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Socoder -> Off Topic -> That time of year again

Thu, 23 Aug 2007, 07:00

My GCSE results came out today.
Who else has theirs? I'm not the only one am I?

But, okey doke, time for a vanity post.
Combined results from this year and last year, in order of greatness:

Maths - A*
Graphics - A*
Physics - A*
Information Technology - A*
English Lit - A*
English - A
Religious Studies - A
Biology - B
Chemistry - C
Welsh Short(1/2) Course - C
French - D

And Core Maths 1 (AS Level) - 81% / A

I'm very pleased - I don't deserve most of those A*s!

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Thu, 23 Aug 2007, 07:06
Wow youre clever :o I only got 3 C's when I did my GCSEs, but that was a long time ago now.
Thu, 23 Aug 2007, 08:40

My GCSE's I got...

Maths, B
French, B
English Lang+Lit Both C's
Science, Double C
Music, D on account of I can't perform jack!!

And the "Oh, I really can't be arsed with playing with stupid sodding Access anymore. I can write my own database! What is the point of this!?!" Award..
Information Technology, E

Out of those, my English teacher was the most shocked.. She pretty much freaked out at me for getting a C.
.. She'd expected I'd fail, with an E if I really tried..

I didn't try hard..

I wrote a Star Trek story.

Teachers know nothing!

How on earth did you end up with that many GCSEs, though?! I'll assume you took a couple extra, what with having the AS Level maths in there, too.

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 23 Aug 2007, 09:19
Those are extremely good results Ben.

When I was still at school the teachers never really gave a XXXX about us students, so a lot of us flunked and left school with hardly any grades. It all had something to do with disputes over low pay for teachers, and a lot our of teachers resigned. That's why I'm planning on re-sitting my exams in the not too distant future, It's probably going to cost me an arm and a leg financially though . Always remember all you old timers out there, you're never too old.
Thu, 23 Aug 2007, 09:47
Since he's Welsh I'll presume he's doing the Welsh board. They are easy. I remember seeing one science paper by the Welsh which had two easy questions. The first was: 'name two consequences of sleeping around?' and the second was am outline of a dog and you had to draw an outline of the male dog humping her (not joking). I presume it was a Biology paper.

But still, good results. I remember I got mainly Bs for my GCSE except for an A in RE and a D in French. Might have had a C or two too.
Thu, 23 Aug 2007, 10:56
I remember seeing one science paper by the Welsh which had two easy questions. The first was: 'name two consequences of sleeping around?' and the second was am outline of a dog and you had to draw an outline of the male dog humping her (not joking). I presume it was a Biology paper.

I find it hard to believe that the tests would be that offensive. Perhaps you saw something different.

Also, while the first question may be easy, I think I'd have trouble drawing the male dog.

Thu, 23 Aug 2007, 11:02
Lol, Diablo!

I took the OCR board for Science - Oxford, Cambridge and RSA Examinations
The rest were mainly WJEC - which are a pretty decent board - and one EdExcel.

I did have some excellent teachers though - my maths, IT, physics and Graphics teachers really put a lot into teaching us.

And, yeah, doing some early helped a lot - I don't think I could get a full 5 A*s in one go

Cheers all

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Thu, 23 Aug 2007, 14:53
Well, I still need to say...

Ben, if I wore a hat I would take it off and salute. Well done dude .
Thu, 23 Aug 2007, 14:55
Thank you Steve

I'm going to milk this success for all it's worth, and see if my mum will get me a cheap graphics tablet or some extra RAM for it

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Thu, 23 Aug 2007, 15:20
hobo, get some new RAM for your laptop. to at least 1 GB, you will see a really big difference over your current 512MB

then get the graphics table so you can use it with your laptop without any hiccups

also i hate you for getting better grades than me...

i like green haired girls...
Thu, 23 Aug 2007, 15:59
Cheers Hyrule
Yeah, a full GB of RAM would be luxury - 512 is honestly the minimum these days, that's basically filled with GIMP, Firefox and the OS.

Hey, so how did you do in your exams? I'd bet you're not really that far off me

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Thu, 23 Aug 2007, 16:14
i got a C in english and a B in the maths

other than that pretty much the same, i've been slacking lately. this year i am going to get my GPA up by getting all or mostly As.

i almost failed spanish so i really need to get my GPA up. i am being careful with what classes i pick this year. no classes that i know i will struggle in. i am also never taking their computer classes. they are crap even though i know i can get an easy A.

the most they cover is truebasic and html. that easy A is looking very tempting right now

i like green haired girls...
Thu, 23 Aug 2007, 16:26
Shame about those computing classes.
By the sounds of it, over here Computing is the freedom to write any program you want, provided it interacts with a database (bluech!).
You get no marks for the program, just the documentation, but at least you get extra coding time!

I'm also aiming next year to do a self-study course on Java - either that or end up picking a subject I don't want to take, like English or a language. I need to do a certain number of hours to qualify for the low-income grant, otherwise I'd be a bit lazier!

But the thing I'm most looking forward to is being able to leave school to grab a cuppa whenever I want without having to run away from the deputy head all the time

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Thu, 23 Aug 2007, 16:27
I just started school today, which makes all my grades A's. WooHoo! and i must say you did well, except for the D in french, shame, much shame.

Stuff... Yeah...
Thu, 23 Aug 2007, 16:53
Holy cow! Those are really good results, especially the AS level maths.
My results were quite average (ahem) but I did get a A* in art... which later on didn't account for much anyway -_-'

Get the RAM, I'll post you my old Wacom A6 graphics tablet if you want

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Thu, 23 Aug 2007, 19:20
hobo, i get to graduate early this year so i wanna get really high marks so i can jump straight to college.

once my counselor sends me the classes i can take i will probably pick mostly math and history since i did my sciences last year

also hobo 512 is the bare minimum, 1 GB is the minimum for a good work machine. you will also probably notice that your games will run a lot smoother.

i like green haired girls...
Fri, 24 Aug 2007, 16:03
@ Hyrule,
Cool, good luck
Yeah, I only have one game I play often - Tremulous (free, open source) - but it's fairly demanding to run. Extra RAM might be good

@ Svrman,
Wow, you'd really give me that? (I'd pay for postage of course)
Only, it needs to be a USB one because my Laptop is the only decent computer I have, and hasn't got any fancy sockets.
Cheers, matey
That's very friendly of you

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Fri, 24 Aug 2007, 16:16
Hey no problem dude!
PM me/email me your address. I've had it since college and the pen is a bit cracked but it's still in top shape because I don't use it much

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