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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Frickin Fecking Freezin! :\\

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Fri, 02 Nov 2007, 18:38
That's another fact, alot of people that design the roads and the people that make up all the spin and b***ocks, dont actually drive.

You will probably find that they do. Just about everyoine with money drives. Even I do, and I'm not all that rich.

What I would like to see is, all the cars dissappear from the roads, and be replaced by some sort of travelator/conveyor belt system,

Yes teleporting or something would be nice
Fri, 02 Nov 2007, 18:39
OOPS !... I almost forgot. This is the Mousey Of Power's topic and I think that we have all gone way off topic LOL.

So ! Mr Mousey... What is your view of this issue ?.
Fri, 02 Nov 2007, 18:41
mike_g Yes teleporting or something would be nice

At least we agree on something LOL .
Fri, 02 Nov 2007, 20:56
power mousey


again, our Mother Nature...our Earth, can take only
so much. Eventually the ecologicals can bear only and recycle and filter so much. Eventually the well is going to run dry. Things are only going to get much worse...
We are kept from seeing,living,hearing from the effects
of this global warming and among other things for a reason.
But there will come a time a period of time when the effects are fully shown and realized.
Not just the effects of global warming, but also of
pollution, overpopulation, many more countless skirmishes and wars for resources and control, climatal changes.
The signs of the times. More of the birth pangs!
Not to mention more famines,plagues(natural and man-made),
water shortages, more and more and of a higher intensity and quantity and quality of earthquakes,storms and other natural diasters too. And more of strange signs in the sun,moon and skies too.
Read Revelation please.

I have nothing to gain by joing this Green Project.
I'm not a tree hugger nor a New Ager nor even a Enviromental wacko. I don't want power nor control nor money from the public or companies nor any government
entity. Not from any nor all groups. No matyr complexes either.
My main motivation is to wake and have the sheep look up.
True! And to make people aware and prepared of the inevitable that is coming. And to help reduce and even delay the inevitable that is coming and fore told.

but its okay and I understand...if you believe or not.
It has happened many times before. Even being misunderstood and ridiculed. A little example will
suffice in a following post.
And in about 2 minutes or less from this post...

Fri, 02 Nov 2007, 21:18
power mousey

now for my example..one of my examples.

Many,many years ago and back in the early 80's
and going to college at San Jose State I met a few friends
who were into various and similar interests as I was.
Like video games, programming, electrical enginnering,
and even basketball and weightlifting too.
A few friends connected me to these various groups
about supposedly silly and stupid allegations(I first thought) that FairChild and even IBM were illegally dumping contaminants into their wells and were leaking into the San Jose water supplies and soils.

I was first shocked and thought these people were Enviromental wackos and just plain weird and crazy...and probably had nothing else significant to do with their time and lives. A few of my college buddies and even some of my professors told and convinced me to check it out.
To do the research and investigations. Andd then decide for yourself.
Well, after a few months of researching and investigation
I was still in shock and denial but it was true. Both IBM
and Fairchild were at times illegally dumping contaminants into water wells that were seeping out into the soils and surrounding lands and even into some of the drinking wells of the San Jose water.
I joined the drive, the protest, and signed many petitions to IBM and Fairchild. I told a lot of people and showed what I found out. Some were in shock and denial like I initially was. I told family,friends, others.
Most misunderstood me and even laughed at me. Even joked
about it. A lot of people that I encountered and some of my college professors took up the attidude and thought:

"what!?? Won't happen here and can't. We live in the Silicon Valley. A lot of companies and business here."

Eventually, both Fairchild and IBM admitted and confessed
that they were dumping contaminants into their water wells and knew that they were leaking into the surrounding lands and other underground drinking wells. They paid really big fines and put lots of time and effort into cleanups
and came under heavy scrutiny by the EPA and also OSHA for this and other issues too.
More detailed monitoring, and more detailed safety and enviromental programs were started and implemented at these and other companies.

Nuff said.

Sat, 03 Nov 2007, 04:44
The Mousey Of Power has enlightened us all again .

