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Socoder -> Off Topic -> PC Dead!

Tue, 19 Sep 2006, 15:28
I've mentioned a few times, in the past month or so, that the Hard Drive on my downstairs PC has been gradually dying.
Tonight, it failed to boot, instead coming up with a "Back up your data. Failure Imminant!" warning on the Bios screen.

I have a Hard drive, sitting in a dead PC (fried motherboard) here, but I'm unsure how well the HD works. I'd always been keeping it aside incase of emergencies..
Guess this is as good an emergency as any!

Update : 11pm : Status : Windows Setup is currently formatting the HD, and hasn't thrown up any bizarre errors along the way (68%), so with any luck, that means the HD's working.

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 19 Sep 2006, 17:55
Man, that suxxors! Hope it goes well for you.
I rarely backup anything except for a few installs on my ipod, but that's it. If my HD blew, I would be shit pissed! (arg! the anime!)
Oh, on one of my PCs it keeps reminding me to replace the motherboard's battery everytime it boots and it's been going on for about a month!

BlitzRSS script back online!
Tue, 19 Sep 2006, 18:39
The Downstairs PC is my main Dev system. I pretty much do 99% of my dev stuff on it, nowadays.
This site, all my Blitz stuff, everything.

Luckily, I kept all that data on my Upstairs PC, and just used the network to access it.
All I have to do is install... everything... all over again!
I'm backing up my upstairs PC's Dev-Directory as I type this

I did lose all my mum's music, though, so she's a bit p'd off about that.
Well, I say she's p'd off. It's me who's gotta spend the next 8 months MP3ing her CD collection again!

|update| Windows installed, Firefox installed, now to prepare for a night of installing loads of other stuff..

Ho hum..
Maybe linux, just to freak out my mum in the morning!

I'll deal with the Workshop in the morning. So if you bothered attempting to code anything, you have extra hours to finish it.. |update|

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 19 Sep 2006, 19:39
Oooh, nasty, I got lucky when one of my pc's motherboards got fried a few years back. How I got lucky? Well, I had bought a new pc and it had only been a week after backing everything up that the old machine got fried! I actually still have that one just sitting behind me for no reason. Doesn't even have a case on it. I actually need to put that back on... meh... i'll do it later ;P

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Tue, 19 Sep 2006, 20:57
Geeze, I thought we were supposed to be past the point where Windows needs to be restarted every 5 minutes!

I've been at this for hours, and I've only installed about 10 things!

Thankfully, the Genuine Advantage thing worked.. This is the first time I've ever actually installed WinXP, fresh.. It's good to know the company I bought the PC from didn't diddle my copy of Windows!

|update| 5am
I'm now half asleep, but at least I've managed to get the essentials on.
K-Lite Codec Pack, Blitz, DS Devkit, Programmers Notepad, Coolplayer, CoolEdit, Firefox and all the other basics.

I need to re-cookie my browser... I hate having to log in! |update|

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 24 Sep 2006, 20:13
i have back ups of anything important on my PSP, desktop and laptop

anything like music are ripped from CDs so no need to back up on another computer

i like green haired girls...
Mon, 25 Sep 2006, 00:30
Well, there is one reason to backup your MP3 collection. You don't then need to spend all that time re-encoding the whole lot again..

There's a growing pile of "That's not on there" CD's that I have to get round to doing. Strange how mum doesn't actually listen to the music, but prefers rather to moan if it's not there..

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 25 Sep 2006, 00:41
yeah it is good to back up everything that takes time to get, make or encode

but i don't have a drive big enough to store it all alone, i have small zip discs(250 MB) i can use but it will take up like 6 of them

i like green haired girls...