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Socoder -> In-Development -> InDev : SpikeDislike3

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Mon, 18 May 2015, 04:08
Just my cents on Android storefronts:

Personally, I'd rate Amazon above Google for their store, much easier to be discovered on there, etc, etc.

SlideMe are fairly poor for downloads from my experience but y'know, it's up to you really

I'm relieved I've got both apple and android tablets / phones for some more disliking of the spikes

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Mon, 18 May 2015, 11:03
You know what's odd.. More than ANY other theme, I'm instinctively finding myself hitting the "Left" button, whilst playing in the Invisible Munky theme...
It feels SO natural to want to go back, to grab that banana you missed!!

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Tue, 19 May 2015, 05:24


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Tue, 19 May 2015, 12:02
And in direct contrast to this mornings' super-colourful and bright theme...

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Tue, 19 May 2015, 12:50
I really need to start thinking about the level progression on this thing.
So far, I've been focussing mostly on getting a nice collection of themes, but now I've over 10, I can begin to decide on all the other stuff.

At first I was thinking 5 levels per theme, but now I'm thinking 10 might be more worthy.. Keep the player trying, to reach the next theme...
I'll obviously have to come up with more concepts for those levels, though, so as to keep the game interesting. They can't all be "Reach 10 spikes", or the game'll get super-dull, super-quick!!!

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Wed, 20 May 2015, 12:23
I just added a cheat code!!! (OMG!!!!)
The Cheat unlocks ALL the levels in the game, but places three spikes onto each level.
Works well, and is slightly different depending on the system, to allow for all the different control schemes. (eg, there's one touch method, and one button/controller method)


NOTE: Cheat code will simply unlock all the levels. Nothing else will happen!

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Wed, 20 May 2015, 12:53
Cool stuff, everyone loves hidden cheats!
Wed, 20 May 2015, 13:51

View on YouTube

You know when you only discover a weird flaw in your video AFTER you've uploaded it to YouTube.
Bloody PC, I swear..
If you want a Video doing properly, do it on a fucking Mac...

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Thu, 21 May 2015, 15:45
D'oh.. I lost my count!!!

There was me, tracking each and every spike passed, thinking "this'll be a cool number once I'm done!", but stupidly forgetting that if I delete the file save (like I did half-a-dozen times, testing the Cheatcode, yesterday) that I'd be losing my bloody count!!!!

Bah, humbug..

Anyhow, you can now tap either of the two corner circles on the titlescreen, or hit a shoulder button, to switch to the Stats view, which shows the Last 7, and High 7 for the current level, along with spikes passed, highest combo and a few game totals, too.
Luvly stuff!!

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Fri, 22 May 2015, 15:03

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Sat, 23 May 2015, 11:31
I just tried getting a test compile to work, and .. I dunno.. I think the MacMini's seen better days.
2Gb ram, trying to cope with Monkey, XCode, Emulator and a wired iPad.
It isn't coping well..
It's taking about 2 minutes just to load up the emulator, and then fails to do anything, crashes, then leaves me hanging for another couple of minutes before I can make use of XCode again.
I love the MacMini, but.. I dunno.. It doesn't seem to be having a good time, anymore.

In completely unrelated news.. SpikeDislike3 had better make me at least £569...

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Sat, 23 May 2015, 14:10
My 2GB Mac Mini was also really slow after I upgrade to Yosemite. I went to an apple store to try to ask whether I can upgrade it, they just put me to one side, and never talk to me. =(

I ended up buying a corsair 8GB (2 x 4GB) https://www.amazon.com/Corsair-Certified-Laptop-Memory-CMSA8GX3M2A1333C9/dp/B005JRH9V2

and upgrading it myself. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymGnXdwvabg (start changing ram at 8M 30S)

You don't need to take the fan out! Actually you don't need to unscrew anything. You only need to unscrew if you want to upgrade the hard disk.

My Mac Mini is 2011. If you want to upgrade, you can check yours in the (apple icon) -> About this Mac and finding the correct memory + video.

My mac mini is really fast and smooth now.
Sun, 24 May 2015, 12:11
Meanwhile, back in the land of SpikeDislike..
Sheepy's decided to hop on board, but you can't play as him..
Instead, Sheepy runs through the landscape, and you have to try to keep up with him!

Ooooh, Extra Challenges

View on YouTube

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Mon, 25 May 2015, 16:30
It's really coming along well from my perspective Jay. I missed spike dislike 1 so this new way to play is looking really cool!

My mac mini hasn't been booted up in agess, I upped the ram to 8gig shortly after trying to do anything with it from unity, 2 gig was just so slow... Hoping it still works!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Tue, 26 May 2015, 12:29
Have I posted a pic of the Wireframe/Matrix skin yet?
Here it is, anyway..

Levels 1->30 are now at the "Good enough for release" stage, and I'm trying to add some nice challenges into the mix as I go.
There are some challenges that are impossible in certain themes, due to randomness and other numerical uncertainties, and certain challenges "feel" better in certain themes than in others..
But I'll be mixing things up as the game goes along.

It's nice to be able to say "Levels 1->30 are Done!" though. This has been an incredibly lengthy project!!

