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Socoder -> Off Topic -> As if us Brits don't have enough to pay out...

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Fri, 09 Feb 2007, 19:50
If you are a British driver, and think that we already have enough to pay out, then please click the link below and sign the pettition.


It would'nt be so bad if the road tax and fuel tax actually got spent on what it was designed for in the first place. (MAKING DRIVING SAFER, AND FUNDING FOR RESEARCH INTO CLEANER AND GREENER VEHICLES), NO !... instead they spend it on shitty bike lanes, and bus lanes, and speed reduction humps that slow down the emergency services. Then on top of all that, they want to make us pay a f**king mileage tax.

I appologise if I have caused anyone grief with this rant, but our so-called govenrment are a bunch of money extorting bastards, and would even make us pay a breathing tax if they could.

|edit| The only thing that is causing pollution is th hot air comming out of the governments mouth. Even if cars were made to be completely zero emmition, they would still find another excuse to tax us even more. Plus I remember reading an article somewhere stating that scientist's are not actually sure if it is fuel burning, or the natural phenomina that happens every so often (El-Nino) I think they said it was called. |edit|
Fri, 09 Feb 2007, 20:02
BTW... I forgot to include the text from the email in which the info was sent to me. So... here it is.

If you drive a car, please read -
Sarah Kennedy was talking about this proposed car tax scheme on Radio 2.
Apparently there is only one month left to register your objection to the 'Pay As You Go' road tax.

The petition is on the 10 Downing St website but they didn't tell anybody about it. Therefore at the time of Sarah's comments only 250,000 people had signed it and 750,000 signatures are required for the government to at least take any notice.

Once you've given your details (you don't have to give your full address, just house number and postcode will do), they will send you an email with a link in it. Once you click on that link, you'll have signed the petition.

The government's proposal to introduce road pricing will mean you having to purchase a tracking device for your car and paying a monthly bill to use it. The tracking device will cost about *200 and in a recent study by the BBC, the lowest monthly bill was *28 for a rural florist and *194 for a delivery driver. A non working mother who used the car to take the kids to school paid *86 in one month.

On top of this massive increase in tax, you will be tracked. Somebody will know where you are at all times. They will also know how fast you have been going, so even if you accidentally creep over a speed limit in time you can probably expect a Notice of Intended Prosecution with your monthly bill.

If you are concerned about this Orwellian plan and want to stop the constant bashing of the car driver, please sign the petition on No 10's new website (link below) and pass this on to as many people as possible.
Sign up if you value your freedom and democratic rights - https://petitions.PM.gov.UK/traveltax
Fri, 09 Feb 2007, 20:18
Well, no-one in my family has a car...

But, hey, you could live in one of the third world countries where rainfall is owned by a French company... if it makes you feel any better.

Taxing people for their cars is a bit silly, though, I agree. If people didn't have to drive to work, then they wouldn't need cars as much... but to pay for your car you've got to go to work, and you have to pay to get to work now.

Tax is such a silly idea. Mind you, I think money is a silly idea, but more people tend to disagree with me there.

Oh well. It's way past my bed time.


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Fri, 09 Feb 2007, 20:33
I totally agree with you Ben, I it was possible to live without money then the world would be a better place.
Fri, 09 Feb 2007, 20:47
It would be. Let's all be libertarian anarchists.

Luckily I live a long way away from the British government's reach. This is hugely Orwellian, and your country is sliding down that slippery slope very quickly now.

Today in the paper I read that somebody living near me is declaring independence and starting their own country. I almost feel envious.
Fri, 09 Feb 2007, 23:53
power mousey
but money makes the world spin around on its axis.
albeit...the wealthy and elite get richer and the poor get poorer...yet its an exchange form of tender for goods and services. A lot easier and quicker than bartering 1 cows, 2 chickens and a bushel of barley for a pair of Nike shoes, some cups of tea, and the latest
Age of Empire computer game.
It takes a few common forms of tender for all kinds of myriad productions,goods,services, exchanges,trades and transfers too. Not only city to city, but locally and statewide and regionally. Country and worldwide too.

What we need is to goto back to a Gold and Silver standard. Former President John F Kennedy tried to put the central bank of USA back into Congress, the USA government and also a return to the gold standard. Alas, he was assassinated.
Now we have paper green piggy skins and translated into digital debits and credits. um...hold onto your pennies and sixpences. the metal will be worth more in the future. The zinc and the rare traces of copper in them.

whoa I feel sorry for you guys. You know...I'm sorry. I thought we had problems here with our transit and transportation system.
hey, I live close to work. So I can walk. About a half-hour to 40 minutes. I also have an Eco-Pass which Hitachi gives to its employees each year. Its a sticker that I place on my badge.
I just flash my employee badge and show the Eco pass sticker and i get to ride the busses and light rail for free. I pay no fares.
I'm also thinking of looking into and getting an electric bike. along with the helmet,gloves,lights,reflectors and other accessories too.

steve,hoboben, yaks, and others

here is one site:

Bicycle Electrical

check em out.

