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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Soltan, Shroom and Co

Thu, 21 Dec 2006, 15:34
I'm not putting up with that on my forum, so here's a new rule for my forum.

From this moment forth, Schoolmates (/enemies/whatever) may not use this forum as a place to bicker.
If Shroom Monk says something bad against Soltan, Shroom Monk gets banned.
If Soltan says something bad against Shroom Monk, Soltan gets banned.

That's fair.

I'm not going to pick Newb vs Regular. That would be unfair, since Regular knows how to code but Newb might be here to learn.

Not a word against each other. That understood.

And if either of you post "But he did such and such" or "That's not fair, he started it" or anything else like that.. That counts as saying something bad.

Got that...


''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 22 Dec 2006, 00:55
Yes Jayenkai, I promise to behave.
And in future, can you please refer to me using my first name.
Fri, 22 Dec 2006, 02:15
power mousey

hi andrew,

I do like your last name too. is it um Russian or German?
just curious. sounds almost like zoltan.


Fri, 22 Dec 2006, 02:19
I dunno, I'll try finding out. And before you ask, I'm not russian or german.
Fri, 22 Dec 2006, 02:24
power mousey

But I just asked you...in that previous post.

me...I'm a little Irish and Scottish. What a combination?
I'm also German and a little Italian. But mostly, I'm Cherokee...Cherokee Indian.

from the Wolf/blackfoot clan,
power mousey

Fri, 22 Dec 2006, 02:26
Anyway, where do you live power mousey?
And who said thet my name was andrew soltan? After all, it could be a fake name

Fri, 22 Dec 2006, 02:27
power mousey

how about you shroom_monk?

what nationalities are you?

mousey power
Fri, 22 Dec 2006, 02:32
Well, we both live in the uk if you haven't already noticed from the time difference, to be more specific, we both live in solihull, me in solihull itself, shroom_monk in a small village in solihull called Dorrige. Anyway, I'm off to my laptop in my nice warm room, i'll answer your questions later mousey, when my wireless router arrives in about an hour, and I can use the net on my laptop, YIPPPPPPPPEEEEE!
Fri, 22 Dec 2006, 02:34
power mousey

thats true fake name.
yeah, it could be a fake name. But since its your user name and on this forum...I will call you andrew.

power mousey

-->okay bro, I'm going to get some much needed sleep.
c ya tomorrow..or um later today, I mean

Fri, 22 Dec 2006, 05:23
My wireless router hasn't arrived yet, It should have 2 hrs ago . Anyway, it is my real name, that was just a small trick to make you think.
Fri, 22 Dec 2006, 06:45
I'm a part English-Romany(Italian), Red haired and going bald at the front (my head on my shoulders that is just in case anyone cracks a joke). LOL

|edit| BTW... My name is sort of fake. steve_ancell has been shortened from Stephen George Ancell. |edit|
Fri, 22 Dec 2006, 08:13
power mousey


okay...Stephen. My full name and no alter ego user discussion names: Kent Robert Williams.

My brother Mark has your first name: Mark Stephen Williams.

cool...you're part Italiano. I'm not going bald yet, but my haircut was too short. And yikes!!!, I'm should've waited for the up n coming Spring or at least when it is a lot warmer. Its so cold.
Sometimes I wear three shirts....usually two shirts though.
What a time to exercise and lose weight in the process.

power mousey
Fri, 22 Dec 2006, 08:22
power mousey

hey andrew,

I kinda knew you were testing me and making me think. And which is good. I don't like being a lemming or blind sheep.

hey, how come shroom_monk is so quiet? Not wanting to open a can of worms or put salt on old wounds...but hopefully you guys patch things up? true?

I guess when he wants and likes to talk and share...its his choice and respect his space and privacy. true.

oh yeah, I live in San Jose, California. Dr Zarius-->Robleong or Rob lives in San Francisco. I like his avatar picture of Dr Zarius from the old Planet of the Apes movies. The first two starring Charlton Heston. Dr Zarius was played by Maurice Evans...I think.
Charlton Heston was really good in both the Naked Jungle and also especially the Omega Man.

power mousey
Fri, 22 Dec 2006, 09:06
I refrain from making a coment on that post power mousey becuase if I did, I would probabaly get banned due to the nature of what I would say.
Fri, 22 Dec 2006, 09:10
Pie it, wireless router has now been delayes till 7pm, that's 3 whole more hours to go.
Fri, 22 Dec 2006, 09:50
power mousey

sorry dude.

