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Socoder -> Off Topic -> My Vegan Lasagne

Thu, 23 Aug 2018, 09:03

My Vegan Lasagne

View on YouTube

Showed mum this, yesterday, and she loved it enough that today...

Neither Me or Mum's ever made lasagne before, so this has been quite an experience.

The dish is currently in the oven, so.. more pics later, along with a verdict.

For reference, ours isn’t true-vegan.
We used generic store bought standard pasta sheets, along with a normal standard jar of Dolmio béchamel sauce, and plain ordinary cheese, too.
But otherwise, this is a meat free lasagna.

..hopefully it doesn’t taste bad!!

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Thu, 23 Aug 2018, 09:12
Noice! Vegan chese is not recommended anyway, it tastes horrid!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Thu, 23 Aug 2018, 09:38


Seriously.. OMG!!!!!

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Thu, 23 Aug 2018, 12:33
Love lasgne. ANd that looks great
Fri, 24 Aug 2018, 19:13
Looks nice... one question though why Vegan? Are you vegan?
Sat, 25 Aug 2018, 01:22
No, just looked nice.
Given that neither me or mum are fans of vegetables, I cant very often say that about veggie/vegan foods, but when I saw this on MyVirginKitchen, it leapt out as being something that looked rather edible.
And it was!!
All the noms!!!

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Sat, 25 Aug 2018, 15:48
Fair enough, always good to try to increase your veggie intake.

Did you use all the vegan ingredients or did you change some?

Vegan cheese = oxymoron!
Sat, 25 Aug 2018, 15:57
(See first post!)

We didn’t bother with the vegan cheese, nor did we attempt to make our own béchamel sauce or pay three times the price for vegan branded lasagne sheets. So, technically this is veggie lasagne, not vegan.

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Sat, 25 Aug 2018, 16:12
Oops, my bad - I looked at the photos and video of the first post