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Socoder -> On Topic -> Average harddrive-space these days?

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Mon, 26 May 2008, 03:53
Why does everything have to be so fucking huge these days?!
*Goes to check WoW folder...* 9,45 gigs!
Just bought Flight Simulator X, which is about 15 gigs, and the newest MMORPG from the Norwegian developer Funcom, Age of Conan, takes at least 25 gigs. Then there's Lord of the Rings Online, which lands at a feisty 7,86 gigs, and Visual Studio 2008 (conveniently enough installed as 'Visual Studio 9.0') taking 1.30 gigs.
So, how much space do you have alltogether, how much of it is available, and how much do you use? Do you expect to be buying more space anytime soon?

I have around 616 gigs alltogether, and I estimate I'm using about half of it for the time being.

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Mon, 26 May 2008, 03:58
In total, I've about 500Gb, give or take.
Quite a large lump of that is taken up with my Music, then there's all the TV torrents that I have an annoying tendancy of never deleting!
If I did delete them, it'd be much better, and I wouldn't have to keep hunting for rubbish to get rid of every few weeks!

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 26 May 2008, 04:45
I have a habit of "collecting" Linux distros which I started when I was looking for an alternative to Ubuntu, but I only use most of them in virtual machines. The .iso images are quite small (50MB-700MB each) but I have 100GB of VirtualBox virtual-hard-drives that I really should get rid of now that I've found Arch!

Altogether (several computers) I have exactly 600GB of storage, and I'm using almost exactly half of that. But I have (in theory) 588GB of online webspace which I use to backup code onto, of which I'm using less than 350MB.

blog | work | code | more code
Mon, 26 May 2008, 06:40
Using 44.5GB of 99.1GB on this laptop at the moment.

The old sucky WinME machine had a massive 20GB hard-drive! You couldn't even fit 'Age of Conan' (above) onto that!

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Mon, 26 May 2008, 06:57
I have about 400gb in total, but less then half is (properly) used. I annoyingly have over 100gb partitioned for Ubuntu on one of my disks, which I plan to change. But generally these days I use very little space.

Afro, my copy of VS 2008 takes up closer to 4gb.
Mon, 26 May 2008, 07:30
Afro, my copy of VS 2008 takes up closer to 4gb.

I only installed Visual C#, Visual C++, MSDN for the two and some other stuff like Team Server.

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Mon, 26 May 2008, 10:24
Plus I'm using the Pro version which probably has tonnes of extra stuff I'll never even find.
Mon, 26 May 2008, 11:03
Well, my poor little laptop has 80gb, my girlfriends computer has 650gb.

I remember my first 486 (25mhz) had a whopping 120mb

Check out my excellent homepage!
Mon, 26 May 2008, 14:41
My main storage is:
160Gb HD in my main computer
40Gb HD for backup

Throughout my room, I have about 300 GB storage (including those 2) though its all in such small amonts

I also have a old i486 DX Laptop running at 33Mhtz with a 120MB HD, which just died

''It works, but I'm not sure why it works...''
Mon, 26 May 2008, 16:18
But I have (in theory) 588GB of online webspace which I use to backup code onto, of which I'm using less than 350MB.

Gief URL!
I wanna one of those virtual harddrives too! <3

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Mon, 26 May 2008, 16:31
Well, as your asking, here's a shameless plug for a coupon link (you get 25GB extra space if you use it, and I get two months free!):


It's pretty fast, but I'm not sure if they really would let you use all of it although the folks who wrote the predecessor to Portal, Narbacular Drop, use the same host and apparently get through nearly all of the bandwidth with no problems.

There's software that comes with the hosting package so that on windows you can mount your webspace to a drive (like S:/) which is handy if you can't be bothered to open up an FTP client.

blog | work | code | more code
Mon, 26 May 2008, 22:50
Main computer: 74+320+320 (754gb) (116 free) Games Computer
Comp 2: 120+200 (320gb) (180gb free) File server/media comp
Comp 3: 80+160+160 (400gb) (16gb free) Media center in den
Comp 4: 74gb (43gb free) Aux Processor for Studio
Laptop: 250gb (154gb free) My Laptop
Laptop 2: 250gb (240gb free) Tablet PC
Studio (comp 3 in signature): 500+500 (960gb due to cutdown) (470gb free) Studio recording computer/MIDI device router

I am Busy Mongoose - My Website

Dev PC: AMD 8150-FX, 16gb Ram, GeForce GTX 680 2gb

Current Project: Pyroxene
Thu, 29 May 2008, 17:24
I have 40Gig on my laptop and an external 160G

The 40G latop drive has about 8 Gig free but is divided into two partitions.

