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Socoder -> Health Matters -> How's things?

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Thu, 03 Sep 2020, 15:58

But to be fair, I've not had a shower in about 8.5 years, so I can't complain..

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Fri, 04 Sep 2020, 02:17
Managed to wake up a lot easier and then the dizziness kicked in again after around 20 minutes. Also, finally got a phone appointment!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Fri, 04 Sep 2020, 02:18
That really doesn't sound good.. :\
Fri, 04 Sep 2020, 02:52
I really need tests and a pressure check done and fast IMHO. My available holiday hours have gone down from 90 at the start of last month down to 16 today.

That and I'm a lil worried which way m body is going to go over the next few weeks.

Thankfully got a docs appointment at 10:30 today!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Fri, 04 Sep 2020, 03:02
Those are hard to get, lately. Or at least, they are here. Our GP's only seeing people in emergency situations.

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Fri, 04 Sep 2020, 03:04
Yes, let's hope this isn't an emergency situation also

Thankfully we've not had more than 200 confirmed cases in the area since they started counting the numbers which is pretty good.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Fri, 04 Sep 2020, 04:05
So, the docs said it's likely post-infection and I should be back to normal in the next week or so, no need for any blood tests, my blood pressure, oxygenation and blood sugar levels are all bang in the middle of a-okay along with no enlarged organs (ohh err missus) no gland swelling and an armpit check for some reason.

So, I'm on the mend but it could take a lil while before I flush, whatever's causing, this out of my system. I'm suspecting it's from me clearing flood water which was coming from under the building last Tuesday as that's when shit started to hit the fan.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Fri, 04 Sep 2020, 05:14
Hmm.. yeah, that sounds plausible.

Fri, 04 Sep 2020, 05:52
Yeah, the doc agreed that it's the most likely thing, I'm genuinely feeling a lot better after the news from him to be honest, gonna repeat the long time in the bath again tonight to see if that helps fix things a bit more. Unlikely I know but, if it means I'm going to be more able to spend time with the kids on Saturday then I absolutely should.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Sat, 05 Sep 2020, 12:06
Oh, geeze... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-54042400
Lockdown 3.5 for Bolton!!

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Tue, 08 Sep 2020, 08:44
Lockdown 3.5 intensifies. Bolton makes National news headlines!


Restaurants, pubs and clubs are takeaway only, and all must close by 10pm..
No socialising, even outdoors.

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Tue, 08 Sep 2020, 14:04
I don't quite understand how reducing the opening hours helps anyone.

You end up with more people over a shorter period of time, or at least equal to before, resulting in a more condensed packet of the poopulation. They should, IMHO be encouraging extended opening hours to thin it out over more time.

Now the schools have re-opened they've introduced an array of odd measures, involving , instead of allowing the free flow of people to control things amongst themselves, nice and quick drop the kids into school then you're done. A packed 40 minute queue next to a busy road with a bunch of school kids who want to be running about.

There's no logic to this.

I'm sorry that Bolton is having to go through this dude, I hope it doesn't end up wrecking the place in the long term.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Tue, 08 Sep 2020, 14:19
Yeah, we've all been LOLing about the "pubs close at 10, but you can't go to the pub, though" rule, as well as the "reduction of people you're allowed in your house from 30 down to about 6".

Fuxake, 30 people in a house?!
No wonder the damn stats are spiking!!!!


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Tue, 08 Sep 2020, 14:36
Today is shit. Redundancies abound and I'm in scope. Find out on Thurblesday if I'm out of a job at the end of Sept (highly likely).

2020 is just the bestest.

Still, there's 2021 to look forward to. That's gotta be good hasn't it? =/
Tue, 08 Sep 2020, 15:07
Fuck, that sucks @Krakatomato. This is happening all over the place now, so many businesses can't carry on that we're getting closer and closer to ending up dependent on the government for money which is going to come from errr....where exactly? Amazon? ebay? not likely....

Right, This next section is going to be rather ranty and not safe for those with eyes that are easily offended but I feel the need to write this somewhere. Just skip it, I'm ranting it's not pretty.

> Reveal 🔎

Phew...That was, err, rather cathartic. I won't hold it against anyone if they choose to delete this post, I've been around on Socoder for a lil while and will completely understand if that's felt to be the necessary action here, you're all stirling guys and possibly gals? and I know there's going to be some disagreement on this. I'm just wanting things to get back to how they were pre March 2020 and there's a lot of frustration built up in here, I hope you can at least understand my need to vent.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Tue, 08 Sep 2020, 17:08
Fuck, @Krakatomato, that is NOT what you need, right now.
I'd normally wish good luck, suggest you hope for the best, and all that, but given the crapfest that is 2020, preparing for the worst is probably the better suggestion.

