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Post Patents Here! (image heavy)

17th June 2009

Friendship of the 22nd century
People are annoying, cost money, time and energy. Spare it all using the friend syringe!
Heh, I'll stop now.


Post Patents Here! (image heavy)

17th June 2009

You might have a hard time calling 911, but people who are truly 1337 never have to do that anyway.


Post Patents Here! (image heavy)

17th June 2009

Bomb of doom!
Who knows, it might come in handy.


Post Patents Here! (image heavy)

17th June 2009

The remote remote
Too lazy to move your ass and fetch the remote? Worry not, this foot pedal will change the channel for you, avoiding any unnecessary spending of energy.


#206 - The Character Challenge

17th June 2009

Will SoCoder pay for lawyer fees when I get sued by Nintendo for making a Mario game?


Vista Basic Suck!

16th June 2009

[quote]XP RULES![/quote]
I'll jump off a cliff before I switch back to XP.


QOTD : Favourite Game Track

14th June 2009

I'll second the MGS2 intro tune. I also like the music from Knytt. Two great games, by the way.


(Un)real graphics?

14th June 2009

I though it looked real when I did the Fake or Foto test a couple of years ago. I'm sure that photo-realistic graphics are possible today, even with all of those tiny details spinal is talking about, only not in realtime. Animation is not mu*snip*


Fancy-pants graphics in Blitz

8th June 2009

I used the DirectX utility library, so that's why it requires an extra DLL. Add the file in Jay's post and it should hopefully work. I can probably remove all of the utility stuff (since it's mostly a convenience), so that the extra file isn't needed.


Fancy-pants graphics in Blitz

8th June 2009

While sitting down this morning, sipping on a lovely cup of tea, I was suddenly struck by that strange notion of making a tiny little game in Blitz. Then I remembered how I was always so angry that it was so limited, graphically. Then I remembered how I tr*snip*



7th June 2009

I agree, this design doesn't look otherworldly or bizarre. It looks bland. There's nothing really revolutionary in there.


Cave Story

7th June 2009

Classic side-scrolling adventure


Fluffy Platform Game

6th June 2009

Impressive, I must say. Or rather: "argh, you multi-talented bastard!"
Seriously though, it looks very nice, and feels very solid. I'm not a fan of the limited life idea, though. I'm usually not very good at these games, and it puts me off when I have to *snip*


QOTD : The Lost Art of...

5th June 2009

1:30? That's faster than me :P I think I managed 1:50 a couple of years ago, but then I stopped.
Apart from that, I can't think of any useless talents. I know that I'm a master at maneuvering the remote control with my feet when it's on the table, but tha*snip*


QOTD : What're you working on?

3rd June 2009

Well I've started my language project once again (no more pointing fingers at me!). The blog has already received two new posts, although I've had some time issues the past few days. It will happen though!


Warez Policy : Discuss

28th May 2009

Yes, but those cases are very few and not the kind of people we are looking for anyway.


QOTD : Sony's Plan

28th May 2009

I've had the same TV for ten years. Who cares about hi-def?


#203 - The Rhyming Challenge

27th May 2009

I'll quote Jay so that he won't have to self-quote himself:
[quote]All complaints about WW piccies are null and void, unless you make an entry.[/quote]
Now get to work!


You know you're a geek when...

25th May 2009

"...when you wonder what that strange, large, glowing, yellow orb is, and why it hurts your eyes when you try to determine what it is."


Photo-chop challenge...

25th May 2009

Alright, then I'm next.
[edit]This would be the smoking bear.[/edit]


You know you're a geek when...

25th May 2009

"...when you try to come up with endings to this sentence."
Oh, and I know exactly what you mean: 64, 128, 256, 386, 486, 1337


The Secret of Ultimate Productivity

24th May 2009

I realize the irony in that I when I posted this topic I basically returned to where I started :P


The Secret of Ultimate Productivity

24th May 2009

Unplug your Internet cable. Seriously, it works. I tried it this morning, and I actually got stuff done as opposed to browsing random lame sites and procrastinating. It's amazing how unhealthy the Internet is for your precious time.


perfect 'fictional' programming languages

23rd May 2009

This is possible in many scripting languages, including ActionScript, JavaScript and Python, and is commonly called the "eval" function. This ultimately leads to code which is slightly less readable than Sanskrit written backwards by a penguin with boxing *snip*


QOTD : Enhance 'Monopoly'

23rd May 2009

I think that if the game veers away too much from its simplicity, then it might lose what makes it fun to begin with. It's easy to make it more complex, but how fun would it be if there were taxes, inflation, investments and interests? That's only confusin*snip*

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