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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Typing style?

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Wed, 04 Jun 2008, 17:28
I don't know why I want to know this, but...

What 'style' of typing does everybody use?

Myself, I was forced to learn touch typing at school, but never quite got the hand of it, I don't trust myself to hit the correct keys if I don't look at the keyboard. I'm far better than the beginner 'hunt & peck' style, but I'm not quite touch typing, I can hit quite a good speed though, but I must look at what I'm doing, or else I hit wrong letters and the next thing I know, gibberish all over the screen.

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Wed, 04 Jun 2008, 17:38
Other than code, I don't write a great deal, so my typing style is quite weird!

My left hand will cover space, ctrl, alt, shift, tab and the symbols from ! to *, or 1-8, while the right hand will cover each type of bracket...

When it comes to typing words, unless the letters are near the symbols I end up stretching my two index fingers all over the place!

It's probably terribly inefficient if I wasn't writing code

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Wed, 04 Jun 2008, 18:00
I've never learned to touch type but I can type without needing to look at the keyboard. That's simply because I'm so used to typing. I watch the screen and naturally manage to hit all the keys.
Wed, 04 Jun 2008, 18:00
Yeah, I'm the same as Spinal.
I have to look at the keys.
I can completely ignore the screen, and type away, though. I dunno if that's better, or worse than touchtyping! Just different, I suppose..

I think mine comes from typing in all those type-ins, as a kid.
Shove the magazine under the keyboard, and stare at both the code and the keys at the same time, occasionally glancing up to be sure you're getting all those Data lines right!

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 04 Jun 2008, 19:25
Am I the only one who types the "right" way?! I learned touch typing through middle school, and it actually stuck. I can type around 70 wpm without looking and always keep my hands on the home row.


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Wed, 04 Jun 2008, 19:32
I've often wanted to learn to properly touch type but like most things I want to learn I've just never gotten around to learning it all properly.
Wed, 04 Jun 2008, 19:49
Orion Pax
Your not the only one blanko. I touch type too....i have to feel for the 2 points on the keyboard (letter F and letter J) with my index fingers before I go about it. I dunno what my speed is. So blanko...is that GWPM (meaning including correcting mistakes) or just typeing away WPM....?
Wed, 04 Jun 2008, 19:57
Orion Pax
If your feeling bored, try this out.

Wed, 04 Jun 2008, 20:11
72 Uncorrected WPM with 100% accuracy according to that test, Orion.

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Wed, 04 Jun 2008, 20:28
I got 55 WPM with 100% accuracy.

I used to peck, but now as I've learned the keys better I type the proper way (correct hand position, no need to look at the keyboard).

Quit posting and try Google.
Wed, 04 Jun 2008, 21:20
92 WPM with 100% accuracy.

I also type the "correct" way.

Wed, 04 Jun 2008, 21:56
I've just been doing some online touch typing tutorials and I can now understand all the complaints about typing being painful on the eee. When you put your fingers so close on this keyboard they become very cramped and sweaty very quickly!
Wed, 04 Jun 2008, 22:36
Wow...nice Nolan.
Thu, 05 Jun 2008, 00:03
As I've typed more and more over the years, I've basically learnt where all the keys are, so can type without looking at the keyboard and a relatively decent speed. Although, for some reason, when typing up something from a piece of paper, I always seem to make loads of mistakes... probably the constant moving of hands between keyboard and paper.

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Thu, 05 Jun 2008, 03:11
53 Touch Typing, 78 Key-looking..

Fuck it, I'm watching the keyboard!

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 05 Jun 2008, 03:59
I'm going to learn to type again. Can anyone recommend any good software?

Check out my excellent homepage!
Thu, 05 Jun 2008, 04:02
Typing of the Dead has a cracking training/tutorial mode on it.

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 05 Jun 2008, 04:21
I just use the cack-handed typing method, whichever finger is near the desired key at the time.
Thu, 05 Jun 2008, 07:30
I'm currently using this site to get back into learning touch typing.
Thu, 05 Jun 2008, 12:11
I think I'm like Jay, learning the keyboard from entering code from magazines/books. I started very young which probably helped. I tried touch-typing a while ago but never got on with it. Probably due to 'bad habits'

Most of the time I type single handed but occasionally if I'm really typing a lot I might go two handed but my right hand still does most of the work!

I got up to 40 uncorrected words in that test but I'd have done better had I known what I was typing. I tend to watch the keys as well and I can be a bit slow on the reading side. Had it been dictated or repeated I could have done better.

Come rain or shine...
Thu, 05 Jun 2008, 15:51
Orion Pax
my highest was 65 at 100%! of course that was only done once! I remember those days of typing in code from the magazines...did the same thing jay did. But in school I took typing classes and learned how to type correctly. I can type faster if I know what I am typing. but when reading it I am a bit slow too on the reading side. So those test arent real fair for those of us that read slow. If I look down I lose like 5 secs because I have to hunt for my spot, so how on earth jay got a high WPM watching the keyboard I dont know....
Thu, 05 Jun 2008, 17:18
I think I'm with Blanko on this one, I'm suprized all these coders are still typing in their own more basic ways. I do think, though, we all started typing by hunt-and-peck but I worked my way up over the years. I don't even need to look at the keyboard to type code anymore I don't know how fast I type.

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Thu, 05 Jun 2008, 17:36
Orion Pax
Yeah I started at hunt and peck with the mags that had the code to type in. The old atari magazines had lots of stuff to type in and they had a small program that you could type in first and save it to disk. you would run that program then start typing in the code and it would return an alpha numeric code that you could compare with the code in the magazine to determine if you typed it right. Almost like crc checking! Ya know I almost miss those days. Dont you wish at times you could go back.....
Thu, 05 Jun 2008, 20:47
I just picked up keyboarding. After a while I got used to typing properly.

No keyboarding classes necessary.

Quit posting and try Google.
Thu, 05 Jun 2008, 21:53
97 wpm with 100% accuracy. I use the 'hunt and peck' style (index fingers/thumb/pinkie only), but if you use this style long enough, eventually there's no hunting as you know exactly where the keys are. I think that home row style actually causes more hand strain.
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