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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Fleet! .. Now with LUA!

Fri, 18 May 2007, 01:55
'lo all. I don't know if any of you have ever heard of Fleet (from the game INFANTRY), but I am currently rebuilding the framework for it from it's server kit. We've added lots of spiffy features such as MySQL database for player scores and a LUA VM for advanced event scripting. The concept in the game is simple. 2 teams, resources, large map. You build a fleet, and you blow each other to hell. Imagine Starcraft meets Escape Velocity, only there are no 'units', everything is player goverened (mostly, there are automated systems aswell!)

The fun part is when you get around 30+ people each team and the battles become epic. Right now, we have a small community but we're in need of testers/players. Anyone willing to participate, please comment

I am Busy Mongoose - My Website

Dev PC: AMD 8150-FX, 16gb Ram, GeForce GTX 680 2gb

Current Project: Pyroxene
Fri, 18 May 2007, 02:28
Sounds cool
Fri, 18 May 2007, 02:52
I'd be interested in testing.
Fri, 18 May 2007, 02:55
I'd also want to try it
Fri, 18 May 2007, 03:35
Sounds interesting, but I'd probably be too busy for a decent beta-testing session.

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 18 May 2007, 03:41
Next planned Skirmish is on Sunday, May 20th, 7pm GMT -05:00 (eastern coast U.S.)

The client has been uploaded, you can get it at: www.echoshard.com/mog/Infantry.exe (240.4mb) Please excuse the filesize, as there are ALOT of datafiles included that are not in use. They're for future zones we plan to use.

-----Guide Explaining Some Things------

1) In order to play, you have to first Register. When you have the client, go to File->Sign up and Enter your details. Then you are free to play. Don't forget to set your resolution for optimal viewing.

2) The Server is currently BETA, so expect crashes/oddness. We also don't have a large userbase at the moment, so if you log on and no one is there, This is the reason. We are trying to expand! So if you know anyone interested, please tell them about it! It's a simple but fun game.

3) Don't get frustrated if you die alot, there are some very oldschool players with us that are insanely good. Also, try to participate with the team because being a lone wolf only gets you killed faster. Also, don't blindly rush things (especially big things. If it's bigger than you, chances are your little cannon isn't going to affect it. Find a Capitol Ship short of a crew member and man the position!). You may also want to always be in the middle of the action, but don't forget the backbone of an RTS is the workers! Resources are needed for Cap Ships, so if you want one, go work for it!

4) Communication is critical in this game. Since it's all in real time, everything flows as fast as you see it. Learning how to use chat/macros is simple. I will list all of the examples below:

Hello <----goes to Public Chat (Blue Text)
//Hello <----goes to Team Chat (Yellow Text)
/Hello <----Will send a private message to the playername you have selected in the list
:: <----Use this to quickly respond to a private message

Now we come to Macros/Variables:

The best way to explain all of these is to give examples of usage. Most macros will be to quickly communicate what you see to your team, so most will use //. There are small sound clips ingame to further alert people to your surroundings, so using them will achieve greater success. An example of one of these alert macros is as follows:

//%5Inbound enemies at %coord!

Will Display to your team "Inbound Enemies at A1!" with a soundclip. In order to bind these macros, type out the message and hit Shift+F# (F# being F1-F12). To use, Just hit Shift+F# to play the chat macro back. Any chat can be bound to key, so feel free to come up with your own ways of using. Just make sure you have all of your alert macros going to the team chat channel, or else the other team will know that they've been spotted.

Quickly, I'll list the soundclip numbers. As shown In that example above, you simply type % then a number.

%5 = Inbound Bogeys
%6 = Bogeys on scope
%7 = Multiple Bogeys Attacking
%8 = Roger That
%9 = All Clear
%10 = Roger!
%11 = Minerals Detected
%12 = I need Escort
%13 = Everyone Report your Position

That is the most basic guide of how to play. Feel free to ask anyone ingame on what to do.