I understand now...well sorta of.

power mousey
Fri, 22 Dec 2006, 10:05
@mousey - the reason I am (was) being so quiet was cos I had no comment to make on anything that was being said. But now I've said something.

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Fri, 22 Dec 2006, 10:22
Mousey... I do prefer to be known as Steve instead of Stephen though. The proper spelling sounds like the name of a chicken that has been flattened (Step on a Hen) LOL

|edit| I made the same mistake of shaving my head totally bald during winter a couple of years back... I know what you mean by cold |edit|
Fri, 22 Dec 2006, 11:14
power mousey

okay, Steve.

you should see my haircut. accckkkkk!!! I look like Devlin the mage from Might and Macic 8. Actually the haircut style.
yep, I'm playing the Might and Magics backwards...except for Might and Magic 9. Satrting with 8, then 7, and then Might and Magic 6.

'Knowledge is power!' and 'a useful toooool'
---quote Devlin Arcanos

although, I like my 2 knights better. With their Lizardman Helms and shaded eye filters...they look like the band Steppenwolf.

so, hey don't step on a hen. Okay Steve

power mousey

Fri, 22 Dec 2006, 14:40
Bok-Bok-Bok-Bok > Splat... Oh well... looks like chicken nuggets for munchies tonite. LOL
Sat, 23 Dec 2006, 03:25
I'm 100% British Australian. Pretty boring, huh?
Sat, 23 Dec 2006, 07:39
power mousey

well, um...steve..last night I had an American Sub sandwich and from my favorite store. 7-11.

at least the junk you're eating is better than the junk I downed last night.

I'm going to eat better today for this Saturday. Probably
Little Caesar pizza,pizza and with crazy sauce and some chicken wings. Mild, not hot nor spicy.
I do really like Taco bell, but with the green onion sickness and controversy I have stayed away there for a long time.


you're not boring and being Australian is not boring either. Just last night I watched an episode of STar Trek the Next Generation. The episode was called ATTACHED.
In the episode, a reference was made to Australia. In a short philisophical discussion and dialogue between the Captain and the Doctor about: If the Federation asked Earth to join the Federation but a few member or non-member nations of the World Government refused... such as Australia.

So, heck no!! you're not a boring Australian.


Sat, 23 Dec 2006, 13:52
You still have 7-11 stores when you live Mousey ?. They closed down all of the UK 7-11's in Southern UK about 10 years ago, and then renamed them all. In fact they renamed them so many times, I can't even think of what they are named at now. I still know that most of the stores are still in the original places though.
Sat, 23 Dec 2006, 22:52
power mousey


where I live in San Jose. There is a 7-11 store just about 1000 feet away. Very convenient for those little emergencies...such as um extra toilet paper, a munchie like candy bar or bag of potato chip, and even some diet pepsi or even an AMP. oh man!...gotta have that energy drink at times. Gotta AMP UP dude.

one little observation from another post concerning Cobra.
Yes, you can make other apps with Cobra. Though, I don't know about GUIs and all that. But you can with IBasic and IBasic Pro. Also with Pure Basic too.
In DBPRO and getting down with the simple and core commands: I made a reverse string function or routine.

simple algorithm--> pass the string, count the length,
check for min. and max limits, loop de loop with Mid$ function and add and assign to a temporary string which is of "" at start, then...finally return string or error condition. And if error, state error message too.

I don't think there is an include command in DBPRO to add sets of user made functions and routines...like there is in Pure Basic.

Anyway, I was just over there at 7-11 and got extra tape for wrapping presents, some soda, and some Snickers candy bars.


Mon, 25 Dec 2006, 01:13
Wanna know something else that's wierd over here... Snickers used to be called Marathon during the 80's, then they decided to change to the international name Snickers.

|edit| Actually come to think of it... I don't think I've had a Snickers for a couple of years. Now I'm starting to get the munchies, looks like I need to stop at a shop on the way to my Mum's place later... Thanx for the reminder Mousey |edit|