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SoCoder -> Blogs Home -> Blogs

Created : 30 November 2006

WoW I didn't know there was blogs cool

Well all I have to say is that Thursday I was hella out of school. =)



Sunday, 03 December 2006, 08:23
power mousey
"open hailing frequencies, Mister Sulu"

"They are opened, Captain'

"Good. This is Captain James T. Kirk of the Starship Enterprise of the United Federation of Planets. So what is this hella!? Please explain what this hella out of school?
Spock...any clues or comments?"

"Well Captain, he certainly does have bad poetry and..."

"A more useful comment, Mister Spock?"

"I think he means he is out of hella school and what he is doing...I cannot fathom at this time."

"So, Spock, you don't know!?"

"Captain, I don't know. But maybe further analysis will reveal something"

"Bones!, can you shed any light on this?"

"Jim, I'm a doctor. Not a guidance counselor!"

power mousey
Sunday, 03 December 2006, 12:51
"It's hell Jim, but not as we know it."