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Socoder -> Health Matters -> How's things?

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Wed, 05 Aug 2020, 14:55
Possibly the stress from the fall?
Hope you feel better in the next few days. Try not to stress too much, and find something relaxing to cheer yourself up.

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Wed, 05 Aug 2020, 15:08
Yeah, I think it was my body going through a somewhat delayed shock, 24hours delayed shock, thanks Jay, yeah spending tomorrow and possibly Friday away from work depending on how Thursday pans out

Much loves to all, nn

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Wed, 05 Aug 2020, 15:24
My mum is visiting her new grandchild who was born last week. My brother died earlier this year while his girlfriend was 15 weeks pregnant. She wil be back tomorrow. I am taking care of the pets.

I tried to do a rowing session but got tired a half hour in and stopped. Wil try again tomorrow.
Wed, 05 Aug 2020, 16:33

Hopefully you'll be feeling more yourself soon. Have a few days off. Rest, relax and stuff.
Sat, 15 Aug 2020, 15:17
@Pakz, I;'m sorry to hear about the death of your brother, that's gotta be a hard pill to swallow

Unrealted news: Legs are all better again, jogged to work yesterday, having a lots of downtime the week prior appears to really help speed up recovery.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Sat, 15 Aug 2020, 18:02
That's good to hear.
Just don't be overdoing it!

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Sun, 16 Aug 2020, 05:53
Yeah, gonna flip between walking and jogging each day to work, convinced one of the larger guys from work to walk in on monday with me which should be good, assuming the weather isn't too bad.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Sun, 16 Aug 2020, 06:06
Share the health!
Sun, 16 Aug 2020, 06:13
Heheheh Hey, if it helps him out a bit then that'll be an awesome thing

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Thu, 20 Aug 2020, 11:34
Getting really sick of this weather / what ever it is that's throwing my sleep pattern out of whack and affecting my health it seems.

I've been in a constant sweat throughout today yet it's only 20 degrees, low energy, even after changing my diet to what should be much healthier food and veg.

My anxiety levels seem to just spike through the roof at random, it's very weird....

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Thu, 20 Aug 2020, 11:39
The heat's been horrible. I've been having "not scorching hot" baths, lately. God, what I would do for a decent cool shower..

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Thu, 20 Aug 2020, 22:57
This weather is really pissing me off - it's either hot, or hot AND muggy. Even when it's raining. The rain itself is warm too.

Other than that, all is OK.
Fri, 21 Aug 2020, 05:18
Yay storms last night, thank goodness!
Sat, 29 Aug 2020, 08:57
What a weird week again.

Feels like my energy levels are at a permanent all time low, been feeling more lethargic everyday through the last half of the week, ended up ankel deep in flodo water inside the shop through tuesday rescuing stock and keeping the water away from things, all the while a recommended change to our server settings lost us email for 4 hours, which wasn't good for anyone.

Got that fixed up by the end of the day and really had to struggle to get up and stay awake through work the last couple of days, legs are just about functioning. Dunno if it's diet or poisioning from hanging out in god knows what sorta water for an hour of so on Tuesday but here I am, missing my day with the kids, updating the How's things section.

Yeah, things aren't great, thankfully I've not been sick ,etc, etc but gastro is not happy. Anyhoo, I'm going back to bed again.Hopefully the ol auto immune system will deal with whatever it is.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Sat, 29 Aug 2020, 09:01
Have a good rest.
Sat, 29 Aug 2020, 09:45
Fingers crossed that all ills will be shortlived and full recovery will be swift.

I fell asleep while drinking a cuppa the other day, woke up 20+ minutes later with the cup still in my hand. And a cold cuppa.

Yeah, so other than being permanently knackered, all is well here.
Sat, 29 Aug 2020, 22:32
I took a break from doing any thing that made me sweat during the heatwave. This took almost 2 weeks.
I now started getting back to exercising every day. Today I feel the knees so it is a rest day. Maybe a couple of exercises on the power tower this afternoon.

I also got the yamaha modx out of the bag and started a couple of new remixes. Dune ecolove and superfrog woodland is in tbe works. I already bought the camera connection kit to record audio to a apple device. These things cost 50 euro's!

I ordered a rice table yesterday for me and my mother. There is more than enough for 2 days!
Tue, 01 Sep 2020, 08:16
Still dizzy and lethargic. So I phoned up the docs, as should have registered with them a long time ago over near my current place but y'know....waiting for them to add me to their system so I can get booked in, checked over, blood tests, etc.

Still finding it tough to stay awake for a whole day.

Maybe I'll re-watch Weird Science, might give me some project inspiration heh.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Tue, 01 Sep 2020, 09:44
Hmm. That doesn't sound too great.
Are you sleeping enough?

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Tue, 01 Sep 2020, 12:46
Yeah, I just had another ....4 hour nap midway through the day.

I'm still v.tired and Iahve no idea what's causing this.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Wed, 02 Sep 2020, 06:20
Feeling a bit better today, attempting a half day at work, also managed to fix a whole raft of audio issues with flap happy this morning which is really good news! Still a lil dizzy but not too bad currently. All things going well I may post an update tonight.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Wed, 02 Sep 2020, 11:36
Bolton enters Lockdown III!!!
Wed, 02 Sep 2020, 13:40
Oh no. Sorry to hear that dude
Thu, 03 Sep 2020, 08:31
My city was the national corona hotspot a couple of weeks ago. There was a muslim new year or something and this kind of caused a spike I think. The personel of the supermarket cleaned the shopping carts for two days and left it at that.

I have been sleeping a couple of times during the day. I took my medicine during the day and then get tired. Normally I take them before bedtime. My motor functions also are not that well the first couple of hours.
Thu, 03 Sep 2020, 10:16
Sounds kinda similar to me with the sleeping thing, takes me 30mins at least to get out of bed currently.

Hope you feel better soon dude.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Thu, 03 Sep 2020, 15:32
Taken a "medicinal" bath for an hour tonight to see if it helps out, if it doesn't at least I'll be spinkly clean for tomorrow.

Not had a bath in this house until today and I've been over here for nigh on a year!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
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