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Socoder -> Misc Gaming -> the Hydra complete! :)

Thu, 09 Nov 2006, 02:24
power mousey
hey everybody,

these are first shots...and at the Vintage Computer Festival...of the Hydra console and book. It was in the Xgamestation booth.
Too bad I couldn't go cause I couldn't get the day off from work. But too good that Andre put up a few shots of the Hydra at his booth.


and also


power mousey
Thu, 09 Nov 2006, 02:50
Great stuff!
.. But I'd rather code for my DS!

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 09 Nov 2006, 03:07
Does the booth babe come with it?

|edit| In order to retain some likeness to slightly on-topic, I wish to say that it looks good. I just wish I had more money. |edit|
Thu, 09 Nov 2006, 08:00
Makes my eyeballs eject from their sockets... Console shot don't look too bad either.
Thu, 09 Nov 2006, 09:23
power mousey


I sorta know what you mean. Similar thing for me when seeing the Nintendo Wii and even for both the One Chip MSX and PS3.
Great stuff...but I'll be into the Hydra.


didn't you know?? that this booth babe is one of the various human female forms of the Queen of the gods....Hera herself. Maybe not as beautiful as Aphrodite....but still beautiful and with a beautiful mind too.


true, I hear ya. My eyes are going all over the place...especially looking at the posters in the background about the Xgs. And also looking at both Hera booth babe and at the book itself.
but just wait until I get the Hydra. And also for next year: the XGS 2...the Hyper cube computer too.

Spartan Soldier mousey
Thu, 09 Nov 2006, 10:01
power mousey

hey agent smith,

did you read about the update from Andre Lamothe?

and, everybody else included too:

Andre has stated that the Hydra will definitely be out by Christmas. And that if everything goes right....then this week. If not, then by Thanksgiving time frame.

excelesior!! true!
I can't wait. I need to calm down too. hmmm...I wonder if they are going to take pre-orders. I'll ask Andre and also
look for more info over at the Parallax forums.

a happy but tough
Spartan Soldier mousey
Thu, 09 Nov 2006, 13:36
cool, so is it out now?
Fri, 10 Nov 2006, 02:29
power mousey

hey magicman,

I asked Andre if he is taking pre-orders...and if he is, then I'll swipe in some of my plastic. true.
However, my whole family is willing to pitch in and buy me the Hydra as my major and early Christmas present. If I do decide 'yes' on this...then I'll receive some minor presents like clothes, a DVD or two.

Andre told me that its up to Parallax to gather all together the units and decide for a final price. So, on this its out of his hands...and its in Parallax corner.
I think and I hope Andre will sell some Hydra units and accessories from his Xgamestation site. I'm more comfortable buying from him and his site. But if I have too...then I'll buy the Hydra from Parallax. No doubt.

When its up for sale...at least at Parallax site, then I will let everybody know.

power Spartan mousey

Fri, 10 Nov 2006, 02:45
power mousey

oh yeah,

I forgot to to mention of what I also read up on both the Pallax forums and also over at the Xgamestation forums:

both Andre and Parallx are thinking of hosting a Game Developer Conference some time early next year. The location will probably be up in Mountain View, or at the headquarters of Parallax, or even the Civic Center in Downtown San Jose.
The Conference will have lectures,workshops, gaming booths and areas for games, and exhibit booths of companies. It will be entirely focused on both hardware,software, game development and even robotics for the SX micro-controllers and especially for the propeller chip and Hydra computer.
Definitely will go...and will make early plans for some time off from work too.

power mousey

Fri, 10 Nov 2006, 03:31
I spotted some nice "Squeeze Operated" gamepads too. LOL

|edit| I bet you would need 2 hands to play that console |edit|
Fri, 10 Nov 2006, 03:40
Did anyone notice the title on the big black TV in the foreground ? (Ball Buster)... I think that title is definately appropriate for the model in the photo shoot.

P.S... I definately was'nt reffering to the Hydra.

|edit| I wonder how long the photographer could stand up straight for ? (assuming the photographer was male) !. |edit|
Fri, 10 Nov 2006, 04:26
power mousey

oohhhh yeah, you're right steve.
I didn't even notice them. My eyes were focused on the booth babe and the Hydra book in her hands too.

hey, did you...or anybody else.. catch the slim keyboards too?? The ones to the left. These look really cool too.
What of been really cool and good: enclase the Hydra in a transparent case box and also with some air hole slots and some attachments for a micro-fan too. I'm sure you can get some. hey, something else to ask Andre about. But probably will be a Hydra accessory too.....just like both blank and third party built project built experimenter carts. And also game carts in the formats of 32k,64k, and 128k too.

oh yeah, I caught on to the game title 'Ball Busters' and with the babe. haha...funny and true edit at end.

power mousey
Fri, 10 Nov 2006, 04:48
power mousey

one more thing:

again, I wish I could've gone to the Vintage Computer Festival. My sister really wanted to go too. But I was sick with an allergy attack and couldn't get the time off from work. Next time...I'll be a little more prepared too.

read a paraphrased version of what Andre said about the Hydra over at the Vintage Computer in Mountain View within the Parallax discussion forums:

'...a lot of people thought it was the coolest thing at the festival. Especially the "Atari-esque" to the packaging and also including the printed book too. Also everyone really liked the game carts. Steve Russell...the creator of Space Wars...was there demoing games to some people.
The built-in Hydra Basic(tinybasic) was a hit among a lot of people and they couldn't believe how fast it was for an interpreter Basic(coded in 100% asm) that they were writing little programs that displayed "atari rules" and "apple sucks". Kids mostly played lock n chase, the 3d racing game and the breakout clones that we made.
after the 2 days at the Festival and constant tortue of the systems being hot slotted, game carts being put in backwards,etc and even falling off the tables...the hardware is solid and can take a beating.'

power mousey

Fri, 10 Nov 2006, 12:01
power mousey

hey everybody,

I found out that the Hydra will be sold over at both sites of Parallax and Xgamestation.
Now....eagerly waiting, like a lot of other Spartan enthusuasts for the Hydra.
oh well... I'm also waiting for a book to come in the mail that I ordered from Amazon.com It's that DBPRO programming book by Jonathan Harbour.

But hey, the Serpentine systems of digital dreams realized and finalized....

power mousey