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power mousey
Created : 21 January 2007

One Pill....

as the title suggests

you take one pill
to make you feel good
you take one pill
to kill the pain
and you take one pill
for a cheap thrill

but you know I don't. I used to take pills a long time ago. For both a dietary supplement and as a fat burner.
There is this one ..especially over at Walmart..called Apple Cider Vinegar caplets. Its a fat burner and you're supposed to take at least 2 to 3 every four to six hours.
It gets your metabolism going and burn the fat. Its like drinking Jolt the soda, which has double the caffiene content or even drinking many,many cups of either coffee or tea. The dang stuff makes you pee.
Mix that in with a can or two of an energy drink such as AMP or monster.

Well with Apple cider Vinegar that I took a long,long time ago...at least almost 2 years ago...I only took one pill. Believe me and oh my gosh!! in a few hours I was dancing with Mother Nature lot. I had long talks with her. This stuff works.

Well, now I'm not taking it. And why I am I writing this and whats the point?? Why would you care?
I just want to say: hey!, I'm not taking any pills and especially not these fat burners neither.
Also, I don't know what it is but I'm losing weight, gaining strength but not the bulky muscle mass, and I'm starting to feel and be more active.
And its not thru pills of fat burners, steroids, creatine and other crappy stuff. Nor even of any protein powders or protein shakes too. I hate all this stuff.

I think it could be these and with accumulative effects and benefits:

I'm drinking more water and less soda.
I'm cutting down on the junk food and eating more fruits and vegetables. And eating better.
I have cut down on eating chocolate. Sorry hoboben and others who love chocolate. But, I don't want to go thru an addiction I had with Hersheys Mr Goodbars like I did years ago. I used to love to eat these candy bars.They were so good and especially the almonds. Think of Homer Simpson and his donuts. ahhhh!!!
Hey, it got pretty bad for me and especailly well..um..lets say on my body too. I got tothe point of being a choco-lochic. Yes, I used to be a choco-holic!
My mom told me to cut down. I disagreed with her. I had to go and I went cold turkey. After a few hard months, I got off Mister Goodbars and the need,desire and even lust for both chocolate and a candy bar.
Oh I still eat them now and then but it was like taking a pill or a drug.

The reason why I spend a lot of time talking about chocolate...is because it was like a drug or pill. I'm okay with chocolate now and the same could be said for potato chips. But, I still have these cravings for either Lemon cookies or even Mothers' English Tea cookies.

Getting back to why I'm losing weight and gaining strength
and getting more active is also I'm doing some walking now and then. I think I should do more.
Yet, its mostly do to the dancing and isometrics that I'm doing. Yes, I love to dance. Maybe not in the speed and style of DDR-->Dance,Dance, Revolution. Free form and styles that I like such as tap-dancing, rock n rolling, even doing some ballet forms with a waltz wrapped in between too. I also like to do some techno dancing and various forms of it and to the dancing music of such songs as Promises,Promises by Naked Eyes, Break My Stride redone and sung by BlueLagoon, and also Send Me an Angel by Real Life.
I also do some calistenics and isometrics. This is good for both some aerobics and gainng muscle and endurance and its good on the ligaments and joints too.
But I'm thinking of incorporating on certain days a modified lifting sytem devised and developed by Mike Mentzer and his High Intensity.

With all of this and the physical activity which I do and require to do at work I'm losing weight, getting more active, gaining more strength and endurance, and over-all getting more healthy. Maybe I need to lose about another 5 to 10 pounds.
I'll have to encourage and whip my brother back into shape. He needs to lose another 30 to 40 pounds.
In any case, get off your butts and don't program all the time nor play your games all the time. Take or make some time for you and your health. And have some fun and enjoyment in doing it.
Go for a hike or a walk out side your tower of telecomputing. Lift some weights. Take some martial art classes. Ride your bike, skateboard or even go roller skating...which I like to do as well. Do it for you and for your health too.

Just remember what my mom told me and a few times:
when you get older, its easier to put it on and harder to take it off.

power mousey



Sunday, 21 January 2007, 10:00
That's excellent. It's good that you're not using pills to lose weight. I always thought of them as unhealthy and even lazy. Keep it up.

I love biking around the neighborhood, and climbing trees. I also run about three miles a night on the exercise machine.
Sunday, 21 January 2007, 12:07
there was a time when i started to exercise, i told myself i needed to get in shape , but that soon ended. i really do wish i could exercise more, i just cant bring myself to do it though. and its good your not taking pills, those are probibly worse for you then they are good. keep it up.
Sunday, 21 January 2007, 14:26
power mousey
thank you blanko and magicman.


don't end up like my brother, right now. well yeah in a way casue he is a lawyer but what I mean is all those pounds to shred and shed too.
Most of it is from working a lot at the office and eating all those rich foods. No wonder he carries pepcid, pepto bismol and other stuff on him. But he is starting to cut down.
When we went to the movies...he bought a small buttered popcorn. But I bought a medium sized buttered popcorn. Its so good but dang all that salt and dryness. I hacked a lot on it. I think next time...a small buttered popcorn for me.

Yet, magicman

make some time to exercise. And also have fun and enjoy doing it. I know that sounds difficult at times. But do it for fun and enjoyment. Take it samll and slow at first, bro.

Maybe this will encourage you and even others:

I'm going to warm up and stretch out for a few minutes.
And along with that I'm going to do 2 sets of side bends. And then 2 sets of leg ups.
Then 1 iso rep of the chest press against the wall or door...for a slow count of 10 seconds. And 2 iso reps of arm curls and hold for a count of 10 seconds.
You can do this. I know you can. true! And you too, blanko and others.

After this some lifting with High intensity...modified Mike Mentzer Way. Moderate amount of weight and 2 sets. But less reps.

Like close grip bench press and at 120 pounds. 3 to 5 reps(repetitions). Then my next and last 1 or 2 reps will be slow and held for Intensity.
The same goes for my shoulder rollover exercise and also for my dumb-bell exercises too.

I walk the talk...and talk the walk.

so, I have some good,serious lifting but pleasureable too.

bye and cheers all,

power mousey McBain
Sunday, 21 January 2007, 17:30
power mousey

I finished my workout. I feel good and recharged. Just as good... cause of work tonite. oh man, that High Intensity
really works. whoa!

hey blanko,

wow, you can run or jog 3 miles. I walk from time to time. But I can't run that much anymore. I had an accident couple years ago where I have a bum left foot. I can still run some but not very much.
When I dance...I'm careful with the foot and improvise too.


power mousey