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Socoder -> In-Development -> InDev : SpikeDislike3

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Mon, 04 May 2015, 08:46
A couple of months ago, I started an engine for SpikeDislike3, but the whole idea of gameplay hadn't yet fully formed in my head, just yet.
Instead. I took the time to make Invisible Munky 2, and also created a space shooter that then got abandoned.

So, this week, I'm back to the Spikes, and progress has been going well.
I've got a nice new menu system, added oodles of background counting things, and also got even got a number of gameplay styles working already.

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"Infinity" at the round's start suggests that this "stage" continues without interruption, just as regular SpikeDislike does.
Taking a few tricks from SD1, I'll be adding a variety of challenges to other levels, like "reach X score" or "pass Y spikes" or "chase Z creature"..
Things will, hopefully, be nice and varied, and since I've bulked up the main engine, should (*should) look a teensy bit better than the last time.
... But we'll see!!

SpikeDislike3 is on target for a June/July release.. .. Maybe!!!

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Mon, 04 May 2015, 11:28
Chasing Creatures sounds like a nice new feature for 3, looking forward to it

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Mon, 04 May 2015, 12:34

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Tue, 05 May 2015, 08:04
Today I wondered if I could make use of the "transform" part of Monkey to faux a 3D look.
And.. D'you know what.. I think I kinda did!!


All done in 2D, with Transform set to skew the floor and background at a ”0.15” angle, then a bit of maths (Y=Y+X*0.15) to figure out where everything else goes.
Looks ok, but I'll need to test it on all the systems to be sure.

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Tue, 05 May 2015, 10:34
Pretty cool! Does the perspective shift make it tougher I wander?

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Tue, 05 May 2015, 11:24
Nope. Kept it perfectly playable. No harder/easier, just.. .. different!

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Tue, 05 May 2015, 11:56

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Tue, 05 May 2015, 14:11
Is it possible with that set-up to add ground shadows? That might enhance the 3d-ness of it.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Tue, 05 May 2015, 14:48
Shouldn't be too hard to achieve, but will also be of the good-old-fashioned "dark circle on the floor" variety!
Just been ALChooning, and am now playing with the possibility of adding background elements.
A busy day, today!!

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Sat, 09 May 2015, 14:00
Been spending most of today recreating the basic Bounce, so that it'll work with other floors and roofs and things.. Not that I've added any, yet, but.. Good to have it in there, just on the off chance!
For the first time, The ball does NOT constantly bounce on a sine-wave!!! OMG!WTF!?BBQ!!!

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Sun, 10 May 2015, 04:00
Is it just my eyes, or are the spike blocks a different angle to the floor?

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Sun, 10 May 2015, 04:17
Yeah, they are.. You should see the amount of work that went into trying to get them THAT close!!!
Faux-3D is NOT an easy thing to do!
.. Well, it IS, but I dared to try using Monkey's Translate function to do it, and it all went bonkers!!

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Sun, 10 May 2015, 04:57
Surely you can just hand draw the cubes?
Sun, 10 May 2015, 05:08
Once everything's locked off, I'll go back and "fix" what I can. For now, I'm still pissing about with the engine.
I just added a 3% tilt to the Mario one, and it doesn't look entirely awful!!

.. Utter chaos, right now. Far too much stuff being juggled about at once.

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Fri, 15 May 2015, 12:44

Hmmm.. As nice as this theme is to play, I may need to change the little fishy. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense for a fish to be "bouncing" across the floor of the ocean!!!

Maybe a little squid or a jellyfish or something..?

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Fri, 15 May 2015, 13:58
Nothing wrong with the fishy
Fri, 15 May 2015, 17:33
So what's the distribution plan on this one? It seems Google have made good on their threats and pulled all your stuff. >

apparently no angry emoticon available...

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.
Fri, 15 May 2015, 18:04
iOS : ~£1200
GooglePlay ; ~£35

Android will be getting a stripped down freebie edition via my archive, and to hell with anything else.

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Sat, 16 May 2015, 05:33
Replaced Fish with Octopus, and the logic of "Floating thing bouncing off the floor" became much more believable!

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Sat, 16 May 2015, 07:50
Lookin good, although it looked like you were a bit cheated into dying at the end there with the bubble spawning suddenly.

Maybe adding a sign that a new bubble is coming soon would be a nice addition?

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Sat, 16 May 2015, 07:59
Already sorted that, along with smoother tilting for Mr Octopus, and a more wavery background!!

> Reveal 🔎

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Sat, 16 May 2015, 10:40
Cool stuff!
Sun, 17 May 2015, 12:18
Stripped down version, eh? Well now I have even more reason to be annoyed at iPple users.

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.
Sun, 17 May 2015, 12:20
Don't blame the iPeeps. This is 100% Google's fault.

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Sun, 17 May 2015, 13:06
Google ain't everything. Have you considered slideme.org? They're the oldest marketplace for apps for those unfettered by Google's proprietary services.
(And there's Amazon, but I'd still rate them below Google)

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.
Sun, 17 May 2015, 14:02

When Games Collide

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