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Yo! Wazzup?

Hoe u maek game?

27th January 2008

This eez hoe I maek fps:
maek gui
wen plaer hit hed wit keybord
strt game
if upkey hit mvoe forweard
if downkey hit mvoe backward
if leftkey oar rhigtkey hit saytodumbuser("noo leeft oar rihigt")
if spacekeey heet soarallthewaytoothemoonandc*snip*

Yo! Wazzup?

Show Your Desktop!

27th January 2008

It's fun looking at other people's desktop and seeing the similarities =P
EDIT: LOL @ the "Geek" start button blanko :P

Yo! Wazzup?

USB Hard Drive 40GB?

23rd January 2008

My dad has a 360Gig one :D

Yo! Wazzup?

#134 - The Running Challenge

21st January 2008

LOL yeah I could only get past levels 1&2
Now I have to make a program that does it automatically... lol.

Yo! Wazzup?

Martin Luther King day

21st January 2008

YAY no school today

Yo! Wazzup?

#134 - The Running Challenge

20th January 2008

Tiki I found some weird bugs... lol
First, you can gat a lot of points by getting stuck on the stairs but slowly going down. So you're going down really slowly but you are going down.
Second, on level 8 I jumped and bounced from the stairs back on to the*snip*

Yo! Wazzup?

#134 - The Running Challenge

20th January 2008

Yeah Tiki, at first I didn't know what to do, so I jumped down the left for the first two levels, then I actually played the game.

Yo! Wazzup?

#134 - The Running Challenge

19th January 2008

The end is funny lol

Yo! Wazzup?

iTunes Rentals Hack

18th January 2008

LOL! Apple really has to change that, maybe store the date in an encrypted file or omething?

Yo! Wazzup?

Very off topic

17th January 2008

That would've stunk if you said yes o.O

Yo! Wazzup?

A Pre-Emptive Strike on Whiny Valentine's Day Threads

6th January 2008

Thanks for the info, but I probably won't be needing it for another 5-7 years :D

Yo! Wazzup?

#121 - The Delayed Challenge

19th October 2007

[quote]Last week, Jayenkai made a really cool slot machine game! It's so good, he's redoing it on the DS![/quote] Cool.

Yo! Wazzup?

#121 - The Delayed Challenge

17th October 2007

Oooohhh sounds like a good one but I don't think I can do that LOL

Yo! Wazzup?

#120 - The Slots Challenge

13th October 2007

85 like the game :D
Get your own submissons in!!!
EDIT: 96 :D
Lowest score so far: 20 LOL

Yo! Wazzup?

Alternative IDE? Protean etc

6th October 2007

I want to start using IDEal, but I'm just too used to the Blitz IDE :D

Yo! Wazzup?

funny signs...

2nd October 2007

"...and smells like pepper"
I have to go to Alaska now to sniff some bear poo. Seeya for a few months. :rolleyes:

Yo! Wazzup?

Screen Names?

30th September 2007

Mine... Ummm... I couldn't think of one for the Blitz fourms, and now it's Yo! Wazzup?. Then I did it for SyntaxBomb then for here. I would've done it for Wikipedia, but there was already soeone called "Yo, Wazzup?" and it was too simalar, and then I named*snip*

Yo! Wazzup?

Extension Types

30th September 2007

No I mean open it in notepad and still have it be the source code, not some gibberish (like an image)

Yo! Wazzup?

Extension Types

30th September 2007

Yeah I made sure that you can open the two I posted on notepad and it will still work.

Yo! Wazzup?

Extension Types

29th September 2007

.kpl - Kids Programming Language
.gbas - GLBasic

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