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Socoder -> Health Matters -> How's things?

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Sun, 11 Oct 2020, 05:41
Would that be a HS2 train?
Sun, 11 Oct 2020, 13:57
Nope. It was definitely PPE.

I'm pretty certain that some government bods will have fingers in the HS2 pie too.
Sat, 17 Oct 2020, 04:25
Amazing how a change in attitude of the mayor of a city, will suddenly see thousands of "Bolton is definitely in Lancashire" diehards suddenly claim that we're part of Greater Manchester.

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Sat, 17 Oct 2020, 10:39
Knackered, just driven a 120 mile round trip from Brighton to Portsmouth hovercraft port and back.
Sat, 17 Oct 2020, 12:09
What for?
Sat, 17 Oct 2020, 13:57
Picked up my cousin and his family, they went to IOW

|update| -=-=- |update|
Not a trip I would like to do too often.
Sat, 17 Oct 2020, 18:33
Three days (so far!) without the inernet or phone (thanks BT, you UTTER FUCKTARDS!!!!!), is pissing me off. I'm typing this from work. It'll be late Monday or Tuesday before I'm back properly. BT initially said two weeks. We told them to FUCK OFF and put in a complaint. We initially thought it was just the internet that was down, but did some digging and found that our phone number is being used by someone else and theirs is now ours. So back to BT we went....

I just hope that whoever has our line hasn't been calling Australia etc. for the last three days...

Other than that, all is well. Or as well as it can be without fucking internet. In other words, it sucks!
Sun, 18 Oct 2020, 03:13
Sun, 25 Oct 2020, 17:49
Things are a mix between okay, not so good and fucking terrible right now.

Nana (my Gran) died on October 12th and her funeral is happening on Wednesday. I've been trying to keep in touch with Mum and well, most of the family as best I can since then to offer support ,etc check in on peeps where I can.

Let the kids know about it last weekend and erm, yeah, that went pretty much as expected. Written an eulogy which I'll be reading out, checked things over with mum that it's suitable and acceptable. Fuck those things are hard to read aloud without crying I tell ya.

Dad's given me some tips on how to get through it all, it's erm, kinda a strange one, the emotions that it brings out, just like sudden waves of sadness and you're not sure how to break from it.

Sleeping pattern is pretty much shot and sometimes it's just that bit tougher to do stuff at the moment. At the same time I'm able to rationalise it as all part of the grieving process and I know that time heals things pretty well but this one feels significant, last of the generation stuff, Nana made it to 92 and led a kind, caring life but, as I'm sure it is for everyone, it's sad to lose a family member.

Yeah err, not really sure what to post atm, hence the having been rather quiet of late.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Mon, 26 Oct 2020, 03:12
Sorry to hear that and good luck with the eulogy.
Mon, 26 Oct 2020, 03:31
Damn. So sorry to hear that.
Mon, 26 Oct 2020, 04:14
Thanks all, have warned work I might not be in on the Thursday, s'all a bit crazy

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Mon, 26 Oct 2020, 04:40
Tue, 27 Oct 2020, 06:19
Have lost track of how many days I've been holed up in my bed.
I'm behind on my daily pixelarts, blog, and more.
Really struggling...

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Tue, 27 Oct 2020, 09:35
I feel you, Jay. Been working from home since March now. The girlfriend started her new job a month ago so it's been just me. Procrastination overload!!
Fri, 06 Nov 2020, 05:01
So.. um.. I've had a wonky week, but how's everyone else been?

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Sat, 07 Nov 2020, 14:48
Honestly, I'm just glad you're (hopefully) feeling better again dude.

This week..got a barbell, doing some bench presses and barbell curls along with a few thrusters which are a pain in the arse, literally.

Had a fantastic day with Triston today where we resurrected the ouya and had much fun with it again, still a great console!

Work has been a pisser of late but things are a okay over here all things considering.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Sat, 07 Nov 2020, 15:28
Is the OUYA still up and running? I've heard bad tales of the DRM killing off a lot of stuff.

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 07 Nov 2020, 15:32
Yeah, kinda crazy but, me moving house, far away from the soon to be ex, and my plans onI deliberately disabling any internet connection from it, meant an awesome night of no brakes valet, your tron game and invasion vs were had with me 'n' t-bob, you utter legend

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Sat, 07 Nov 2020, 15:50
Glad at least some things are still going.
And also glad that you got to spend some time together. That's way more important

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 07 Nov 2020, 15:52
Yeah, it is amazing how much Triston and me get on together when I have him over, just him this weekend but every moment was special, that's the thing.

Next weekend it's both of em for 2 days which is great, then , just Layla for a day, etc, etc.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Sat, 07 Nov 2020, 15:55
Sun, 08 Nov 2020, 00:00
@rychan I have a curl bar. I bought it on impulse and walked it home a couple of miles. Then later I walked a couple of times another couple of miles with some weights! I spend years working out now and only one woman ever came up to me for a chat. Muscles do not seem to work for me. Though I'm very socially anxious since the bullies back in my youth started picking on me.

My lower back went out a couple of days ago. Been doing exercises for the stomach muscles to fix that. It feels like that maybe in a few days I wil have recovered.
Sun, 08 Nov 2020, 01:52
@Pakz Sorry to hear about your back dude, I've been trying out an exercise where you kneel on the floor, barbell in front of you, then roll forwards and backwards with it, it feels kinda like a planque but be careful with back issues, eep! I'll have to do a read up on curl bars in a bit. Personally, i'm in my aggressively single mode still which has probably served me well for this year, but i'm mainly doing the exercise to both keep / get fit and ensure I can lift and carry my errr....chosen alternatives, yes, with more ease, and hopefully for a longer duration through my years. Bench presses are a bit of a mare without a bench but that'll be next years purchase I think, god only knows when the gym is going to be fully open again....I miss it.

Since changing school T-bob has had a couple of issues with bullies, thankfully nothing serious but we tried him out on some smaler weights yesterday and he said he felt like he got something from it gotta try to amke sure he exercises his body as well as his mind. Balance and all that jazz. We watched a video on youtube called "Spaceship You" It was pretty handy to be fair.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Sun, 08 Nov 2020, 07:44
@rychan Be sure your kid(s) know the basics of the law. Like when to know when to call or go to the police. Many years later I learned being spat on can be a jail offense for instance(for adults anyways) When being assaulted at school I never thought it was criminal.
Sun, 08 Nov 2020, 13:30
@Pakz, Thanks for the advice, thankfully nothings got that bad yet, it's gonna be one of those concerns for a while though, T-bob is a caring soul, doesn't do the whole violence thing thankfully.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
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