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Socoder -> Off Topic -> InDev : NeonPlat's Cosmic Adventure

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Sun, 09 Aug 2015, 12:05
I'm not 100% sure why I've decided to tackle this.

When I created NeonPlat Adventures I had an EPIC amount of fun. I spent 2 absolutely solid months of development, designing characters, giving them all powerups, adding boss enemies, and dealing with all the other chaos that was part of that game.
It took me 2 entire months, and for a long time, it didn't look like I would hit the deadline, but hit it I did, and I was quite happy about that.
The game released, and a handful of people really got a kick out of the game. The game was loved by those who dared try it.

.. Unfortunately, not everybody dared try it, and for the most part, the game went completely unnoticed.
The lack of interest was enough to cause a fairly deep pit of depression for a good month or so.

... Today I'm starting anew.
I wrote a renderer to take the raw sprites, and create a nice glowing effect. This is easily the nicest glow effect I've managed to achieve in all my NeonPlats so far. A lovely smooth blurriness that eminates from the main sprite.

I took a few Raw sprites from the original NeonPlat, fed them through the renderer, and ended up with fairly large .png images at the other end.

I threw them into the engine, and tested both Additive and Regular glows. Additive looks infinitely better, IMO, but additive SUCKS on Android, so it's good to know I've got both options available.

Over the coming "As Yet Undecided" amount of time, I'm going to have to redraw a lot of the game.
I'll be building an all new level generator, and with it, drawing some new world themes.
Hopefully I can add a little more variety into the game.

As well as all of the artsy bollocks, I'll also need to come up with a replacement for the calendar system. If you've recently played All New ChuckABall, then you'll probably have a good idea of the sort of menu that I'd like to put into place, but even then, I'm not sure if it's enough..

I'm sure something'll come to me, as I carry on building.

.. So, um.. Yeah! NeonPlat Adventures 2 : Coming .. eventually.. to a game playing device near you.

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Sun, 09 Aug 2015, 12:18
... Apologies..
Multiply blending is the top one, and additive is the bottom.

.. This is what happens when, in your code, you only ever call them blend(1) and blend(3)!!!

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Mon, 10 Aug 2015, 14:48
Additive looks a little bit more 'arcadey' there, always a good thing!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Tue, 11 Aug 2015, 05:28
Today I spent some time playing with HTML5 vs Everything Else colours.

HTML5 has to rely on 8 different coloured spritesheets, blending them together to create a colourful world.
Everything else just needs one single black & white spritesheet, but recolours it when drawing.

I can't rely on HTML to do recolouring because it's slow.
Annoyingly I can't rely on the "overlay different coloured sprites" method on "everything else" because everything else ends up using HUGE sprites, and doubling it up will cause slowdown.
Also, Android would probably choke itself to death if I tried loading 9 different coloured copies of EVERY SINGLE TILE!!

So, I spent time playing with recolouring, and shading and stuff, and .. although it isn't perfect, yet, I have at least managed to get the two versions looking vaguely similar.

Left = HTML5, using 9 different coloured sprites and smushing them together to produce different shades.
Right = GLFW, using 1 greyscale sprite, and recolouring it.

I've not quite got my hues perfect on the GLFW one, but for now they're close enough. I can tweak that later.

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Wed, 12 Aug 2015, 00:32
Looks a bit too bright to my eye in screenshots - what's it like in motion? I'm concerned that it'll be fit inducing in some!

I do like the style though
Wed, 12 Aug 2015, 04:10
Too bright!? You old fart!!

It'll look and play (hopefully) like this..
... Hopefully!

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Wed, 12 Aug 2015, 06:54
I suffer from hyper-photosensitivity, so pretty much everything is too bright for my eyes!
Wed, 12 Aug 2015, 07:05
Don't worry, that brick texture A) probably won't last, (too Mario'y) and B) Even if it did, it wouldn't cover the entire screen like that. That was just for colour checking purposes.

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Sat, 15 Aug 2015, 03:24

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Jumpy jumpy..

The physics seem about right, but the screen scrolling needs tweaked so the falling doesn't end up happening off the screen!!
I'm going to have to add extra momentum to the scrolling, I think. More maths!!

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Sat, 15 Aug 2015, 14:18
Yeah, that's better. Only issue I have is that Platdude is all glowy but the platforms aren't.

I'm never happy, am I?
Sat, 15 Aug 2015, 14:29
Hmm, I've never made a platforming game, maybe next weekend?

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Sat, 15 Aug 2015, 14:40
Glowing floor... Not likely to happen.. Or at least, not in the HTML edition, anyway.
Maybe an addition to the "everything else" version, but not the HTML one.
The HTML edition currently has to draw 2 sprites for each tile to allow for all the shades of colour. That's roughly 20x15 (300) x 2 ... 600 sprites onscreen all at once. Add to that the player and enemies and other objects, and you're understandably pushing HTML5's capabilities!

If I add the glowyness, that'd need another 600 sprites on top!! Yikes!!!

I could, of course, cheat and blur the actual tilemap tiles. I might give that a play tomorrow. But, honestly, I like how "items" and "player" have a different feel to "floor"..

