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Socoder -> Handheld Coding -> Datel Compo Deadline Extension

Wed, 01 Nov 2006, 15:09
The Datel "Make a DS Game" compo has had it's deadline extended... The day after the deadline..

FFS, People.. Pick a day and stick with it!

So, first up, I can get Stringy Things updated a bit, and then I can go and make another game.
Or if I can figure out the file stuff, do a JNKPlat.
Guess only time will tell which it is.

And since I don't know when the new deadline will be, I'd better get a move on!

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 02 Nov 2006, 02:53
The new deadline is "About 2 more weeks, unless the entries stop appearing."

So, lets have a think.

What type of game can I make within 2 weeks, that's going to look and play really well, without needing too much work to get going?

Space Monkey games are usually good for a compo entry, especially if it's Invisible Munky, but I don't think I'm quite ready for Pixel based Line collisions, just yet!
Matrix Blaster would look great on the DS, especially with all the blurring going on.
JNKPlat, but without files working it kinda kills the whole point of it.

Something small, without too much scrolling, but with lots of movement that doesn't look too bad when blurring.

... Hmm..

Every so often, I head to back to a game I created a while ago called "The Quest" (A bit of a worklog of an unfinished game, on my old Mobile Phone Dev site!)
It's basically an expanded version of the old Hero Quest board game, and I think it could work quite well on the DS, especially with it's "Pack of cards" style of gameplay.
I'll have a play with that, I think. See what turns up.

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 02 Nov 2006, 02:53
Text Adventure?

Thu, 02 Nov 2006, 06:06
The Quest didn't work out. I started it, but then decided that I'd rather not bother rushing it, and would much rather take my time with it.

So what next?

Well, it's there for a reason, so I opened up my list of Workshop entries, to see if there were any good ideas.
And there's a few interesting ones..

1) Scratched Tanks. 2 tanks, 1 landscape, blow each other up.
This is a great game, and I'd love to do it, but there's already someone over at the PALib forum doing a clone of it, and I don't really want to step on his game.

2) Zombies!!! using the zombie sprite from the very same Quest game! Could be interesting, but could I make a good enough Zombie game?

3) Greenie's Gameboy Adventure. Strangely, I did attempt doing a "DS Edition" when we had the DS Challenge, but never quite finished it.

4) LightHoles could be fun, but I think it'd really need File Access to work better.

5) Marvin the Wireframe Aeroplane is fun, but very simplistic. Probably not a good compo entry, but would be fun to send in on Nov 5th, just for the hell of it!

6) 571CKM4N. Probably one of my stupidest games, EVER! But so much fun! OHNOS! TEH GLEW!

7) Platfire would be easy, and is quite fun. A definite possibility.

8) And lastly, PipeRunners. 2 Players, screen each, uses Up Down Left Right and "Button" (DPad+LTrigger, ABXY+RTrigger) Seems the perfect game. But I'd have to ask Superior Software for permission to use it, like I did last time.

I'll go email them, and get started on Platfire in the meantime.

''Load, Next List!''