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SoCoder -> Blogs Home -> Blogs

Created : 24 May 2009
System : Mac


OK, back to Plat..
A few weeks ago, I created a batch of little swirly block test programs.
Based on those, here's the first screenshot of the newly in-dev JNKPlat 3D 09!


As you can probably tell, things are firmly in "Test" mode, with loads of "sprites" in the middle of the arena, and loads and loads and loads of bricks, filling up the edges.
The game will play firmly on those edges, with paths going around the box.
This will give us a nice 3D-ness, but stick strictly to 2D gameplay. Which is important for JNKPlat (see the last 3D.. didn't work out too well!)

Anyhoo, that's it so far. Lots more work to come..



Sunday, 24 May 2009, 05:46
I really liked the last 3D Platdude, but perhaps that was only me. Awesome in any case; I'd love to see another Platdude game. Good luck, and keep screen-feeding us
Monday, 25 May 2009, 10:23
A less dramatic image, but the same overall effect.

The camera's now locked onto Platdude, and follows him around.
He can run along the red beams, all the way around the great big cube.
And he's animated, too!!!

3D Animations?! Good lord, Platdude's getting complex!
Monday, 25 May 2009, 11:43
The background is way too dark. It makes the game look like a horror game, almost.
Monday, 25 May 2009, 14:50
I'll add an option for you, but suffice to say, once the game's camera's swirling around, you really don't want a heavily bright striped pattern in the background!

It's nice that it's something in the background.
But it's not nice once you're throwing up!
Tuesday, 26 May 2009, 08:48
Having spent a while, today, playing with that sickening background, I think I came up with a nice middleground, where the player won't be spewing up perfectly square cubes of carrot.

The BG's a wee bit lighter, and I've now got jumping, and bar-grabbing working, too.
Basically, Platdude can now interact with the entire test level!

Next up, adding the fun stuff!!!
Wednesday, 27 May 2009, 07:50
1 Fun Stuff later...

Note, the image above was taken using the super magical Numpad=Camera_Control method!
Ingame camera isn't drunk!!
However, the new dual-arm camera (Pivot in center of world - arm - 2nd Pivot - arm - Camera) could give us a whole bunch of fun little camera based things

I spent most of today tweaking the jumping, and other such stuff.
I also tried to add a top and bottom to the level, but.. Meh.. seems to look better without either!
I also extended the height of the cube, so each side is now 50x50, as opposed to the 50x40 that it was earlier.

Then I added the plungers and blocks, and spent ages trying to figure out how to make THOSE look decent.
Originally I had the blocks move inwards, so you could walk infront of them, and then out to block you.
But.. *sigh* That kinda borked at the corners!
So, now they move out, instead!

And, I should probably point out that, by "move" I mean "Pop in a single frame"
I'd like to slide them, but I couldn't quickly rebuild that much of the level all at once.. nor could I keep the framerate up if someone built a huge level filled with bricks.
This way, I can cope with the entire level being filled with blocks, and it doesn't effect the framerate.
Which, quite frankly, kicks arse!!

Action Shot!
Wednesday, 27 May 2009, 09:07
Platdude mixed with a little bit of FEZ. I'm excited.
Monday, 01 June 2009, 02:06
FEZ = After JNKPlat3D
FEZ is a little bit of JNKPlat

Today I spent a while loading JNKPlatDS08 levels into JNKPlat3D09

So far, so good, but I'm learning that there's loads more chunky things to add to the game.
Doors, Grabbable rope things, even those neat little text-based tutorial-like things..
No idea how I'm going to do those!!

Other things to add...
Keys, Coloured Doors, Springs, Mines, Flame throwers, Dart shooters, Bats, TNT and a whole big bunch more stuff..

JNKPlatDS08 levels are 32x48 blocks (DS screen sized)
JNKPlat3D09 are TWOHUNDRED! x 50 blocks.. So, a wee bit bigger.
I could technically fit a whole bunch of DS levels inside the size of our new one.
But, instead, I think I might try to load 4 levels at once, and pop one on each side... I'm not too sure how that'll look, but. Hey, might as well give it a go, right!?
We'll see!

