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Socoder -> Off Topic -> yey mooninites!!

Fri, 02 Feb 2007, 19:34
as some of you may have seen in the news, recently, in boston there was a "bomb scare" caused by an advertising campaign for the new aqua teen hunger force movie. heres a youtube video that explains it all, but let me just say that the city officials of Boston are stupid retarded idiots!

View on YouTube

Stuff... Yeah...
Fri, 02 Feb 2007, 20:40
I agree that they definitely overreacted a lot, seeing as how it was just an LED sign and had no kind of explosives on it whatsoever. I guess the cops don't watch late-night TV either.

My Twitter
Fri, 02 Feb 2007, 22:29
power mousey

absolutely ridiculous,
absolutely irresponsible.

Ted Turner, who has been know in the past to say or do stupid retard idiotic things himself.
In any case, there were better options and other avenues to advertise this Aqua Hunger Teen Force movie. Maybe big billboard lite brites. Or how about Err and other characters staged across some of the colleges,schools and streets.
But why pick this Err who is supposed to be angry and rebellious...strike #1, and in on display in mysterious packages with tape,wires and other items...strike #2, and at busy communter and traffic lanes...strike #3.
You got an incident in the making. And I'm glad the boston city officials took action...even if they did over-react.
I hope Boston sues Turner or at least gives him the bill for the tab for law enforcement. Turner and company should've told the city officials in the first place or done the advertising in another and more responsible manner.
I agree with what the newscasters said in the Fox Boston affilate service 100 percent...about if it was a prank, hoax,etc. It could've been a bomb. Yu never know..from a terrorist or even a Columbine like school teenager, or even a radical college student. You never know.
I hope it doesn't happen to you and neither to your family and friends in the city that where you live, magicman. Where it could disrupt your life and the flow that you and others are on.


power mousey

Sat, 03 Feb 2007, 02:40
I know a dweeb who was given 3 months in the slammer for doing a hoax back in the early 1990's. He made a dummy bomb out of a lunch box and food packaging wrapped in alluminium foil. As far as I remember, the dweebs that dared him to do it, were the one's that squealed him up to the police.

|edit| P.S... I forgot to mention the bit where he placed it on a bench in the town centre, shouted "BOMB !", and then ran off like a greyhound. |edit|
Sat, 03 Feb 2007, 04:35
power mousey

whoa, steve.

what if it was a real bomb. and lets say, you or me or the shroom monk or others here who are on law enforcement. and have the duty to protect and serve the public.
to do what we have to do to warn people, dispose and even diffuse the bomb.

but what if?...that we all have to answer...whether we are on the law enforcement or not, what lenghts would we go? would yo, would I, what others here would lay their life down in both duty and for their fellow man in protecting the public and people if it was a real bomb and you would had precious seconds.
If it was me...I would if it was family and friends. But how about people in the vicinity you don't really know...or perghaps you know a few you are criminals or even have disdain for you and the law.

what would you do?? hard question, I know.

power mousey

Sat, 03 Feb 2007, 11:33
I've got an exelent idea on what to do with a bomb... Find the scumbag that planted it, and ram it up their arse. That would definately soften the blow to the public. I appologise for the use of the word 'arse', but it is just in the way of the fact that I hate terrorism. Trust me... I can think of more serious punishment to give to terrorists, but to strong worded to post on here.

|edit| I suppose it would'nt hurt too much to say that one of the ideas of punishment involves the use of a large, and fully charged fire extinguisher, a large skateboard (add one terrorist on top of that), and a long downhill ramp with a sudden slope upwards at the bottom... LOL... what a good launch that would be . |edit|
Sat, 03 Feb 2007, 15:03
power mousey

yes!, if I had the time, I'd take the bastard with me. true. I would go out in a blazeful of Diehard style.

Yet, if the bastard wasn't around....and I only had a few seconds..before the bomb goes off. I would see if I can throw it in the air safely and duck for cover. If not, I would save as many people as I could.
I would breathe a few words of prayer to my Lord God, don't want to die, be scared shitless(apologies to all for this...but I would be, true), and do my duty and beyond.

Yet, thank you magicman for what started off as a rant about stupid idiotic Boston city officials and the Aqua Teen Hunger Force and get me and some others to think, feel, and even philisophise too.
serious, thanks.

cheers dude,

power mousey
Sun, 04 Feb 2007, 11:40
I suppoze you could cover the bomb in gravy, so that a greyhound or sumfink would grab it and run off with it.

|edit| Actually... forget that one, can you imagine bits of dead dog flying in all directions |edit|
Sun, 04 Feb 2007, 13:06
I remember hearing that on the news, or somewhere, anyway, i wondered how on the earth some little random light thingy could be thought to be a bomb, just shows you how if some real terrorist wanted to they could seriously mess us all up

A pie a day causes heart failure
Sun, 04 Feb 2007, 14:51
power mousey

oh man.
I gotta talk and respond to you Pieman. true.

lets say...similar situation happened in your school
maybe you would like to get out of school for that particular day...maybe. Just maybe.
Yet, if a school teacher or official found a package like this...what do you think the'yre gonna think and do.
For your and other people in the school as well as for the building itself...clear the classes, evacuate, call the cops and the bomb squads.
Also, what if it happened in your town,your city or area?
where it disrupts you,your famly, your friends, others in your life and area.

Those who were responsible knew what they were doing to create controversy, public outcry, and more talk and advertising for their Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie.
hey, we're still talking about it. I imagine others are still talking and thinking about it....for pro,con and somewhere in-betwween.

In any case, they will probably settle with Boston and it will be laughed and joked over and eventually forgotten.


ha and whoa! I see dead dogs flying. well, I just hope the dogs don't get caught in the crossfire or explosions. Though I love cats better.

power cop mousey
Sun, 04 Feb 2007, 23:20
Funny thing is though, the stupid nob pulled that lunch box stunt during a Government meeting at Brighton, just around the corner from the Grand Hotel. That's the same place where the I.R.A tried to blow up the Priminister of the time during the 80's (AKA Maggie Thatcher).

|edit| I know I've mentioned in the past that I don't like the Government as much as I don't like terrorist, but Maggie Thatcher was a scientist of chemistry and physics in her younger years, so I think I will let her off the hook. |edit|
Mon, 05 Feb 2007, 00:04
Of course, all of this will just generate even more publicity for the TV program.

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Mon, 05 Feb 2007, 00:56
power mousey

yes and I agree shroom.

I agree with you.

By the way, steve and shroom....I found out that Turner and company had to pay well over 748,000 dollars for the tab and expenses alone for Boston and their law enforcement agencies. For the added expenditures for Boston to issue more officers, the bomb squad, and for overtime too.

I guess Turner and representatives are going to literally send in the Queen of Hearts and cut off some heads at the Cartoon Network for this.
Well, it adds fuel to the fire for the battle of both Fox and CNN news services too.

power mousey
Mon, 05 Feb 2007, 12:38
Yes... someone's head will roll for this...

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Mon, 05 Feb 2007, 17:47
power mousey

ahhhhhh, true.

but hey, call in the Aqua Teen Hunger Force to save the day. They capture the evil Queen of Hearts and set everything right in an alternate Wonderland...where good ol Ted Turner was just the powerless king and the Queen had usurp him and taken over.
Everything returns to normal/abnormal back in Cartoon Network.

Cheshire cheers
power mousey