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Wed, 27 May 2015, 06:33
New MacMini's arrived, and thank fuck, they've actually automated a fuckton of stuff in XCode! I only had to log in three times in order to compile to my iPad!!!

Here's a screenshot from my iPad.
You can tell it's from the iPad because of two things.
1: it's not widescreen
2: it's a higher resolution than my Laptop can generate!!!

And yes, Spinal, I do still need to fix the skew on those boxes!!!

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Wed, 27 May 2015, 07:26
...meanwhile, Invisible Munky 2 works nicely.. I might use it as my deployment test. Hmm...

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Wed, 27 May 2015, 11:43
MacMini Video Test.

MacMini Cost : £569

Game folder was dragged over to Mac, and compiled to iOS using Monkey-X on the Mac. A simple process, but one that required I install Xcode and of course Monkey-X, but things ran mostly smoothly afterwards.
Since the first time I attempted to do "Certificates/Profiles/Bollocks" 5 years ago, Xcode has come a LONG way in making that a much easier task.
Now, all I had to do was log in, inside Xcode, and it pretty much took care of the entire bloody thing, which was a LIFESAVER!!!
Bravo on making that so painless, Apple, although I've yet to do a "Deployment" yet, and am expecting to be pulling my hair out when trying!!

Additional Cost
Monkey-X (£100'ish)
iOS Dev License (Annually about £70'ish)
(*But I already had both of these, though)

With the iPad Connected, open Quicktime Player (yes, seriously!) and select File/New Movie Recording.
Select your iPad, open the game, and hit Record.
It is THAT EASY!!!
Silky smooth framerate, and I *think* it's full resolution, but don't quote me on that.
Once recorded, save, and open it in iMovie, where you can cut it into chunks, add titles, add music, and whatever else.

View on YouTube
This 30 second video took just over a minute to render, and then about 3 times that to upload the resulting 50-odd Mb clip to YouTube!

Additional Costs
Quicktime : £0
iMovie : £0 - free with new Mac


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Thu, 28 May 2015, 03:12
Neatened up that scoreboard display page a little.

(Ooops, forgot to crop it.. ... Sod it!)

Now instead of having all texty based crap, I've drawn some records to display the records!!!

Top number = "current level's Record", bottom number = "Record throughout all the levels"
... and I can't think of a quick way to describe that, so I'm going to leave it as-is!

Essentially, though, that rightmost record tells you how many spikes you've passed in all the plays of that level, and the bottom number will be how many spikes you've passed in the entire game! Yikes!!!

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Sun, 31 May 2015, 07:12
Levels 1->60 are working!

Each 10 pack of levels is in a single theme.
Most of the levels are of the "Reach X spikes" variety.
The 5th is Reach 50
The 10th is Infinity (the one with the GameCenter scoreboard)
Inbetween, usually 3,6 and 8th are "mission" levels, which are different, depending on the pack. (Eg, "Complete the level with only X bounces" or "Score exactly X points")

... So far, the missions are coming together nicely, but I still have a lot more levels to pad out, and I'm not sure I've enough mission ideas, without resorting to repeating myself!!
Only time will tell..
But I'm getting close to the end, now, and it feels great

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Sun, 31 May 2015, 15:13
Added more missions, including "OMG!! LAVA CHASE!!" and "Collect X Presents"

A few are extra-tricky, especially the "Score exactly 80 points on the 80s theme" one. .. But fuck it.. If your game isn't tricky by level 83, there's no point!!
Thankfully, the game features the "3 deaths = unlock anyway" mechanic, so ... .. hopefully people won't whinge about the difficulty!!

I now have 30 more levels remaining to pad out, and then maybe a little extra tweaking here and there.
.. and then..

.... I'm done!!!!

But I still have to wait to see if Invisible Munky 2 manages to pass review, and actually works on all the different devices properly, before I dare upload this one, so expect at least a couple of weeks before the game's available.

Stupid Apple, slowing down my releases!!!

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Mon, 01 Jun 2015, 05:16
Right, I think I've settled on the following..

Free Edition : OUYA, Browser, Windows, and maybe Android
Full Edition : iOS

Free will contain 50 levels (5 themes)

Full will contain 150 levels (15 themes) + GameCenter integration making the highscore-based levels much more interesting.

I'm somewhat tempted to start fucking about with GooglePlay again, but then the Android edition will be lacking the GameCenter stuff, anyway, so... *shrugs*

If you'd like to play SpikeDislike3, RIGHT NOW, the OUYA compatible test edition can be found here.. (Most Recent Test)

Let me know if you do..

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Mon, 01 Jun 2015, 05:34
Will check it out on the OUYA tonight
Mon, 01 Jun 2015, 10:36
One of the very first "Not me" players in the world has just played SpikeDislike3!

"no major issues identified during this submission. Approved." says TeamOUYA Review!

Wow.. Such quotage! I might add that to the boxart!!!

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Mon, 01 Jun 2015, 11:53
LOL. You can really feel the love in that quote.
Mon, 01 Jun 2015, 11:53
"Yeah, yeah, another bloody game.. Gawd!!!"

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