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Socoder -> Web Development -> PlayMyCode - Beta testers wanted

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Thu, 16 Dec 2010, 19:50
I'm sure several members have heard me mention a site I'm currently building, PlayMyCode.com. It's a site where you can sign up, then create a new game project, write it's code, manage it's images, publish and then share it online all from our site.

The idea is to get away from messing with installing and distributing plugins, tools, libraries, IDEs and compilers. Everything is all wrapped seamlessly. Note that it doesn't support IE 8 or below (they don't have HTML5 support).

What am I after?

The site has just moved from alpha to beta. It's still got more features to be added and it's still got a few bugs in places, but today you can build games in this. So as it's usable we (me and my brother) are now looking for a small group of users to help test it out.

I'm looking for people to make content, find bugs and give feedback on the site. Anything you build is hosted by us on your behalf and you can then distribute it anywhere you want (i.e. embed it into your blog, or paste a link on facebook or twitter). Anything you build is also open source.


We use our own Ruby-like language called Quby as it allows us to prevent certain features of JavaScript. This is for security reasons so in the future we can allow users to safely login via games. It also allows you to use classes and other features not present in JS.

The games automatically run on top of a HTML 5 canvas, and we provide simple bindings so you draw directly to it.


A range of published examples are available on the sites play section. For each game you can then click on the 'code' button to see the source code behind it. You can also check out the sandbox where you can experiment and write code (but you can't save, for that you need to sign up an start a project).

If your interested then just go to the site, join up now and start building.

If you have any feedback or questions it might be best to post in this topic so others can see and discuss; but otherwise feel free to just PM me (there is also a contact e-mail on the site).
Thu, 16 Dec 2010, 19:51
*peers in* Oh hi there. I'd love to help you.
Thu, 16 Dec 2010, 22:41
Evil Roy Ferguso
Had a go with it for a bit and found two bugs, one major, one minor.

A Javascript injection bug:

Here it's just doing "alert" repeatedly, but it could do worse.

More minor, // inside of string literals is probably not being handled correctly. The following line is an error because it thinks everything after the // is commented out:

Overall, though, this is some very cool stuff you're doing. HTML5-based games are on the way in and this makes developing them much more accessible to non-web people. Quby seems like the start of a very nice language -- the static analysis features in particular please me.
Fri, 17 Dec 2010, 00:52
Minor cosmetic issue

blog | work | code | more code
Fri, 17 Dec 2010, 00:59
Your cookies are not set to work on both www.playmycode and playmycode.com; this leads to a confusing situation where you think you're logged in (and you are in another tab!) and clicking on "build" sends you to the sandbox instead.

blog | work | code | more code
Fri, 17 Dec 2010, 01:06
Thanks for the bugs. The injection one is now be fixed but I'll be fixing the second one when I get more time (it's a lot more tricky to do right).

In regards to the satic analysis; a few months ago I went out with some friends and met a guy in a bar who was a Film Studies student. I mentioned I was a web developer and he then ranted at me for the next 15 minutes about how irritating he found the lack of static analysis in PHP (he'd did some in his spare time).

If you remove a few exotic features (like eval) from dynamic languages, it makes them _much_ easier to predict and check.

@Ben, what version of FireFox are you running? That doesn't happen in mine.
Fri, 17 Dec 2010, 01:51
3.6.6 / Windows XP
Fri, 17 Dec 2010, 02:17
Does it occur on other dialogs, or was it just on that one?
Fri, 17 Dec 2010, 02:47
All of them. Firefox 3.6.12 on Linux has the same problem, to the extent that the title is completely hidden.

blog | work | code | more code
Fri, 17 Dec 2010, 03:55
Wishlist: be able to create an image and use drawPixel, etc on them. Perhaps to simplify the syntax changes, a "setDrawTarget" command so that the commands don't change.

blog | work | code | more code
Fri, 17 Dec 2010, 03:59
I'd probably just add the methods to the image class.

Currently you can draw to the canvas and then turn the canvas into an image. Downside is that you get the whole canvas and you need to use one of the drawImage functions to get the section where you drew.
Fri, 17 Dec 2010, 04:19
Any plans for switch/case statements?
Fri, 17 Dec 2010, 04:41
"Hoboben" Any plans for switch/case statements?


