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Socoder -> Python/Ruby -> Extension Types

Sat, 29 Sep 2007, 18:15
As a quick solution to getting my line counting utility to only read source code files I am going to just make a big list internally of all the file types it should check. It's not the best solution, but it'll work. So could people please write down the file extensions for every language they can think of!
Sat, 29 Sep 2007, 18:59
No problem. Here is a pretty nice list:

.$01 - DOS Pipe File
.a - Static Library
.ab - Applix Builder File
.abc - ABC Source File
.acd - RSLogix 5000 Project File
.ada - Ada Source Code
.aep - Activ E-Book Project
.agi - Asterisk Gateway Interface File
.as - ActionScript File
.asm - Assembly Language Source Code
.au3 - AutoIt v3 Script
.bas - BASIC Source Code File
.bb - Blitz Source Code File
.bbc - BBC BASIC Data File
.bcp - Borland C++ Makefile
.bpg - Borland Project Group
.bpl - Borland Package Library
.bs2 - BASIC Stamp 2 Code File
.c - C/C++ Source Code File
.cbl - COBOL Program
.cc - C++ Source Code File
.class - Java Class File
.cls - Program Class File
.cob - COBOL Source Code File
.cod - Compiled Source Code
.config - Configuration File
.cp - Captivate Source File
.cpp - C++ Source Code File
.cs - C Sharp Source Code File
.csi - ContentServ Include File
.cst - ContentServ Template
.dcp - Delphi Compiled Package
.dcu - Delphi Compiled Unit
.dec - Declaration File
.def - Module-Definition File
.def - SmartWare II Data File
.dev - Dev-C++ Project File
.df1 - Omnis Native Datafile
.dfm - Delphi Form
.dob - Visual Basic UserDocument
.dox - Visual Basic Binary UserDocument
.dpk - Delphi Package
.dpl - Delphi Package Library
.dpr - Delphi Project
.dsk - Borland Project Desktop File
.dsp - Developer Studio Project
.dsw - Visual C++ Workspace
.dtd - Document Type Definition
.dylib - Dynamic Library
.ent - External Entity
.eql - Embedded SQL File
.ex - Euphoria Source Code
.f - Fortran Source Code
.f90 - Fortran 90 Source File
.fic - WINDEV Hyper File Database
.fla - Adobe Flash Animation
.for - Fortran 77 Source File
.fpa - Front Panel Encrypted Order File
.fpd - Front Panel Order File
.fpp - Fortran Source Code
.fpp - Front Panel Project
.framework - Mac OS X Application Framework
.frm - Visual Basic Text Form
.frx - Visual Basic Binary Form
.global - Global Makefile
.gm6 - Game Maker 6 Project File
.gmd - Game Maker Program Code
.gmk - Game Maker 7 File
.gorm - Gorm Interface Resource File
.h - C++ or Java Header File
.has - Haskell Script
.hh - C++ Header File
.hhh - Power C Precompiled Header File
.hpp - C++Builder Header File
.hs - Haskell Script
.i - INTERCAL Source File
.inc - Include File
.isc - Xilinx Device Configuration File
.iss - InstallShield Silent Response
.j - Java Source File
.jav - Java Source File
.java - Java Source Code File
.jed - Xilinx JEDEC Programming File
.jic - JTAG Indirect Configuration File
.jpd - Java Process Definition
.jpr - JBuilder Project
.jpx - JBuilder Project
.kb - C++ Keyboard Script
.lbi - Dreamweaver Library Item
.lbs - Omnis Library
.lds - Linux Compile Time Header File
.lhs - Literate Haskell Script
.lis - VAX Program Listing
.lit - Literate Haskell Script
.lnt - PC-lint/FlexeLint Configuration File
.lproj - Localized Project Folder
.lsp - Lisp Program Source Code
.lua - Lua Source File
.m - Objective-C Implementation File
.m4 - Macro Processor Library
.mak - Makefile
.md - Machine Description
.mk - Makefile
.mod - Fortran Module File
.mpr - FoxPro Generated Menu Program
.nib - Interface Resources
.o - Compiled Object File
.oca - Custom Control Library Type File
.ocx - ActiveX Control
.omo - OMake Object File
.p - Pascal Source Code
.pas - Pascal Source File
.pbproj - Project Builder Project
.pch - Precompiled Header
.pdm - VB Project Information File
.pl - Perl Script
.pl - Prolog Source Code File
.pm - Perl Module
.pod - Perl POD File
.ptl - Rational Rose Petal File
.pyd - Python Dynamic Module
.qpr - FoxPro Generated Query Program
.qx - Quexal Source Code
.rb - REALbasic Project
.rb - Ruby Source Code
.rbp - REALbasic Project
.rc - Resource Script
.res - Windows Resource File
.res - C++ Complied Resource File
.rnc - RELAX NG Compact Syntax File
.rsrc - Macintosh Resource File
.ru - JavaSoft JRE 1.3 Library
.rul - InstallShield Rules
.s - Source Code File
.s19 - Motorola S19 File Record
.sc - SuperCollider Source Code File
.sh - Bash Shell Script
.sln - Visual Studio Solution File
.snippet - Visual Studio IntelliSense Code Snippet
.so - Shared Library
.spt - ESPL Programming File
.src - Source Code
.sud - Super Project Analyzer File
.sup - Super Project Definition File
.tcl - Tcl Script
.tk - Tk Script
.tpu - Turbo Pascal Unit
.tpx - Turbo Pascal 7 Unit
.vac - Oc2.316s Cakit File
.var - Variable Data
.vbg - Visual Basic Project Group File
.vbp - Visual Basic Project File
.vbx - Visual Basic Custom Control
.vbz - Visual Basic Project Template
.vc4 - Visual C++ 4 File
.vcproj - Visual C++ Project File
.vcx - Visual Fox Pro Class Library
.vdm - VDM Specification
.vdproj - Visual Studio Deployment Project File
.x - Lex Source Code File
.xaml - XAML File
.xcode - Xcode Project
.xcodeproj - Xcode Project
.xsd - XML Schema Definition
.yab - Yabasic Source Code

Quit posting and try Google.
Sat, 29 Sep 2007, 19:09
Yo! Wazzup?
.kpl - Kids Programming Language
.gbas - GLBasic
Sat, 29 Sep 2007, 20:45
AFAIK, you can remove the *.a extension from stealth's list, because statically linked libraries are (AFAIK) binary files.

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Sun, 30 Sep 2007, 06:25
Oh man... just realized this brings up some bad memories. Sorry for that again DiablosDevil. Anyway, this is all i can think of not mentioned above.

.pb - PureBasic sourcecode files
.pbi - PureBasic include files

Sun, 30 Sep 2007, 09:16
Thanks for all the suggestions. I'll have to go through them later and add them.

But I've noticed a few extensions for project and visual designer files. These sound like the kind of config files that you can get generated for you with various tools. I'm not looking for lots of extensions to do with programming but extensions for actual pieces of source code. So you can then see how much you have written.
Sun, 30 Sep 2007, 10:06
Yo! Wazzup?
Yeah I made sure that you can open the two I posted on notepad and it will still work.

Hi everyone! I'm new to Blitz and only 10 years old so all things coding is gush to me
Sun, 30 Sep 2007, 10:15
You can open any file in notepad. I'm more asking for source code files people would want to know the line count of.
Sun, 30 Sep 2007, 16:00
Yo! Wazzup?
No I mean open it in notepad and still have it be the source code, not some gibberish (like an image)

Hi everyone! I'm new to Blitz and only 10 years old so all things coding is gush to me