Sat, 10 Feb 2007, 00:19
power mousey
yet, steve
and others here two

remember what I told you all about Digital Angel, RFID tracking, implantable microchips, advance biometrics,
and also emblemic tattoos too.
signs of the times. the technology,social, political, religious, and cultural conditions and situations are being set up more and being put more into place....by the global elite.
Who will rule most of the world and have their own new world order. However, there will be one coming who will rule above even them and for 7 years. The beast, his false prophet and his system.
Signs of the times! Do you have your id chip or tattoo?
No!? Then, off to the Fema camps you go for re-education or even worse. hup two, hup two Blackwater mercenaries.

Blackwater Corps



power mousey
Sat, 10 Feb 2007, 05:51
People rely on their cars too much, and the transport system needs more funding. It's a shame there isn't a petition in support of a new road taxing scheme, which would make driving fairer because you would be taxed on where you drive as well as how often.

Driving in London for example would cost more then out in the country, and considering London has several large public transport systems it sounds very fair and reasonable to me. I used buses all the time back when I lived in Birmingham and they were great. It's also easier and cheaper to bus into the Birmingham city centre then to take a car.
Sat, 10 Feb 2007, 05:55
Ere Mousey... How much is petrol and diesel over where you live ?. Over here in the south of the UK, we pay 85.9 pence per litre (about £3.61 GBP per gallon), I think thats about $1.86 USD per litre ($7.81 USD per gallon).

I don't like the fuel that runs our cars as much as anyone, I mean, it's smelly and dirty, and makes me want to spew my guts up when I stand next to the pump when I fill up. So... I think it's about time all the world's governments used the high taxes that have been payed by motorists to develop new technology to power cars, busses, and bikes instead of spending it on crap community projects like, speed humps and government dinner parties.

Put it this way, Brighton and Hove City Council spent £10,000 on a project a couple of years ago to fund some crusty prat who calls himself an artist to make a monument that has no meaning, and shove it on the corner of a road which has a school patrol person helping kids get across the road. It is an ugly construction, a f**king eyesore and I think it is a health hazzard. To put it into perspective, lets say that it is end of school time, the kids are exited to be going home from the boring crap that is taught in UK's schools. The patrol person sees some kids waiting to cross the road so He/She stands in the road with a giant lollipop and allows them to cross. In the meantime, a car comes around the corner, but instead of seeing the patrol standing in the road, the first thing the driver notices is this ugly monstrosity monument and thinks to himself "WHAT THE F**K IS THAT !", then BANG... his car flattens some poor bugger. I think I have made my point !.

Then on top of that, last year the same Council narrowed the road just outside the school and made it a one-way system, which I think is OK, but then blew most of the funding on a load of stone spheres which I have been told by some people cost £1000 GBP each... WHAT A F**KING WASTE, that could have gone towards better teaching methods so that the future generation don't make the same mistakes as those prats.

P.S... I appologise to everyone who think that my rant is a bit loud.
Sat, 10 Feb 2007, 06:11
@ Diablo...
People rely on their cars too much, and the transport system needs more funding. It's a shame there isn't a petition in support of a new road taxing scheme, which would make driving fairer because you would be taxed on where you drive as well as how often.

I do see your point, and that's exactly what the government is intending, but they are going to make us pay that on top of the taxes we are already paying, it just is'nt fair. Some of us have to rely on personal transport including me, for one point I have got quite bad arthritis and my spine is all srewed up, and then there is the depression "Bipolar Disorder" side, I have problems with crouded places so getting on a bus is a NO for me, Plus a lot of people want their own independance. The best way forward is running cars on Hydrogen Fuel Cells, and using renewable energy to generate the power to split Hydrogen from water. The technology is there so why don't the government put the money where their mouth is.
Sat, 10 Feb 2007, 09:15
power mousey


thats a good idea. I think maybe some new research and technology will come out for backup alternate energy sources....but mostly in the hands and for the use of the global elite and wealthy too. The power and control.
But, oil, that black gold and texan tea is a proven track record that runs,lubricates virtually all the cogs and machineries of the elite. And to be used for wars, political and social and cultural changes and transformations. The power and the control is in the basic neccesssities of the ecomony microscopically and macro-globally speaking.
Food,water,fuel, transportation.... no wonder the UN, the USA military, Darpa and other black budget ops are interested in both genetic cloing and also the Burd Flu and vaccine productions that are going on in Indonesia.

hey, put on your tin foil hats and try ot make at least one connection with food, and genetic cloning. Come on DiablosDevil....play the devils advocate Tell me what the connection is. You're smart and you have the podium and a collective audience and with a clapping standing ovation of people to speak to. true.
I dare and challenge you.

