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Socoder -> What Have You Done -> What Will You Do : 2011

Tue, 21 Dec 2010, 05:07
Seems to be a common tweet topic (albeit not quite trending yet) so I might as well make it a topic.

Post resolutions here!!

  • Probably a good idea to finally sort out themes, here, but at the rate that's been happening, it's probably not all too likely!
  • Get my iDev sorted, and makes games at a rate slightly quicker than 1 every 3 months!
  • Start making browser games, already!!

    ''Load, Next List!''
  • Tue, 21 Dec 2010, 06:21
    In 2011 the fun part of my study starts, game technology specialization (not much of design anymore like now), yeay! So I'm gonna spend a lot of time on this, will be starting with AI and math for 3D games.

    Next to that I'll continue to work on my portfolio and continue learning C++/DirectX and maybe OpenGL if I have spare time.
    Tue, 21 Dec 2010, 13:11
    I'm going to make that resolution where I work harder and get my homework done before anything else again... but I know that'll ever happen.

    An I'm going to make the resolution to start work on my website again. Pft.
    Tue, 21 Dec 2010, 14:56
    Not entirely sure what I'm gonna do, except for practicing drawing and work on my portfolios for uni.

    Afr0 Games

    Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
    Wed, 22 Dec 2010, 08:16
    Running. Lots and lots of running.
    Thu, 23 Dec 2010, 02:00
    I will cycle to work once the weather clears up, realised im not as fit as i thought i was
    Thu, 23 Dec 2010, 09:04
    Build some robots!
    Thu, 23 Dec 2010, 15:03
    Release some games and apps for the iPhone. Actually play Monkey Island. I figure I've waited long enough... :S
    Tue, 28 Dec 2010, 13:05
  • Read more. I've made a deal with myself that if I read a book every month for a year, I'll buy myself a Kindle.

  • Run more, maybe bike.

  • I'm transferring to a real university next year, so obviously music will take up quite a lot of my time, but that's nothing new.

  • Compose more.

  • Code more, and hang out here some more.

  • -=-=-
    My Twitter
    Thu, 30 Dec 2010, 21:30

    I'll have to do more graphics twice a month for the whole years and I might have to begin to learn Flash again.

    Fri, 31 Dec 2010, 01:21
  • Blogging, a must.

  • I want to start doing some sketching again.

  • Coding, since I've yet to do something with it...

  • NaNoWriMo. 30000 last time, I still want that 50000 goal.

  • Making my website look better than what it is now.
  • Sat, 01 Jan 2011, 06:06
    ... Get a new smegging Bank Account. Bank closed my account due to lack of activity, and without having any forms of identification (I never go anywhere, I never do anything, I'm an invisible blip on the radar) I'm going to be struggling to do this one!
    Stupid damn rules!!

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Sat, 01 Jan 2011, 07:49
    I can't believe how many forms you need to fill in to do the simplest things, and how many pieces of ID you need to provide to do it. You are classed as a liar or a criminal before you can do anything - guilty until proven innocent where red tape is concerned.

    It drives me nuts.
    Sat, 01 Jan 2011, 08:21
    .. Get a new smegging Bank Account. Bank closed my account due to lack of activity, and without having any forms of identification (I never go anywhere, I never do anything, I'm an invisible blip on the radar) I'm going to be struggling to do this one!
    Stupid damn rules!!

    Want me to send you a passport in the mail? I know a guy...

    Afr0 Games

    Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
    Sat, 01 Jan 2011, 09:10

    I'm taking no chances, you probably DO know someone!!!!!!

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Tue, 04 Jan 2011, 22:10
    Evil Roy Ferguso
    Ah, yes. When I added my wife to my bank account, they had to close my existing account for some reason and add us both to a new one.

    The problem is that they took about two weeks between closing my old account and opening my new one.

    Banking has always kind of struck me as some world-class trolling.

    Oh, resolutions for 2011:

    - Finish a project. Any a project.

    - Relearn the kanji that I forgot, which is all of them.
    Sun, 09 Jan 2011, 18:03
    Why hello again everyone!

    My 2011 goals are pretty mucht he same as 2010, 2009 and probably 2008 as well.

  • Get my recipe site finished
  • Get something happening at Devcrunch
  • Being more active online!

  • Look out for this exact same post this time next year... I'm blinking hopeless at finishing things.
    Mon, 10 Jan 2011, 00:42
    I'm currently starting a web company with my brother. So my main goal is to be receiving a decent wage by the end of the year.

    Another goal is to make Play My Code a success. I think as long as it's done right, it will be a real money spinner.

    I also plan to do more running in order to get fitter. I've had a mental image of how thin I want to be in my head for about the last 5 years, but this could be the year where I reach it.

    Oscar Get something happening at Devcrunch

    That'd be awesome!