If the Gamemode FLEET! does not come up, go to View - Options and enter this as your Directory Server:

Server Address:dirserv.servegame.org

I am Busy Mongoose - My Website

Dev PC: AMD 8150-FX, 16gb Ram, GeForce GTX 680 2gb

Current Project: Pyroxene
Fri, 18 May 2007, 04:57
Damn, I've just realised I don't think I can play. Our network has the UDP ports blocked for 'security' reasons. I presume that's why I cannot get any connection at all.

That's a real shame, because I really like the ideas behind this.
Fri, 18 May 2007, 05:15
That's a shame, Diablos. Maybe sometime in the future you can join us.

I am Busy Mongoose - My Website

Dev PC: AMD 8150-FX, 16gb Ram, GeForce GTX 680 2gb

Current Project: Pyroxene
Fri, 18 May 2007, 05:36
Next month I'm moving into my own place, where we won't be having restrictions on the network. I'll be able to join in then.
Fri, 18 May 2007, 05:42
power mousey

how about a sci-fi/fantasy role based network game!??

I'm the Power Mousey.

I'm a Power Ranger. Well versed in the martial arts
of the Cheese-Kai. A Class combination of Warrior, Cleric and Thief.
I can shape shift in various small animals...yet, my favorites are the Mousey and secondly as a crow.
With my Holographic Power Suit...it enhances my powers,skills and talents too.
I can climb,swim, stealth, lockpick, silent detect,
and disarm traps, and even identify certain items and artifacts too.

Now, Mog that would be who I would role play
if you had a sci-fi/fantasy network game.

However, in this game I'll just be content of being a flight fighter jockey in my Volt II ship. I still have
my Power Battle suit. Handed down generation after generation of keeping the Power Mousey line alive and kicking.
I admit I don't know much about this Cheese-Kai. But the interface to the Volt II ship enhances my speed and reaction
times on my ship. And generates extra shielding and power to the ship itself.
I'm more still a Warrior and in service of the United
Star Forces. Yet, on the side I do certain odd jobs as
both a mercenary and thief too.

power mousey
Fri, 18 May 2007, 09:19
I might help, and I'll search like heck for bugs

unfortunately if my mum lets me download it I won't be able to do the online session sunday cause I'll probably be in church.

|edit| WHOA HUGE filesize, could you, like, make a second download without the unessecary files... that's... huge. |edit|

There are 10 kinds of people in this world -

( Insert 16 remarks about to what extent people know hex here )
Fri, 18 May 2007, 09:27
I have games that take up 5gb, so size isn't a worry. But the download was very slow.
Fri, 18 May 2007, 09:38
Blitz3DMan: No. I've explained, There are data files that aren't being used in the current zone, but are needed for future expansions when the server unlocks the others.

Power Mousey: ...What...?

I am Busy Mongoose - My Website

Dev PC: AMD 8150-FX, 16gb Ram, GeForce GTX 680 2gb

Current Project: Pyroxene
Fri, 18 May 2007, 10:13
oh, oh, ok.

I'll probably see if I can download tonight.

There are 10 kinds of people in this world -

( Insert 16 remarks about to what extent people know hex here )
Fri, 18 May 2007, 15:09
I can't create an account I get an error message saying that "Account creation is throttled". I don't know what that's supposed to mean, though.
Fri, 18 May 2007, 16:11
power mousey


the post explains itself.
If you can read it carefully.
and what is the 'what the' to it!??

if you were creating a sci-fantasy game
that would be one of the characters and a little story
and his character.
yet, this is more of a space sci-fi battle network game.
and this would be one of my characters of a fight flight
jockey. I like to add character and story to my player or user.
yet, nevermind. I'm not interested in your game anymore. Sorry I took up my time and your time. Be assured I won't reply.

Fri, 18 May 2007, 21:33
Power Mousey: No need to get offensive. You must understand that your posts are often confusing, or at least until the reader becomes used to them.

Fri, 18 May 2007, 22:23
power mousey
yes, you're right Nolan.