My main issue is that I personally never use them. I just use if's instead. So they would be right at the back of features to add.
Fri, 17 Dec 2010, 06:35
I have a game of higher-or-lower that is buggy. If you run it with the console, the cards sometimes change their values to something else.

It's entirely possible that it's my fault though. How do you properly free things?

blog | work | code | more code
Fri, 17 Dec 2010, 15:39
HoboBen It's entirely possible that it's my fault though. How do you properly free things?

It's garbage collected. So when you no longer have a reference it's free'd.

I'll have a look through your code laterz, see if I can see the bug.
Fri, 17 Dec 2010, 15:49
As your building GUI components something that might interest you is that you can grab the do blocks attached to any function (if it's there).

For example instead of:

you could do...

If the last parameter in a constructor or method starts with an ampersand it will grab any associated do block. If the block is missing then you just receive null. You can then call this later using the Function methods in the API. Like:

I really need to add the above to the docs (it's in the API but not in the Quby syntax section).
Sat, 18 Dec 2010, 00:50
Ben I debugged your code. The issue was a logic error as you were playing a card when resetting (and so lost the current card).

My code changes are marked in the source below. They are each 1 line additions or removal. There are three of them:

Otherwise it's a nice game, it'd be good to see it finished!

You can also use spaces in project names, you don't need to use underscores.
Sat, 18 Dec 2010, 04:13
Oooh thanks very much for fixing it. There's no way to rename the project at the moment though (and I don't want to upload 52 cards again!)

Btw, I just tested it on my iPod Touch; it's slightly slow (still playable), but the text is upside-down and outside of the box. Still, better than Flash!

blog | work | code | more code
Sat, 18 Dec 2010, 16:00
Would you like me to rename it to 'Higher Lower' in the DB?
Sat, 18 Dec 2010, 18:33
Btw you should probably remove the fps counter in the top left.

If you also use the User class in the docs you can save the users highest score to the server (if they are logged in).
Tue, 21 Dec 2010, 03:15
HoboBen Wishlist: be able to create an image and use drawPixel, etc on them.

It's not official (I haven't done the docs yet) but you can now get and set the pixels from an image.

I will be adding 'getRed', 'getGreen' and so on later, and alpha must be a value from 0 to 1 (like with setColor and getAlpha functions).
Tue, 21 Dec 2010, 04:07
Neat! I was wondering why alpha wasn't working, too; I was expecting 0-255.

blog | work | code | more code
Tue, 21 Dec 2010, 06:38
HoboBen Neat! I was wondering why alpha wasn't working, too; I was expecting 0-255.

I am thinking of changing this for that very reason. It's more unified if they are all 0 to 255.

However on the other hand it makes it easier to do:


Personally I'd rather have all three values as 0 to 1, but then it doesn't match paint apps that use 0 to 255. : (
Wed, 19 Jan 2011, 15:23
Evil Roy Ferguso
Sorry to necromance, but finally got a chance to play around with it. Made a game in a pretty short span of time.

So my feedback:
- I still like the language quite a bit -- for simple games it's a nice blend of Ruby and Blitz, although until it's a little bit more mature I would shy away from a larger project.
- I forgot how painful it was to work in one file -- do you expect to introduce multi-file projects at any point in the future?
Wed, 19 Jan 2011, 15:35
Evil Roy - I still like the language quite a bit -- for simple games it's a nice blend of Ruby and Blitz, although until it's a little bit more mature I would shy away from a larger project.

I probably agree. It now supports inheritance (although it's undocumented) but it needs sound, line numbers reported at runtime (which is not easy) and modules before I'd consider it being good enough for a big game. That said Space Snake Galaxies is over 3,500 lines so you can build things of a decent size.

Evil Roy - I forgot how painful it was to work in one file -- do you expect to introduce multi-file projects at any point in the future?

Yes! It's partly supported in the backend and DB and a much needed feature. It will definitely be added!

And thanks again for your feedback.
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