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Socoder -> Nintendo Gaming -> Labo VR

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Fri, 26 Apr 2019, 07:33
Where your house is, over the little bridge, there's a big flagpole on a bit of a hill.
Stood on that hill, taking a lovely look around at the town, then the stars came out, and I glanced up at them. A gorgeous view.


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Fri, 26 Apr 2019, 09:55
Looks OK from those screenshots. There doesn't seem to be a lot of depth, does it feel that way ingame?

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Fri, 26 Apr 2019, 10:03
It's not very pronounced.
.. but getting a flag in my face certainly shit me up!!

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Fri, 26 Apr 2019, 13:51
Seems I'm not the only one wanting to vomit!! Linkage

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Fri, 26 Apr 2019, 17:18
Again because the Switch VR is only 3 DOF motion sickness is going to be more pronounced... and depending on how the camera moves around in the games too.

Take it real slow!
Sat, 27 Apr 2019, 10:42
Gave it a quick try with my google cardboard.

1. Lenses too small, field of view doesn't reach the edges of the screen.
2. Zelda isn't really a VR game, its 3rd person and the depth isn't very good. Other than having the screen pressed against my face, I couldn't really notice any difference.

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Sat, 27 Apr 2019, 11:59
Yeah, the LaboLenses are huge compared to my Google Cardboard ones. I was shocked when I opened the box!
Nice and big enough to fit snuggly with my glasses attached, too, which is nice!

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Sat, 27 Apr 2019, 16:58
Zelda isn't really a VR game, its 3rd person

Some of the best VR games are in 3rd person, for example AstroBot on the PSVR or Lucky's Quest for the Rift. VR games don't have to be in 1st person.

Could the lack of depth be due to the IPD not set correctly or that you were using Google cardboard?
Sat, 27 Apr 2019, 17:19
It's definitely the ingame camera that's doing that. I think they might've narrowed the cross, so that it doesn't go completely batshit insane when battling between close objects, and far off distant mountains!!
I might be wrong, but this game has to seamlessly switch between those extremes all the time, and I figured that was probably a factor when deciding on how "3D" to make the camera.

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Sun, 28 Apr 2019, 05:23
I might be tempted to look in the £1 shop for a couple of larger magnifying glasses to upgrade my cardboard so that I can see the outside edges of the screen

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Sun, 28 Apr 2019, 05:29
The cheaper of the Labo VR kits ("Starter Kit") is £35 on Amazon at the minute. I know that's quite a bit, but it would at least save you all the faffing about to hack yourself the thing together!

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Sun, 28 Apr 2019, 05:40
it would at least save you all the faffing about to hack yourself the thing together!

And where would the fun be in that?

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Sun, 28 Apr 2019, 05:51

You do at least get to build up the VR goggles, though. And you get a blaster to build, too!! .. I haven't built my blaster, yet. Maybe I should do that, tonight?

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Mon, 29 Apr 2019, 05:55
More stereo-pics

This is perhaps the most 3D image I've taken, and only then because the donkey and bloke are in front of Link, so quite close to the camera.

After a quick nosey around, I headed off to what I figured would be a nice quiet scenic view.

Teleporting to the nearby shrine, I headed to Lurelin village.

I walked to a lovely little rock, a little bit away from the village, then ..
Stood perfectly still, and took in the views.
> Reveal 🔎

It was stunning!
The sound of the waves crashing, the view of the stars and moon, the gorgeous sunrise...
I spent an entire ingame night-time just standing there taking in the views.

And without any movement, simply glancing around, the VR experience was infinitely less nauseous.
And I think that's the trick to BOTW-VR.. Not moving!

As much as you "can" wander around, and play the entire game in VR, it's much better suited to being in a static position and simply taking in the views.

A wonderful experience.

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Mon, 29 Apr 2019, 19:20

Tue, 30 Apr 2019, 02:44
Hell no!!!
Being able to quickly and easily pull the fucker away is super-important!!!

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Fri, 31 May 2019, 04:42

View on YouTube

Not happening!!!
You are NOT putting that near my face!!!
That is WAY too frantic! I'm getting slightly nauseous just looking at the 2D video!

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