However, I wasn't getting offensive.
A little upset..yeah, but for gosh josh sakes!
the post was as plain as plain can be. Maybe, just
maybe I should turn down the thinking transistors
in my brain when I read certain peoples' posts.
And then, express and even moan that I cannot understand them or what they say. Shoe on other foot...sorta speak. duhhhh!??
An ant with a grain of brain cells could
read and understand what I was trying to say.

Anyway, the game as Mog was describing isn't
interesting and is not my cup of tea.

|edit| I bought and will play Ages of Empires from Microsoft. Limited Edition. And thats that. |edit|

nuff said!

Sat, 19 May 2007, 01:07
phoenix: the account database is currently being rebuilt/tinkered with and so the connection is cut. (i think the admin doing it put the world 'throttled' there as a nicer way of saying its screwed up)

since i am away from home with only a pda, ill have to deal with it saturday evening (hehe its probably nothing bad, just trying to get it to stop erroring out on certain conditions. Hopefully it will be back in time for the sunday test and skirmish)

Power Mousey: its fine to give backstory, but sometimes people arent looking for some thought out, irrelevant history. there are no rpg elements in this game, but i guess that shouldnt stop some people from giving a little character to themselves, but that point aside, I didnt ask for it. I simply asked if you were interested. Secondly, i dont care what game i should be making in your eyes, because if i made everything people told me, i would have fifty million online rpgs that sucked because im only one person. Since you aptly got your point across that you were not interested, then why even bother posting? I wouldnt want someone as touchy to a simple question for clarity to test my games.

I am Busy Mongoose - My Website

Dev PC: AMD 8150-FX, 16gb Ram, GeForce GTX 680 2gb

Current Project: Pyroxene
Sat, 19 May 2007, 01:18
power mousey

well again, whats the point??
Your game...in my opinion will not work out anyway.

yes, I was a little touchy for you not understanding.
I was just trying to help out, give some advice, spruce the goose up..as you say. It was interesting at the start.
But now...I'm not interested.
But if it did involve rpg elements or some intro story
or movie...it would be better. I think...my opinion.

But as you told me its your game and choice.
And time will tell....

Sorry to waste your time.

Sat, 19 May 2007, 03:10
Looks good, ill have a go.
Is it gonna work today or do i have too wait until Sunday?
Sat, 19 May 2007, 04:05
As i said, there is a planned test on sunday. I have no idea as of this moment if it's working at all or is on fire and burning down my house, because Im 3 hours away tending to other business. I havent spoken with the other server admin, so he may be working on the underlying scripts and may have the account database offline for the time being. Sorry for this guys, but as I said: Its still in development, and we are testing sunday. As of this writing, its 6am EST. I should be home by 6pm and I'll see whats the deal with it, so hold out for another 12, guys... Please

If it helps any, add me on MSN: noxthox@hotmail.com , this way i can keep you informed on when it's up and ready, this way i can give you guys a crash course before the skirmish on sunday.

*edit* Ok i just remote connected to check out the logs... the database wasz offline due to the reason of the other admin bringing online one of the biggest zones in the game. Call it ironic, but the zone is called 'RPG: EoL Crater Titan', which DOES have RPG elements in the form of ground-based squad combat over a very expansive map. It appears everything is back to normal (the database was offline all of yesterday it seems), but i cant verify (hehe im sounding like a broken record -- cant test, PDA...) but if you guys are keen on it, try to register now and post if you were successful or not.

I am Busy Mongoose - My Website

Dev PC: AMD 8150-FX, 16gb Ram, GeForce GTX 680 2gb

Current Project: Pyroxene
Sat, 19 May 2007, 07:11
power mousey


now Mog that 'RPG: Eol Crater of Titan' sounds cool.
Craters of Titan. sounds awesome. and with those
RPG elements.

now, you're talking dude.

power mousey

Sat, 19 May 2007, 09:40
Me play
Sat, 19 May 2007, 14:52
power mousey

who are you?? O_o

methinks and senses you are somebody familar!?
already a member, but under another name.

confess up.

anyway, enjoy the game
and welcome aboard again.