My 160Gig has about 12 Gig free. This amount is estimated since I am converting all my wav files into MP3 files. I would have done it sooner but I discovered that a slight phase shift sound crept into the converted wav file.

Tue, 03 Jun 2008, 05:38
320ish gig HDD with 100ish gigs used up
Tue, 03 Jun 2008, 06:25
150+80, with ~150GB used up.

I am currently using the 80GB disk for My Documents back up nd a store of lossless audio, which is growing rapidly.

The 150GB one is just a jumbled mess of... Everything.
Tue, 03 Jun 2008, 09:46
On my new eee PC I have 1.68gb on the main disc of which 527mb are used and 14gb on my home disc of which only 2.3gb are used. They might both be small but they are also both solid state drives. The increase in performance with them is also REALLY impressive. I'd highly recommend people buying a solid state drive in the future for putting their OS and main programs on.
Tue, 03 Jun 2008, 12:54
Orion Pax
When you say solid state, your talking about things like USB sticks right? Not HD's with spinning disk and a head to read the information....
Tue, 03 Jun 2008, 14:37
Yes, that's what I mean. No moving parts so it's faster, silent and uses less power. A solid-state drive is also a lot faster then a USB stick.
Tue, 03 Jun 2008, 20:24
Do those eee PCs come with some sort of recovery disk so you can wipe them clean and start over with whatever OS your model came with?
I've thought about getting an XP one, but I'd like to occasionally run Linux, as well.

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.
Tue, 03 Jun 2008, 21:22
They probably don't run XP the greatest.
Tue, 03 Jun 2008, 21:26
They originally shipped with only Vista! I'd imagine XP runs a bit better

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.
Tue, 03 Jun 2008, 22:20
They originally shipped with only Vista! I'd imagine XP runs a bit better


I understood they originally ran Xandros OS?
That's what mine is running, apparently.

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Tue, 03 Jun 2008, 22:24
XP performance depends entirely on what your doing. I've seen plenty of videos where XP runs far faster then it ever did on my main PC. Videos of people navigating folders (which is aways instant on the eee), playing music and videos, and opening and closing lots of small applications like FireFox. All of those things will mainly be using lots of disc IO and very little CPU usage, so the SSD really comes into it's own.

NetBeans 6 (something heavier) opens in less then a quarter of the time it did on my main PC, again cos it just does lots of disc IO loading in the editor and then finding and loading modules. NetBeans performance itself is mixed. Navigating is slower; opening and closing tabs, menus and windows is not instant like on my main PC. But the code completion box opens slightly faster and is always 100% complete. It also does a complete clean and build in about half the time, again because it's mainly disc IO. I'd say it's more then perfectly usable.

As for a system restore, I dunno about with XP (I'd have imagined it'd be the same) but with the Linux version there is a partition containing a compressed image of Xandros (the OS it comes with). You can reformat and get back to the factory default setup in about 5 minutes (I've already done it twice).

I've also heard that XP has better battery life then Xandros but tends to write more virtual memory to disc. This is a problem because unlike hard discs there is a set amount of writes that you can make. I've seen lots of people recommend having a SD card permanently plugged into it's SD card reader and putting the swap file there. However I have seen some calculations for the eee PCs hard disk which say that it will last at least a few years if it's very regularly written too.

The one problem I'm starting to have is that the keyboard is just too unresponsive. When I type quickly I miss keys and so you really have to make sure you hit every key, especially the space bar, or you miss a character or two. However I don't find it's small size a problem at all and I typically hate flat laptop keyboards. The overall small size of the eee PC is also starting to really hit me. It's just really trivial to carry it around whilst it's on.
Wed, 04 Jun 2008, 06:53
The eee is underclocked @630mhz you can comfortably set it at 900. Overclocking the bus is better if you want to play videos as SSHD are slow for sustained transfers(and theres no GPU), mines running at 400mhz. The main problem with this is that it eats the battery fast, and the annoying whining fan is always on, so I have mine turned down most of the time.
Wed, 04 Jun 2008, 10:32
You must have one of the 700 models, I have the 900. The 900 is not under-clocked as standard and although I can feel some air blowing out the side when it get how, I can never hear the fan. The heat sink however is underneath the keyboard and after a while it does get quite hot.

It does have a GPU, it's an integrated Intel chipset.
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