*distant ascii hugs*

As for Rychan's post.... the whole point of Lockdown was to delay the spike enough for the healthcare systems around the globe to better prepare for things.
It's been going on for so long, though, that we're now nearing "normal" flu season, when the NHS usually struggles as the norm.
It's kind of a now or never situation, I reckon.
If we don't deal with the brunt of things, now, we're definitely not going to be able to do it come November/December.

Do we hide away, or do we push on?

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Tue, 08 Sep 2020, 19:03
... meanwhile https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-54081131

Bolton rules for all.
No more than 6 people together.

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Tue, 08 Sep 2020, 20:02
There's 5 of us in our house at the moment. Having my two eldest daughters back home from uni would mean 7 of us. So that's no longer permitted? We're a family of 7 so how on Earth does that rule work? It's not clear at all
Tue, 08 Sep 2020, 20:26
There are allowances, like people who work together, schools, and of course, households. That's ok..
But, yeah, it's all a big pile of crap when you add the schools into the mix. That's not just a bunch of kids in classes together. That's all the parents dropping the kids off, picking them up. It's all the teachers, the school cooks, the caretakers..
Schools aren't "just" rooms of children.

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Wed, 09 Sep 2020, 12:27
@Krakatomato - Wishing you all the best, and hoping that the worst doesn't happen.

Too little. Too late. Too long. That's the UK's response to everything.

The government says - "Don't blame the youngsters" - well, actually, I do (people aged 16-35), as from what I'm seeing, it's (mainly) those people going on marches, gathering at raves/playgrounds/homes, going down to the beaches/pubs/clubs, ignoring social distancing, not using facemasks etc. etc. etc.

Back in my day, this was all fields...
Wed, 16 Sep 2020, 01:30
I just got a notice that I wil have to move to a new place. They are renovating my building and the block where I'm in is going to be completely emptied out and turned into large luxerious appartements.

I have 2 years to find and be helped to a new place. They are offering a amount? of moving fees, which surely would only cover a small part of the total costs. I hope to recoup at least the new flooring and moving service. But knowing how much the head of 'social housing' makes he probably will bleed out everyone for every penny.

Maybe I can get a slightly larger home with more room for sporting equipment. Though the disability income here is on welfare level. I wil have to be lucky as there is a enormous shortage of homes here in the netherlands.

edit: I just checked. The law makes it so they have to pay a minimum of 6253 euro's for moving costs. I called to make sure and the social housing verified. They are not cheaping out! This makes planning a whole lot easier. I might actually get some new furtiture now.
Wed, 16 Sep 2020, 03:45
Ugh.. Just as you're getting your superfast broadband, too!!
Good luck finding a new place. Hope you get somewhere nice.

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Wed, 16 Sep 2020, 04:22
I'm not going to bother now with the connection. I could be in a new home this year if anything comes available. Hopefully that home will be cabled by that time also. The heating bills are a small concern the first year though. I think you pay based on what the previous renter payed. This could mean I might have to pay at least a hundred more a month for the first year. That is 1/3 of what I have available a month. But the 6000 would cover this I'm sure.

My mum was panicking this morning when I called her with the news. She was on the phone with the social housing quite some time after that.
Wed, 16 Sep 2020, 12:17
It never just rains around here, does it? :/
Wed, 16 Sep 2020, 12:19
Been busy at work this week, one thing, another, another, etc. Spent last weekend with the kids which was great, we made pizza from scratch including the base and everything, headed to the park and most of the dizziness has disappeared now.

Only to be replaced with the cold the kids picked up from school, ha!

Keeping a check on my symptoms so it doesn't become something worse which is pretty unlikely, I'll be glad to get the cold bug out o the way early on as opposed to late in the year.

Been getting Triston into 3d modelling of late, he's picked it up really quickly which is great.

Back up to walking to & from work for the moment, will be glad once I level back up to running one way in again.

Glad to hear you're getting 6k to help out and a decent timeframe to find somewhere that's right for you Pakz, mkaes a bad situation a bit easier hopefully!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Wed, 16 Sep 2020, 12:47
I hope you feel better soon rychan. I usually do not get sick that often. Only this year a 'bit' after my mothers dog licked me in the eyeball and I got sick the day after. I asume the lick caused it.

I had to order a new laptop and need to spend a little bit more after calling the tax information hotline. I would get taxed if I recieve the 6k and my savings are above a certain amount. My main laptop was 3 years old already anyways so no waste on that.
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