I've got a concept that might work... If we all bottle-up our farts, we could power the world with that... (Mad Max Thunderdome Moment) .

|edit| Plus, it might create more jobs in the Baked Bean Industry, and create more egg farms |edit|
Sat, 03 Nov 2007, 06:48
Let me just say something here (courtesy of Al Gore):

'This is really not a political issue, so much as a moral issue! (...) Our ability to live is what is at stake...'

Sure, you can follow DiablosDevil in saying that you don't care cos it's not going to affect you anyways. But if you have kids... do you care if it affects them? What about their kids?
And even today... just this year there's been several reports on the Norwegian news of people who are complaining about not being able to walk in certain areas of certain cities (especially during rush hour) due to pollution. And with all due respect, I would like to point out that Norway is hardly the country in the world that has the largest cities that are the most prone to pollution; Oslo, Norway's largest city, only has about 500, 000 residents, and that's less than half of the population of London, the capitol of UK, which probably isn't even the largest city in the UK. And London is minuscule compared to some American cities...

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Sat, 03 Nov 2007, 08:35
Well, I don't agree with Al Gore right there.

It's definitely a political issue. If governments are putting profits and big business before anything else, they aren't going to do everything they can to stop exploitation of the environment. As far as most countries are concerned, a moral politician is a complete oxymoron!

|edit| Note to all : This is the 10,000 post! (see Permalink) Kick ass! |edit|

blog | work | code | more code
Sat, 03 Nov 2007, 11:34
There ya' go !... It's true that you can run a car on chad gasses from turds.

Sat, 03 Nov 2007, 17:13
The bottom line is that arguments for any side can be found.

Don't believe in Global Warming? There are hundreds of websites with supporting evidence.

Think it's true? There are hundreds of websites with supporting evidence.

It's not worth arguing over.

Sat, 03 Nov 2007, 18:35
power mousey

that is true Nolan bro.
you are so right.
Although its okay to talk and share
and even discuss...

Arguments don't solve anything
and eventually lead to flames,hard feelings
and personal attacks.

I just say check it out for yourself
and come to your own conclusions.

Sun, 04 Nov 2007, 01:06
All I can say is pray for the time when the government gets replaced by one that is not greedy. That's when we will start to see a difference on this f**ked-up planet.

Alternatively, find another planet without the government finding out about it.

|edit| I think that a lot of us believe, things are going to change by 2012 anyway |edit|
Sun, 04 Nov 2007, 08:43
power mousey

it ain't gonna happen Steve,
and you know it.

Things are going to get worse and worse.
The inevitable will happen...and you know what I mean.

just like you Steve know and perhaps a few others on this board that the war in Iraq was a distraction.
For sure, its about the oil...no doubt.
But more than that: to test out new figthing procedures, weapons, and devices too. The war merchants make a profit
but also to use them in our Nations when martial law is declared one way or another.
But there also a few other resons too....Hussein declared himself the New Nebuchanezzar. One fo the first actions was to ovet tke his plalce and loot and pilliage national treasure but also ancient artifacts and writings.
Maybe some of our governments and scientists know some things that we don't. Also, for a massive joint USA and UN building of the largest embassy in the world.
A global economic and cultural center for the whole world
and in the New World Order...with the assimilation of many iSLAMISTS and other Arabs and Muslims too.
And for the setting up and international headquarters
for the false Christ. Revelation 18:9-24...

Sun, 04 Nov 2007, 16:42
Here is some more spin that some plonker in our country would do, if they had their own way.


|edit| And yet our Priminister Gordon Brown said that he will put an end to spin. |edit|
Sun, 04 Nov 2007, 23:13
power mousey

and all of this is being set up
and leading towards:


and don't forget the Fema camps and other concentration
camps once martial law is declared in the nations and the
New World Order is implemented worldwide too....
it will be for illegal aliens, terrorists,suspected terrorists, even those citizens legally and rightfully speak out against the evil and atrocities will be considered terrorists too.
And oh yeah a good measure for population control and from
the Georgia Guidestones.
Re-education once or twice...if not, then death by gassing or be-heading.

The Georgia Guidestones first:
a Fema camp later.

View on YouTube

this is just a promotional clip
for a documentary on the Georgia Guidestones.

here is some more information:


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