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Socoder -> Wednesday Workshop -> Future Workshop suggestions..

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Tue, 19 Sep 2006, 15:24
List suggestions for future possible workshops here.
Ideas can be full descriptions, or just quick one word Workshop names.

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Tue, 19 Sep 2006, 15:47
ninja |edit| Used....LIAR!!!!! |edit| <- I meant I used it for this week's.. <- Well, obveously, i just wanted to edit and didnt know what exactly to put......

Stuff... Yeah...
Tue, 19 Sep 2006, 20:03
joystick challenge?
explosion challenge?
turn-based challenge?

YouTube Twitter
Computer Science Series: Logic (pt1) (part 2) (part 3) 2's Complement Mathematics: Basic Differential Calculus
Thu, 21 Sep 2006, 10:58
Sine wave challenge!
Thu, 21 Sep 2006, 13:04
The Point and click adventure challenge, or the nothing challenge.

Stuff... Yeah...
Thu, 21 Sep 2006, 19:06
Nothing challenge would be kinda cool, like not literally nothing, but try to make something of it. Like the character is in an empty room or something like that. |edit| Used |edit| |edit| tnt23: okay |edit|

What if this were not a hypothetical question?
Wed, 18 Oct 2006, 15:41
The All-Hail-Jayenkai Challenge?
Tue, 24 Oct 2006, 18:19
'Circles Challenge' or 'mining challenge'.

You could also do version 2 challenges of the best from the past, or maybe a 'previous challenge challenge' where it has to be based on a previous challenge rule (would be good for an anniversary).
Wed, 28 Mar 2007, 09:14
Some ideas here:
  • Make a game without having any moving objects on screen.
  • Mix three of the previous challenges into one game.
  • Make a game which is based around xxxx code (Could be a type/class, function, anything).

Wed, 28 Mar 2007, 10:21
clingy challenge - make a game to do with attraction.
mech challenge - make a game to do with robots.
300 challenge - make a game with 300 scantily-clad he-mans.
in memory of an indie challenge - recreate a scene from ocarina of time.
physics challenge - make a game based around physics (using a physics engine).
amphibious challenge - make a game which plays in both land and water.
Teamwork challenge - create a 2 player game.

other than that, perhaps you could revisit some past challenges (even those which did have entries) ...

BlitzRSS script back online!
Wed, 28 Mar 2007, 11:06
The Mousey Challenge... A game where you control Power Mousey running arround trying to eat cheese, and catching mutant-walking cans of Red Bull, and Cans of AMP.

Well... It's an idea I suppose !
Wed, 28 Mar 2007, 13:10
Or, further to steve's idea: 'The Me Challenge'. Make a game with yourself (your real self or your character) as the player.

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Wed, 28 Mar 2007, 13:18
Or, as it's gonna be the 100th WW, why not have: The SoCoder Challenge: All the members of SoCoder join forces to battle something or other evil for some unknown reason...

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Wed, 28 Mar 2007, 18:13
power mousey

eeeyepp!!, eeeyepp!!
More Human than Human
--Rob Zombie


evil force and/or entities

morbid meanderings
insidious inspirations

eeeyepp!! Cosmic Corpse
entity that helps the Grim Reaper
and member of the Cosmic Corps(corpse).
The second force of Thermodynamics.
Feeds and sucks off biological energies
of rotting flesh and life.
Maintains intricate balance of
heat life and heat death.

this is the other evil we should battle
and reduce. Ever ongoing. We are part
and result of First Force of Thermodynamics.
Wed, 28 Mar 2007, 18:56
@ Mousey...
That description is a bit like me on one of my bad days. Although, I don't suck on rotting flesh though. I suck beer instead.
Wed, 28 Mar 2007, 19:00
power mousey

along with the above idea
and with shrooms' suggestion.

Here is additional suggestion:

Screensaver or screensaver type
of programs. Challenges which pertain
to ideas,themes, of screensavers and screensaver
type of programs.
The screensavers could be static. hey, just
display a picture on the dang screen. Press
a key to end. Level 0.1 challenge. I think.
I can get off my butt and to do this. Sunbmit it too.

But for further challenges;

static,dynamic screen savers.
ones that also have activity and/or
interactivity. Also that could opened up to
more levels of the screensave ror screen saver type
of app.
Little bits of arcade games intermixed into it for more
of a challenge. The screensavers or types can be 2d,3d or mixed variety. Dang!!, I can go on and on.
I could even write a blog about this. hey!!!???

power mousey
Wed, 28 Mar 2007, 19:06
power mousey

you suck on rotting and dead hopps
processed thru the First Force
and consumed and tore down by
Second Force inorder to rebuild
or even nulify yourself by...by Third Force!??
Yet, it goes out and and is used by both
the Cosmic Corps and the First Force.
It helps you dance and jingle with Mother.
Mother Nature.

cosmic cheers
power mousey

Thu, 29 Mar 2007, 08:56
Thu, 29 Mar 2007, 09:31
power mousey

I like your idea about the mutant walking cans
of eneergy drinks.
hmmmmm.......how about a change of scenery.

The first few levels on our a farm.
Also flying beer cans fly over too.
And green mutant cows chewing carcasses
of toxic chemicals dumped by corrupt
corporate creeps.

Thu, 29 Mar 2007, 13:55
It could be done like a remake of The Chaos Engine, but with mutant energy drinks, instead of mutant primitive computer manifested robots.

Ere Jay... Can one entry of WW be done by a team of two people ?. I think that my mind multiplied by the power of Mousey will equal a cool game.
Thu, 29 Mar 2007, 14:52
I think anyone's mind + Mousey's would equal a very strange game!
Sure, I think it's in the rules.. *goes to check*
[quote=Rules]Your entry must be coded by yourself. (or your team, if you'd prefer.)[/url]

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Thu, 29 Mar 2007, 14:55
power mousey


I'm the electric head
you'r'e the one with the skeleton hand.
You're the Ripper man
And I'm the Nexus man.

I'll give you the ideas,characters,
weird winds, the smoke on the water.
The Deep Purple!

true, steve.
Thu, 29 Mar 2007, 16:15
Jay... If you think Mousey's mind would make a strange game, you will be double supprised if Mousey's mind was fused with my mind. Our heads would have to carry the message "Activate with a fully extended arm, and retreat at least 10 miles prior to explosion". Come to think of it though, you have quite a good imagination too Jay. Your mind must be very good to come up with a charater by the name of PlatDude, now that's original and "COOL" if I may say so.

Mousey... That's what I like about you, a very large and strange imagination. That's gotta be the pinnacle to imaginative games.

I reckon, three good minds could make the ultimate game. The power of PISS (Acronym)(Pun not intended)... Powerfull Imagination, Super intelligence, and Science. Equation... (Mousey=Powerfull Imagination) (Jay=Super intelligence) (Steve Ancell=Science) P+I+S+S = Mass Sensory Explosion and Mental Overload.
Thu, 29 Mar 2007, 16:29
@ Mousey...
And I'm the Nexus man.
. I actually know a member of CodersWorkshop who had the user name Nexus. He lives not too far from me. I wonder how he is doing !.
Thu, 29 Mar 2007, 16:33
History of Platdude : Part 76.. Jay thought "Platman!" A couple of weeks later, Jay spotted an Amiga PD game called "Platman" Jay quickly changed Platman's name!

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Thu, 29 Mar 2007, 17:38
Well... PlatDude looks better. Platman's just a Pacman that rides platforms, at least PlatDude does exactly what was originally of the tin.
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