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Socoder -> Off Topic -> How's things?

Sat, 18 Oct 2014, 10:07
Insert life updates, job happenings, school goings on, family events, and general other stuff here..

Not much going on in the world of Jay. Couple of doctor visits over the next few weeks, from a general checkup, to a flu jab, but nothing major.

Meanwhile, Mum's taken up knitting, and has so far knitted the front and back of a jumper, which will hopefully fit together once she's done!!

Molly is still hiding from everyone, and hates us all..

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Sat, 18 Oct 2014, 10:50
Things are nice over here, my daughter has just had her 1st birthday which went really well, lots of fun and nice to catch up with the family, etc. Business is ticking over a-okay.

Sadly lil Triston caught a sciness bug from school on Thurday and so did the wife so the weekends birthday plans have been a bit mullered. They're both feeling better now though which is good news.

Yeah, enjoying spending time with the family, played some unreal tournament last night, enjoyed the hell out of it and now Layla's 1 year old things get a bit easier, she sleeps just as well as Triston now, even with keyboard clattering in the room next door from me

My back and feet are still a bit flipped up and I've had to cut back massively on caffeine after my stomach cramped up or something. Either way, that scared the life outta me. Then I realized that I had been basically drinking caffinated stuff solely for the last 2 weeks and went "Ohhhh, yeah, that's probably it...stoopid Ryan."

Might code or play some UT tonight, not sure

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Sat, 18 Oct 2014, 12:50
Work is busy. I'm working at a new school this year, which is much better than my old ones in terms of student behavior and such. I plan on staying here for a very long time. Just made it through county meeting/conference season, but now we're entering field trip season. Field trips are stressful and not very fun when you're the one responsible for a hundred 10-year-olds.

I'm learning a lot of new songs this year and writing some of my own music too! And now I finally have a teaching space that will allow me to try out all my ideas properly. It's like first year all over again, but in a good way!

After work I mostly come home and zone out in front of the computer or the TV. I need to work on that. Also, I've been sick with a cough and a sorta-cold for the past three weeks. Yay kid germs...

My Twitter
Sat, 18 Oct 2014, 13:02
Constantly working. Or knackered. Or both.

Had a heavy cold a few weeks ago and the after-effects are still lingering.

Very little time for coding at the moment. And there's SOOOOO much I want to do
Sat, 18 Oct 2014, 13:17
I'm in Warrington, sprawled out on a bed in the hotel... Thought to myself earlier when I got in from work, I'll have an hour then get ready and go have a few pints downstairs... Just woke up and cannot be chewed.

Had an absolute terrible week at work, 2 steps forward, 3 back if you get me... Morale was at an all time low Thursday and yesterday... That bad on Thursday night me and a lad from work went straight into the bar and chucked 15 pints in... He proceeded to be sick outside the pub and to the dismay of another lad we are sharing a room with... He urinated in the corner of the room... There was hell on... I was alright like, straight in the stratcher and never moved!

Erm, I'm a new uncle again, my younger brother Neil and his wife had a little gadgy, Ethan. And he's a little smasher!

And that's about it really... Though, not looking forward to this week... Because it's probably gonna be the same... Will March on though!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Sun, 19 Oct 2014, 05:22
I've recently started my third year of uni, so that's keeping me busy. Summer was mostly uneventful - laptop died right at the start, but I built a new desktop machine to replace it, which was fun. Got called up for jury service, too, which was an interesting experience.

I'm now also in charge of running a live RPG for around 50 people in a uni society, so between that and my course all my time is getting eaten up. One day, I will have time for some slightly more recreational coding... one day...

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Mon, 20 Oct 2014, 06:13
Returning home from Kiev today after working as a freelancer for two weeks.
It's interesting, I have four articles I still need to sell, not a lot of money, and no name. Yet I feel so incredibly lucky and priviledged. I've seen mothers and university teachers dedicating all their free time to helping soldiers and refugees, without getting paid. They don't get any assistance from the government, yet insist that they do not expect it. They are doing it because they love their country and they are encouraging other people to help out.

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Mon, 20 Oct 2014, 06:28
Yeah, doing things out of love, and caring, is a great thing. Watching some episodes of "Extreme Makeover : Home Edition" can bring tears to my eyes, seeing people who care so much for other people, that they barely find time for themselves.
You need to find a good balance to do something like that, and I'm not sure I'm a strong enough person to do it.

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