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Socoder -> Off Topic -> IGN Likes SpikeDislike

Thu, 07 Mar 2013, 09:02
Thu, 07 Mar 2013, 09:02
Linkage From about 2 minutes in!

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Thu, 07 Mar 2013, 09:10
Nice one!

Thu, 07 Mar 2013, 09:16
Told you, $3m a week just like angry birds
Thu, 07 Mar 2013, 09:22
That's cool, amazing publicity
Thu, 07 Mar 2013, 09:28
Yay! \/
Thu, 07 Mar 2013, 09:30
That was posted on Tuesday.
Wednesdays sales were half of Tuesdays.


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Thu, 07 Mar 2013, 09:37

That was posted on Tuesday.
Wednesdays sales were half of Tuesdays.

iOS dev is hard work... I had two games on there, one I could say was a success, because it didnt take too long to build, the other, well, didnt shift half as many copies as the first, but IMO, was the better game out of them both.

I think if you have the patience (And I think Jay has it by the barrow full) and keep on chucking games at it, you will get more and more success, but I never, I had fun while doing it, but alas, wont be going back.

Bet it feels good seeing your game in lights though eh!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Thu, 07 Mar 2013, 10:15
"I don't know why it looks like this!!" ... I know

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Thu, 07 Mar 2013, 10:27

"I don't know why it looks like this!!" ... I know

Just goes to show... Gameplay over posh graphics FTW!!!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Thu, 07 Mar 2013, 11:33
148Apps.com have posted their review! Woohoo!!!

I can understand them giving it a low mark for graphics, but 2.5/5 seems a little high!!
If this is 2.5, I don't think I want to see a game that only gets 1/5!!!!

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Thu, 07 Mar 2013, 14:59
I think if you didn't *intentionally* try to aim for a retro look, you might score higher on graphics...

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Thu, 07 Mar 2013, 15:13
Throughout development of SD2, I did have that little dilemma.
Do I go for "SpikeDislike2!" graphics, or do I overhaul it all, and beautify it?
I went the quickest route!!

.. I might make a "Beautiful Dislike" theme, though, and make the game overly "nice" just to fuck with people

Another Review!

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Thu, 07 Mar 2013, 17:13
Nice, Jay! Very exciting! Guess they still have to warm up to your graphics style though.

My Twitter
Thu, 07 Mar 2013, 23:57
Awesome! There's some really solid gameplay in SpikeDislike so it's certainly deserved. It's crazy how cheap all App Store games are though. Are they all priced at $0.99?
Fri, 08 Mar 2013, 00:13
So Jay, did you get a 'Spike' in sales yesterday?
Fri, 08 Mar 2013, 02:23
Did I balls..
I'm going to post a nice bloggy thing at some point tomorrow, once Fridays sales stats are in.

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Sat, 09 Mar 2013, 07:46
Bloggy thing posted.

Long story short, and without giving specifics (which Apple seem to disapprove of, for whatever the hell reason!) I've had more than 100, and less than 300, total, in the first week.

Not quite what I was after, but then SpikeDislike1's had over 4,500 downloads, too, because that was free during Launch Day..


I'll let it simmer for the rest of the week, and see what happens to it.
I imagine it's probably already peaked, though.

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Sun, 10 Mar 2013, 03:40
Apparently it's a good idea to start your app free, then price your app after a few days. That way, it's picked up by a bunch of automated sates that look for price changes.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Sun, 10 Mar 2013, 04:31
I've tried all sorts of methods, over the years.
Start Free, Start Priced then go instantly Free, Start Priced then do a "Big Sale on your Birthday!!"
.. Oddly, that last one gave SpikeDislike1 a great big mega-spike.
.. meaning I didn't get any cash for all those thousands of new players.

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Sun, 10 Mar 2013, 05:11
I read an article a long while back about what encourages people to try apps (or at least look at them) - whether free or paid. Apparently it's all down to the icon.

If people like your icon they will try the game, or at least look at it. Secondly it's the name of the app that's important.

I don't know if this is true for everybody, but I'd have to say I agree with this. I visit TouchArcade's "New Games" page several times a day, and generally I DO judge a book by it's cover and investigate the icons (and game name) that either looks or sounds interesting or appeals to my taste in games.

I'm probably in the minority, but I tend to click on retro-styled icons (eg 8bit, 16bit) pixel arty icons, as that's the general type of game I like or appeal to me. See every game I've ever done for chunky vivid pixels - eg AquaVenture (I blame my Amstrad CPC )

Something cartoony, stylized or mysterious grabs my attention pretty quickly.

Perhaps it's your icons putting people off Jay?
Sun, 10 Mar 2013, 05:26
Are you suggesting I can't draw!!!??

How dare you!
My spikes are divine!!

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Sun, 10 Mar 2013, 05:34
I didn't say anything of the sort! I like the icons, as that's exactly what appeals to me - 8bit simplicity, vivid colours and an air of mystery.

However, I'm pretty sure I'm in the minority. If you want mass-market, mass-appeal is important.

As for your spike, I'm not sure it's best displayed in public...
Sun, 10 Mar 2013, 06:18


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Tue, 02 Apr 2013, 04:18
IGN Continues to like SpikeDislike it seems.
Or at least, readers do.
I got a Tweet back from IGN Wireless's editor, this morning, about "DislikeGate"..

Basically, after the latest reviews, the rest of the Top Ten list is exactly that.. Their most clicked on games. The top of the pile. The best of the best.

Which basically means, if you discount the top 4 games which are all the latest reviews, Spike Dislike 2 is inexplicably IGN's MOST POPULAR iPHONE GAME!!!!

Fuckity fucknuts!!!

So, um, yeah.. ok, fair enough!!

Speaking of odd bits of fanfare...
: Download
This took me AGES to find!! Wrapped inside an epic EIGHT HOUR LONG podcast.. Hunted and hunted and hunted, and then what? They say nuffin', and instead rant about Spinal giving his name in reverse order.

Aw well, never mind.

Thanks for that, Spinal

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