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Socoder -> Blitz -> Cipher/Decipher Testing (with Xor)

Fri, 03 Apr 2020, 05:32

Cipher/Decipher Testing (with Xor)

i have found this code, over on the german blitzbasic forum, for simple de/ciphering of the text, using xor.

I made two functions of it and added arrow keys control, to display the results.
Left + right move by 1, up + down move the number by 10.

Basically, the ciphering is working, but the numbers 0 and 32 are to be avoided, because 0 returns the same text, and 32 returns it as switched upper/lower case letters.

Fri, 03 Apr 2020, 06:24
Increase complexity with a Keyword.

Keyword$="This Is My Encryption Key"

And then within your loop, instead of always using the same zahl value, grab zahl as the ascii value of the wrapped character in the keyword.

(apologies if that code's a bit mangled.. did that in the browser!)

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 04 Apr 2020, 00:21
Yeah, they had a complex encryption method too, but i was curious to see how the each string is xor-ed, by a single number, hence the demonstration code.
Sat, 04 Apr 2020, 12:28
XOR encryption is pretty pointless - it's very easily broken and seriously insecure. If you need to encrypt something then look at stronger methods. Otherwise, don't bother. If your goal is just to hide information from the "casual user/gamer" then there's far better ways of doing this.

Not saying for the sake of it - info sec is part of my day job for large corps (and is seriously tedious and boring).