whether we could use the Wikipedia API, or had to download the actual pages.

    A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

    Keep It Simple, Shroom!