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Socoder -> What Have You Done -> What Have You Done : 07th December 2011

Wed, 07 Dec 2011, 04:26


What did you get done this week.
  • I played Animal Crossing.

    Did everything turn out as planned?
    I've found a fantastic outlet for my rants, and being incredibly bitchy to those who insist I have to find them a stupid god-damned Pill Bug.
    Don't ever visit my Animal Crossing village!!


  • I didn't get as much NeonPlat iOS done as I was hoping.

    Why not?
    Well, ok, I did, but it's still not enough.
    I need to menu stuff going, with a nice calendar, and some control option, then it'll be time to move onto all those baddies (AGAIN) and reimagine some of their powerups. (lots of them no longer make any sense on the iOS edition!)

    View on YouTube


    What are you working on right now?
    I was considering starting the newsletter. Not sure if I will, but I'm aiming for it, so.. you know.. there's something..

    How's that going?
    .. Toast time!


    What's the plan for the week ahead?
    Focus on the calendar first.
    That's the important bit.
    Everything else should be simple! (hmm.. I've said that before.)

    Oh, and I must send Rolf some more letters involving the places he can shove his space station, rather than constantly giving it back to me.


    You can copy+paste the BBCode from the box below, or structure however else you'd like...
    > Reveal 🔎

    ''Load, Next List!''
  • Wed, 07 Dec 2011, 06:48
    This week I finished my second exam this semester, starting on the second one tomorrow.
    Today I am moving because the house I'm living in is being sold over Christmas, unfortunately. I'm just hoping that I'll remember to bring all my stuff.
    I also did some updates to the LoginServer and CityServer code, and still haven't managed to figure out how to render mesh bodies. :|

    Currently working on: Figuring out how to display textured models using rendertargets, and mustering up the strength to work on restructuring/reinventing my code for rendering body meshes.

    Edit: Who's Rolf? Is he working on Carmack's team?

    Afr0 Games

    Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
    Wed, 07 Dec 2011, 13:26


    What did you get done this week.
  • Not a whole lot, almost finished a screensaver
  • Figured out 3DS video format, came up with a method to convert any 3d video to play on the 3ds.

    Did everything turn out as planned?
    Nope, it actually works!


    What's the plan for the week ahead?
  • Perhaps write a nice converter with a GUI to make the process simpler.

    Check out my excellent homepage!
  • Wed, 07 Dec 2011, 14:30


    What did you get done these past few weeks?
  • Final examinations and assignments (of the year that is)
  • Haircut.
  • Killed my computer
  • Fixing my computer.

    Did everything turn out as planned?
    Sort of. I wasn't expecting my computer to die, but considering the high risk of trying to convert a filesystem from Ext3 to Ext4, it had to crash out somewhere. I did a reinstallation, and now, it's running again.


    What didn't you get done?
  • Site redevelopment, of course

    Why not?
    Fixing computer!


    What are you working on right now?
    Nothing, as such. Just staring at the text box.

    How's that going?
    Going quite well, unless you count the many re-revisions that I'm considering...


    What's the plan for the week ahead?
  • Redesignnnnn
  • Not much else, oddly enough. Maybe do some cleaning.
  • Wed, 07 Dec 2011, 17:01


    What did you get done this week.
  • Busting out a new incarnation of my ever-indev framework
  • Returning from a long, long Hiatus
  • Creating a mass-UPS bank in my basement

    Did everything turn out as planned?
    It's been slow progress on personal stuff thanks to christmas time at work, but i've been making pretty good optimization strides on my framework. It can continuously generate terrains, with complete physics meshes, all within a 20ms overhead time. They're not terribly detailed but for an adventure game, it's great. There's no LOD at the moment, but i've been mostly working at getting everything in place.


    What didn't you get done?
  • Find a way to catch people on fire with my glare
  • Win the lottery
  • Bake that cake i'm always on about

    Why not?
    -Still need to confirm humans have telekinesis
    -I don't play the Lottery
    -No cake baking supplies

    I am Busy Mongoose - My Website

    Dev PC: AMD 8150-FX, 16gb Ram, GeForce GTX 680 2gb

    Current Project: Pyroxene