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Socoder -> Mini Challenges -> Xmas Xompo 2010 : Start Here

Mon, 01 Nov 2010, 04:44

The Xhallenge

Xmas, Santa, Presents, Snow, Kids, Trees, yada yada yada.
It's totally open, do what you want.

The Xompo

There will be a prize of some sort at the end of this xompo.
I haven't the faintest idea what this'll be, and will probably end up being a lazy-assed "Stick £.p into Paypal account, be done with it."

> Reveal 🔎

The Deadline

Xmas Xompo, Xmas Deadline : 25th December
Try to get your entries in BEFORE the 25th, because it will be Xmas, and you'll probably be busy!
If my clock says 26th December, you're already too late.

You WILL know if you've won by the 1st of January, 'cos I HATE when judging takes f'ing ages!

The Xules

I'm not going to make you do one of those stupid splashscreen things, or force you to hide your game away until after the compo, or any other stupid shitty rules like that.
> Reveal 🔎

To take part, you must have already been a member at Socoder before the Xompo started.
> Reveal 🔎

There will be judges, but that's not organised. If you want to judge, let me know. You'll instantly be disqualified and won't be able to enter the compo. If we get near the deadline and nobody's judging, I'll trawl through my email list, and find someone!

I've added a year to the title, so next time we have a compo, we'll be able to say "Hey, that was 10 years ago!"

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 01 Nov 2010, 04:47
yeay, I'm in! (for sure this time)
Mon, 01 Nov 2010, 05:14
If I can remember how to register the pressing of a key, I'm in.
Mon, 01 Nov 2010, 06:28
I'm not, since I can't code properly, if at all. I'll enjoy seeing the entries though. Can't wait to see what you all come up with!
Mon, 01 Nov 2010, 08:28
I might join in if I find I have the time to hack some things together...
BTW, I'm assuming you'll be the only judge of this...

Will we be releasing sourcecode? Will you judge the coding, gameplay, sound, graphics or all?

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Mon, 01 Nov 2010, 08:45
Judging will be primarily gameplay based, on account of the fact that 95% of us can't draw!
Not really bothered about Sourcecode, but.. you know.. Make sure it's your own. Mods can sod off, this is a coding compo!

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 01 Nov 2010, 09:52
So do we get plus points for adding sound even if we don't have recording equipment or Fruityloops?

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Mon, 01 Nov 2010, 10:12
"The best game", not some silly score-based thing whereby someone does pong but with AWESOME GFX and AWESOME SOUND, and inexplicably ends up with a higher score than everyone else, even though their game is total shite.

Add something, just .. you know.. you won't lose because you didn't bother!
If you lose, it's because there's something better.

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 01 Nov 2010, 11:23
I too shall enter! Assuming I can come up with an idea.

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Mon, 01 Nov 2010, 13:15
I was doodling out my idea during sixth period today.

And since this will be my first game, I shall release everything in the work under the WTFPL when the contest is over. My epic 3D modelling skills will be released to the entire world. MWARHARHAR.
Wed, 03 Nov 2010, 07:49
I will join the race for the prize too.

been a while since I entered one of these, Christmas 2002 in fact was the last time.

Good luck all and enjoy.
Wed, 03 Nov 2010, 22:17
Evil Roy Ferguso
I'll give it a go, but who knows if I'll have time to finish...
Mon, 08 Nov 2010, 10:50

Does the game have to be in a version of BB or can it be in any language? Size restrictions?

Tue, 09 Nov 2010, 02:48
i think we should all use QBasic
Tue, 09 Nov 2010, 06:53
No language rules except that it should be your coding, and not a Mod of a different game.
General bog standard ruleset, really.
If it works on the judges system, then that's fine. If it doesn't, then they won't be able to judge it, and you'll have failed miserably.

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 04 Dec 2010, 11:34
I reckon 4th Dec is close enough... here's Christmas Jigsaw!

Come on everyone else! Think smaller; this took me two days, which meant it was achievable.

blog | work | code | more code
Sat, 04 Dec 2010, 11:45
Cool stuff. I was planning to use a small game I have to make for school for the compo but decided to make something specially for this. Not sure what yet!

What did you use to create your game anyway?
Sat, 04 Dec 2010, 12:05
I used Cobra; source code is included (but obviously you can't compile it unless you own Cobra)

blog | work | code | more code
Sat, 04 Dec 2010, 15:40
HoboBen Think smaller

This might explain a great deal of my slowness. :/

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Wed, 08 Dec 2010, 10:39
I've still got a couple of issues to sort out, but it's playable.

It's still a WIP and is still being worked on.


The object of the game is to complete a picture puzzle from a series of puzzle blocks. The game is played with then mouse. Puzzle pieces, bonus items and bombs are removed from the box at the top left of the gameboard, one piece at a time, by clicking on the flashing arrow.

To move a puzzle piece, bonus or bomb, click on it with the mouse and then move your mouse in the desired direction. The items will move until they collide with another item or the edge of the gameboard.

You can get rid of items by moving them through open gateways. Puzzle pieces are placed back in the box - other items are destroyed.

Once the picture is complete you can move onto the next level.

The bonus items currently comprise of fire, water, holly, ivy, lips, mistletoe, knife&fork and turkey. Throw certain bonus items together to obtain bonus points.

Bombs are bad and will explode after a short time or if they collide with the fire item. So get rid of these as soon as possible. You can douse bombs with water for extra pointage.

That's about it. There are currently 6 levels. Have fun and have a Merry Christmas.

|edit| UPDATED 11.12.10