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Socoder -> In-Development -> AGameAWeek Progress Report

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Thu, 24 Apr 2014, 15:10
Controls are much smoother now, after an alarming amount of slowing-down of the gameplay! Seems that if you try playing this game too quick, it all gets too twitchy, so I slowed everything down and the game's much easier as a result.

Next up, adding Lives, Death and other such stuffs.

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Thu, 24 Apr 2014, 15:15

You're on target for a game a week, I'm still struggling to get a game done in a month! Although, Ludum Dare is this weekend so I'll bosh something out then, hopefully!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Fri, 25 Apr 2014, 08:27
OK, need to sort pause/death stuff, and then come up with a nice choon for the game, but .. Basics are there.. It's gamey enough..


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Fri, 25 Apr 2014, 11:20
Platdude Galaxy?
Fri, 25 Apr 2014, 16:27
Rapidly uploaded a version to OUYA review, in the hopes that it gets put through before they all lazily do nothing over the weekend.
Hopefully I didn't forget anything important before I uploaded it!!!

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Fri, 25 Apr 2014, 17:14
Now available on OUYA! Other versions will appear over the course of the weekend.. (As in, I would happily upload the GameJolt version right now, but my laptop's battery just ran out, and I can't be arsed going downstairs for the charger!!!)

I must admit, that was shockingly fast.. It must've been around about half an hour between me uploading it, and the game being on the OUYA store. That's from my upload, through OUYA review, to approve, to me clicking "Submit to Store" thingy, then waiting for it to filter through...
All within about 30 mins, give or take.
The longest part of the wait was between me clicking "submit to store", and it getting through all the cache'd stuff!!!

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Mon, 28 Apr 2014, 11:03
Been adding more features to my JayArchive, today..
Rejigged most of the "Assets" engine to dump extra stuff into a single variable, to save having to keep adding "OUYA Link" and "HTML5 Link" and other sections into the Database every other bloody week!!

I also added a section for Steam Icons, for folk who want to link their downloaded windows .exe into their Steam library, and would prefer a nice big icon.

In addition to that, I've started uploading Soundtrack mp3s to the thing, but am only starting with games I've got sat in my current temp folder, 'cos I'm too lazy to re-render the music in high quality mp3s

You can see all these features in the archive entry for Blockman Worlds, where I've got everything all uploaded, fancy-like!

I now begin the crazy job of going through the entire archive, and preparing icons, logos and mp3s for the whole bloomin' lot. Yikes!!!

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Fri, 09 May 2014, 06:16
A discussion in the OUYAforum chatbox discussing decent multiplayer games, inevitably reached the point of "Bomberman would be good", at which point I went.. "Hmmm.. Yeah, it would..."

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Fri, 09 May 2014, 11:41

Seems to be coming along fairly well so far..

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Sat, 10 May 2014, 12:17

Not happy with how these have turned out, so far, but fuck it, it'll do for now. I really need to get the AI working, and.. god knows that's going to be a major pain in the arse!!
Gah, what have I started!!!?

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Sat, 10 May 2014, 15:10
It's definitely going to be a somewhat eclectic mix, that's for sure..

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Sun, 11 May 2014, 12:53

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Mon, 12 May 2014, 02:59
First test on OUYA. Erk!
Well, it works, that's the main thing.. The thing struggles a little with all the oodles of spritesheets when trying to draw all 15 different characters onscreen with the bricks and the bombs and the pickups and the explosions. A bit of "loading-assets" stuttering, but nothing that can't be solved by a little bit of "drawing invisible assets intermittently so they get loaded up before use"!

I've currently got 3 grid sizes setup for Easy/Medium/Hard, but the larger size is drawing everything far too small to be playable.. or at least, not without a giant 50-foot screen, anyway!

So, yeah, I think I need to tweak that highest-size setting a bit, but.. Hey, at least the different sizes work!!

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Mon, 12 May 2014, 03:04
Bombs away!
Mon, 12 May 2014, 05:57
Oh boy, making AI players.... ... Yikes!!!

View on YouTube

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Mon, 12 May 2014, 16:52
After spending quite a lot of the day working on the AI, I finally managed to get Deaths into the game, along with getting the pickups working.
And then, just now, I actually had a game!
Me vs 3 random enemy AI players.

I came 3rd!

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Tue, 13 May 2014, 06:32
Excellent! When you can't beat the ai you coded you're self you know you did a good job

Check out my excellent homepage!
Tue, 13 May 2014, 06:38
Yeah, being fairly beaten by your own game really is a great feeling.
Tue, 13 May 2014, 06:39
My AI skills are shite. any chance of doing a tutorial Jay?, when you're not too busy and you feel up to it that is.
Tue, 13 May 2014, 08:03
I started with entirely random movement, then added simple stuff like "if bomb, leg it!!"... No real plan, just little bits and pieces thrown together until it feels right.

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Tue, 13 May 2014, 15:31

Ooooh, Menu!

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