I still have to build a level editor, too!
Monday, 01 June 2009, 17:04
As I continued to play with the theme tune, I realised I wasn't really happy with it.
Something very odd happened.
As I played the game with the theme tune running in the background, I found myself rushing to complete the levels, rather than taking my time collecting all the spheres.

So, as a Demo/Trial version, here's that!

You get about 3mins 15secs, (length of the music) and there's 10 levels from the DS edition to complete.

Get all the way through before the music stops, get a complete sign!
Don't get all the way, the game just stops.

Have fun..

Cursors + X for LeftJump, C for RightJump and Z for Hold.
(or WASD + JKL.. Joypad control will come later!)

Let me know how your framerate does, too!!
Monday, 01 June 2009, 17:22
Evil Roy Ferguso
I get anywhere between 20 and 60FPS -- the game runs at a noticeably different speed between these two extremes, but feels the most "JNKPlatDS-like" at around 50FPS.

Nifty effect, not too disorienting. There is a soft spot in my heart for games with two jump buttons.

1.8GHz Core-ish Celeron
Intel Integrated Graphics

I should run it on my notebook, since that one's strangely enough about twice as "tricked out" as this machine.
Monday, 01 June 2009, 18:12
Yeah, those Intel chips aren't really up to much.. I can't imagine it's too happy with all the poly's being drawn.
Plus, those are only teensy tiny levels, compared to what it's set up for!
Monday, 01 June 2009, 19:01
Make it never end... I want to see the final level!
Monday, 01 June 2009, 19:05
It's a trial, you'll have to be patient!

It's finished when it's finished

(The DS Edition has these levels, and many more, fully playable.. Super Special Magical Easter Egg : The screenshot on that page is the last level in this trial!)

Oh, yeah, numpad = camera play, btw!
Hold * to use 2D mode!!
(although I'll probably set that to toggle, since it's kinda tricky to hold that AND play!)
Monday, 01 June 2009, 19:07
Argh I don't have a DS emulatorrr....


Yeah yeah I know.
Monday, 01 June 2009, 21:47
I was worried about how you'd implemented the camera, but you did that great!
I get a constant 60 FPS throughout.
Please for the love of everything wholly holy make X and C work more instantly.
Also, how on earth do you jump onto those 4 blocks that goes upwards towards the ends of the level?!
Tuesday, 02 June 2009, 01:14
In what way more instantly?

And, to grab hooks, hold the hold button!
Hold = Hold!
Tuesday, 02 June 2009, 02:22
Hold? o_O
There's no 'Hold' button on the keyboard!

And, 'more instantly' as in more instantly!
Don't make it so I have to press C or X and then press the left or right arrow! When I press the left or right arrow he's already moving left or right, and then all I should have to do is press C or X to make him jump left or right!

Edit: Allthough I suspect it would be even more intuitive if you made him jump just using the 'Up' arrow, since it's not used when he's not climbing ladders!!!!
Tuesday, 02 June 2009, 02:47
X jumps left, C jumps right.
With 1 button, if you're running to the right, and need to jump left, you need to stop.. wait for him to turn.. jump..
If you have JNKPlat's unpatented 2-button jump, You run, tap X, carry on!
Don't Stop, Just Jump.
There's nothing more instant than 2 button jump!

And Hold = Z, it kinda says that all over the first level.
"Hold Z" it says.. "Hold Z"
(although, that might help if your Z key is next to your X and C.. not sure if you've a non-qwerty keyboard!)
Sunday, 07 June 2009, 03:54
Ok, a playground level.
Designed to be completable, but also kinda tricky.
It's also designed to show off two-button jumping, and the various oddball reasons why I've chosen to use two-button jumping in JNKPlat.

Remember, JNKPlat is a Puzzle game first and foremost.

But, for those who can't quite hack it, there's an option to switch to One-Button dull-as-hell jumping, too. (keyboard 1/2 to switch)

Hold left/right, tap jump, jump, sorted.. Alternative, hold jump, tap left/right, jump, sorted...
(either X or C will do, it recognises both as "Jump button")

This time there's no time limit, but there is only one level, which will restart when you complete it.. over and over until you quit!

Jump Test
Sunday, 07 June 2009, 05:17
Very nice, but why the time limit? Irritating to have the game shut down so abruptly And I still think the background is way too somber. There has to be some way to make it slightly more happy without turning the game into an epileptic orgy.