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Socoder -> Off Topic -> DeadSpace, DeadScary

Mon, 09 May 2011, 08:56
Wuss! I've completed DeadSpace multiple times. Really great game.
Mon, 09 May 2011, 08:56
Bloody hell, Dead Space 1, playing in broad daylight, and fifteen minutes in I got too scared to play any more.

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Mon, 09 May 2011, 12:02
I have not seen the game yet but from what you describe it sounds like you are having the same experience I had when I played Resident Evil for the first time.

Mon, 09 May 2011, 17:43
Dead Space 2 is better, though nowhere near as scary (probably a side-effect of the character development and increased lighting). Such a great series of games. Looking forward to seeing how Dead Space 3 comes about, if it does.
Mon, 09 May 2011, 22:09
I'd buy Dead Space 2 in a second if I hadn't just splashed out on lots and lots of bills. Maybe next month it'll hit the sub £20 mark (Xbox360 or PS3).
Mon, 09 May 2011, 23:57
Agree with HoboBen. I never could muster the courage to play through Dead Space either. Doom III? Hah. Its got nothing on Dead Space.

Afr0 Games

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Tue, 10 May 2011, 02:31
I know the mouse when you aim is really slow... is that intentional? I think it makes it terrifying, because it takes a while to aim so the fear can sink in

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Tue, 10 May 2011, 02:54
I'd imagine it's so it can be more Resident Evil-y rather then third-person action-y.

But the slow mouse is one of the few things I didn't like about Dead Space. Later in the game there are some parts where you need to hold down the aim and then move the mouse around a lot. Not only does it take forever but it's really uncomfortable having to keep the button pressed.

You can also use the caps lock to enter/exit aim, but then switching in and out becomes more awkward then just holding the button. It just gets more fiddly then it should be.
Tue, 10 May 2011, 06:58
Works lovely with the joypad on XBox360. Maybe the makers were trying to emulate the console version? :S
Mon, 23 May 2011, 09:10
Well, apparently my new monitor came with a stupid option that makes dark colours impossible to distinguish from black. I don't know why it was enabled; maybe it makes what you *can* see more vibrant, but anything dark becomes really low contrast.

Now that I've turned it off, Dead Space is far less scary.

Before I was relying completely on dynamic lights, so it was almost pitch black in places except for flashes caused by sparks or swinging lights, which meant that you could only see the monsters for a split second, or sometimes you would only get a silhouette outline. With the excellent audio cues, it was really atmospheric. I guess the lesson is, it's scarier when you leave it to the imagination.

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Tue, 24 May 2011, 00:26
I'm surprised it's taken you this long to complete it. Both me and Cower just powered straight through; I mostly because I found it so addictive.

But it's more shocking then scary. It doesn't really matter if it's a big scary alien or a little kitten; if something suddenly jumps out into your face then your going to be shocked.

Although I found the difficulty to be at a pretty good level, I found I had waaaaaaaay too much spare ammo and health.
Tue, 24 May 2011, 02:48
I'm breezing through Dead Space 2 (albeit in chunks, as I don't have much spare time), upto Chapter 10 already.

It's not as good as Dead Space for me - some of the scenes are too reminiscent of the first game and there are far fewer shocks (I have jumped once or twice though!).

It also lacks the pacing of the first game - some sections are just empty and dull, others are just not fun (the section in Zero G avoiding the artifacts flying towards you was short-lived, but still tedious and pointless). As was the flying through the rotating machinery. Piss easy and tedious.

It's great to be playing as Isaac again, but somehow, now he's talking, he has even less personality and I care for him less.

There are also too many Save Points. It's also got the "There's lots of ammo and a save point - I wonder what that might mean..." feeling about it. You just know that you are going to need them, whereas the first game spread it out a bit more and major battles were more of a surprise. Areas containing large windows are also indicative of the shit about to hit the fan too. No surprises.

The other characters in the game (and the flashbacks) are just useless fluff.

Still, it's good, but not as good as the original.
Sat, 28 May 2011, 04:16
Sorry for the double post, but I've just got to the end of Dead Space 2.

All I can say is - those last two sections were total fecking shit! Constant, full on, frustrating repetitive shit. Awful. Awful. Awful.

And that comes from someone that completed the original DeadSpace on every single difficulty level and upgraded every single item, got every single Achievement and loved the game to bits.

DeadSpace 2 is is no way better than the original.
Sat, 28 May 2011, 18:21
I thought the ending to Dead Space 2 was great, so eh. Overall, Dead Space 2 was just better. Different folks, different strokes, I suppose.
Sat, 28 May 2011, 18:30
After completing Resident Evil 4 you get the amazing Tommy gun with infinite ammo, and so I had loads of fun breezing through it a second time just kicking ass.

I thought I'd find something similar with Dead Space 1 after completing it; getting to go through again with all my good weapons and suit. But somehow it just felt like more of a chore and so quit after a few hours.

I know there are lots of people out there who mastered it, but for me I didn't find much replay value.
Sun, 29 May 2011, 09:15
Resi 4 was just fantastic. Completed that many times too - on GC and Wii. Shame that RE5 (which I have also repeatedly played) wasn't as good, although playing with my son in co-op mode was awesome.

I hope RE 6 goes back to zombies again (although RE 3DS apparently does - looking forward to the old leg munchers ).

Yes, I love my Survival Horror games =D
Sun, 29 May 2011, 10:40
RE5 wasn't as good, but I think critics were a little harsh with it. Once you learn how to live with it's bad bits, it's actually pretty good and it's certainly very well made.
Mon, 30 May 2011, 16:18
Yeah, the critics really ragged on the whole Sheva and black enemies thing. Sheva really wasn't that bad as an AI partner, and she certainly wasn't hard on the eyes

And at least she didn't cry "Leon - Help!" every three seconds, like Ashley in RE4.

The DLC was pretty good too - Lost In Nightmares and err... the other one (being able to play as Josh was good).
Mon, 30 May 2011, 20:23
Critics are always hard on the next generation of a game in a series.

Expecting huge leaps of improvement when it may not be possible to include big changes. Technologically speaking.

The Madden Football series was that way some time ago.