I challenge you all.

Think...think people.

You can take your hats off...but lock them safely and securely back in your vaults.
Sat, 10 Feb 2007, 09:15
The government's proposal to introduce road pricing will mean you having to purchase a tracking device for your car and paying a monthly bill to use it.

That's kinda scary; I'd never want to let a bill like that fly. I'd sign if I were a citizen of the UK; but good luck to you all.

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Sat, 10 Feb 2007, 09:39
There isn't enough platinum in the world to replace all the cars in the US with cars with hydrogen fuel cells. So that is not the long term solution.

Second they are not increasing taxes, they are planning to change the tax system so those who drive in crowded London where there are lots of transport options will pay more. Those in less crowded areas (such as the countryside) where there are far less or no options of public transport, will pay less.

Since it is based on where and how much you drive, if you only use your car occasionally in London then you should also be able to pay less. That sounds completely fair to me.
Sat, 10 Feb 2007, 09:41
I'd agree with that, if public transport wasn't privately owned and therefore didn't cost so much.

blog | work | code | more code
Sat, 10 Feb 2007, 11:17
It's not so much of the fact that the government taxes, it's more of what wastefull stuff they spend the taxes on.

|edit| As soon as electric cars become viable, I'm thinking about switching to one of those as I do like the idea of clean, zero emmision vehicles. Not much point unless the power to charge them can be generated cleanly too though. |edit|
Sat, 10 Feb 2007, 11:36
I tell you what would be fun... if somebody built some sort of travellator system where you just step onto a platform type treadmill, and get transported to other places. Now that would be worth giving up driving for.
Sat, 10 Feb 2007, 13:19
How about cars with Nuclear Reactors strapped onto their backs, then again, cars bombs would become a bit more extreme, on second thought, scrap that, lets move to the moon and pollute their, then to Mars, and so on and so forth, the government meanwhile can make a moon tax or something, i dunno, why don't they just get all off their money from "Tom Brady, New England Patriots QB" or "Laverous Coles, New York Jets WR", sorry about the NFL names, i just love american football, could tax and sports people actually, rather than pay them 1million dollars, pounds, yen, plus in salaries, i don't really know

A pie a day causes heart failure
Sat, 10 Feb 2007, 13:23
Moon Tax

Sat, 10 Feb 2007, 13:26
It would'nt supprise me if they introduced a breathing tax, just imagine having a meter fitted to your neck and having to fly around like a blue arsed fly trying to find pound coins to reset the meter.
Sat, 10 Feb 2007, 14:21

I liked the platform idea.

As long as no-body imposes a shoe-use tax, I'm not too afraid. When they start sticking tracking devices into boots, then I'll panic!

blog | work | code | more code
Sun, 11 Feb 2007, 06:09
METHANE TAX !... I hope not coz my R/C model planes run on Methanol which contains Methane as far as I know. Come to think of it though, even that stuff costs £15.00 per gallon.
Sun, 11 Feb 2007, 08:42
What about Computer tax, then all of us lot would be seriously messed up

A pie a day causes heart failure
Sun, 11 Feb 2007, 09:14
power mousey

you mean like a sales tax on your computer?
and/or an Internet tax? Each time you log on
and use the phone lines or cable or evn satellite....there is a corresponding phone tax, cable tax, or frequency tax.

ooopppps!! sorry. Maybe some of the elite or Bigwigs or Fat Cats are reading this. hey!!, global elite dudes I came up with it. I think I'm entiteld to a small percentage of the taxes collected.
Besides I have a copyright and a patent. So pay up you greedy,corrupt corporate fat cat corpses!!

hey! ahhhhh!! a t-shirt and maybe bumper stickers in the making: Down with corporate fat cat corpses! Yeah!

power mousey
Sun, 11 Feb 2007, 18:24
Steve: Methanol is similar to Methane, but they are different chemicals. Methanol is simply methane with an OH molecule bonded to the end of it.

If they had a computer tax, I would be even more broke than I am now. Though, how would you meter it, and how do you define a computer? My washing machine has a computer inside it.
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