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power mousey
Created : 05 January 2007

Artistic Aspirations

as I sit here behind the interface matrix portal of the relative realisitc physical world and in/out to this virtual digital matrix link of hundreds and thousands of silicon servers and write this blog on Artitstic Aspirations:

I'm listening to some of my favorite music such as 'I Can't Wait' by Nu Shooz which inspires me and allows me into deep divides of both creativity and abstraction.

Artistic Aspirations?

for one thing that I'm aspiring to do is 3d graphics and animation. For an interest and as a hobby. I just love and like doing animations such as Xeon doing his alien aerobics, moving a deathknight into battle, creating a virtual tour of an Aztec city, and especially ... especially have a 3 member pack of Anubis(Anubi) guarding the gates to a strange and mysterious mansion which leads to the underworld.

So cool this Anubis program was. I said 'was' cause I lost Anubis when my computer crashed and had to reboot. I plan to create another Anubis. I have enough magic to summon some more.
Next time and in the future, I plan to make some backups and place them on my external hard drive.

It was just so cool, so weird to have 2 Anubis lying at opposite corners of the marble steps leading to the mansion door. While In the middle of columns of the porch I had the main Anubis levitated and spinning around.

Some friends asked me if I made the Xeon program. And yes I did. I planned out the whole program and the various backgrounds, animation frames, the timing and over-all design of the program.
But I think they were referring to if I made the model Sadly, no. I wish I did. I do like Xeon and he so cool.
Yet, I did design the whole program and choose and planned the concept and animation sequences of exisitng pre-built frames and movements of this model.
Now, this is what I like and want to do as both an interest and possibly as a career. To take pre-existing 3d characters and other 3d items and design and pattern there movements. And for the over all program,purpose and story.

For example. Remember Charlene? The person I met at work and who is a layout artist over at the San Jose Mercury news? Well, she got a contract job from LucasArts to create a Roc creature. It was in both low and medium polygons.
It was a 2 week job. She designed 5 Roc prototypes. The LucasArts reps finally picked one and she hade to make some more modifications. The Roc creature came with built-in animation behavoirs and sequences such as flying, walking idling, eating, attacking, falling down, dying, jumping, etc.
She finally finished the job in 2 weeks. She got paid $3000. This Roc creature will appear in the sequel of the game Fable.
Now, with this Roc creature model and the exisitng animation sequences finished...it has to be placed and designed to do what it is supposed to do in the game. It will follow a storyboard and the over-all plot and sub-plots.

In other words...I like and want to be a storyboard designer using 3d graphics, models and animations for games, demos, logos, screensavers and other apps too.
I still use the 3d models and items. I just use the pre-existing behavoirs and sequences for its intended purpose or story.

Like Xeon came with existing behavoirs and sequences. I sliced and diced them out of the MD2 and modified them and merged,cut, locked, docked and paste them in my program for new behavoirs and sequences.

power mousey