I'll play with things, and see how they turn out.

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We'll call this "Level One".
Over the coming weeks, you'll see this level evolve into something drastically different, but this is day one's brief attempt at making a nice little level.
Fingers crossed that the next few days flow well!!

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Sun, 16 Aug 2015, 00:36
Horizontal scrolling platforming is definitely better than the vertical scrolling platfordimg
Sun, 16 Aug 2015, 02:24
Yeah, the game will primarily be a horizontal one. I just needed to add in vertical scrolling so that I could ensure the gameplay works on all given devices.
iPad is an oldschool squarer resolution, whilst iPhone5 and onward use the newer super-long resolution. If I want to keep the width at a virtual 640 pixels, that means I'm having to deal with screen heights of 480 on iPad and about 360 on iPhone 5+
My first priority was to ensure that the game scrolls, so that nothing becomes un-reachable, and the original horizontal jumpy test was enough to suggest that it works well.

I now need to get the level builder to work in such a way that nothing important is ever off the screen. Having enemies suddenly drop down from an unseen floor above the top of the screen, will be frustrating as hell.

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Mon, 17 Aug 2015, 13:01
There obviously won't be THIS MANY checkpoints in a level, but I felt it was probably a good idea to implement them before going any further.

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Good to go!

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Wed, 19 Aug 2015, 12:07
Hitting minor roadblocks trying to keep the HTML5 and Desktop/Android/Other edition to look the same, colour-wise. I thought it'd be doable, but the more I add, the less possible it seems!!
I now have plain white "objects" all over the place.




Still, it's "mostly" similar, and you can still tell what's going on. I suppose I could make multicoloured spritesheets for each and every object, but I'm aiming to have more than the plain 3 objects this time around..

Luckily, all the enemy sprites already have their colours as part of their gfx, so they won't end up looking as bland as these.

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Thu, 20 Aug 2015, 06:35
This game's incredibly complicated!!! I'd forgotten exactly how much stuff went into the original!

Spheres, Flowers and Ice Rocks are now collectable and throwable. They also now manage to retain their colours, which took WAY more effort than was expected!

> Reveal 🔎

All code done for the throwable objects are multi-purpose, however, so the simple bouncing and moving, and colliding with the tilemap and such, will all be reused for enemy objects and things like that. ...
If it works for the ball, it works for them all!!

Thrown objects currently have a 1000 frame lifespan. I might reduce that a bit, but it's quite nice being able to run alongside them for a bit

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Thu, 20 Aug 2015, 13:07
Things aren't organised! This is all happening too fast!! It's all going to crash and burn!!!!


I've already started adding baddies in, even though I'm not even half started with the throwable objects.
Oh, god, it's all going to implode, I just know it!!

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Tue, 25 Aug 2015, 13:59
> Reveal 🔎

Enemies and Objects are now aware of the tilemap, which is nice...
Hopefully things continue on this nice path of none-fuckup-ness!!

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Wed, 26 Aug 2015, 01:04
It looks lovely Jay, nice work!
Wed, 26 Aug 2015, 01:27
...So why is platdude a coat hanger?
Wed, 26 Aug 2015, 02:40
That's his NeonForm.
Whenever Platdude visits the crazy Neon world, that's what he ends up looking like.
I imagine there's some kind of magical vortex involved, but I've yet to see him do it.
Since 2009! https://jayenkai.socoder.net/GameList.php?ShowJust=173

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Sun, 30 Aug 2015, 06:09
> Reveal 🔎

Testing object vs enemy collisions.

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Tue, 01 Sep 2015, 17:26

Three pics from the level generation doohickey.
Topmost is "ice", a blueish theme, with blue floors at various heights. The "floor height" setting is set to maximum, and mid-height tiles appear frequently, along with a variety of walls.

Second is "desert", a lovely sunset orange with lots of sand. The desert oughta be fairly flat, so everything's squished together, there are currently no walls to speak of, and things are just ... Flat!

Bottom is "grassy", green with what is essentially default level generator parameters.

As you can see, I've not drawn most of those yet! I want to keep to my basic template and get as much default bits defined on the spritesheet before starting to draw all the various graphics, but so far so good, and I'm quite happy at how different the themes are looking, even without the extra art stuff.

Next, I need to come up with more "feeling" rule sets that can be transformed into graphical styles, and also rejig my loader because it's currently trying to load the different tilesheets, between different levels, all in a single frame. Oops!!

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Tue, 01 Sep 2015, 23:57
Looking good!
Thu, 03 Sep 2015, 07:41
Finally made a start on the AI Pre-play runner, today.

Basically, the AI Player runs through a freshly generated level, to ensure it's completable. Currently he's managing to get to the other side, but he's spending a lot of time hopping about at the top of the level. Going to have to tweak it until he's less prone to sticking to the top!!

Once his path is suitably "random", I'll be using him to run along, planting objects like pickups, checkpoints, that kind of thing, whilst also using alternative paths to plant spikes and whatnot.

So.. Yeah.. Should work out.. Hopefully!!

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