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SoCoder -> Blogs Home -> Blogs

Created : 04 February 2007

Tabbed browsing

The bane of productivity

Tabbed browsing allows me to multi-task like a madman, and with all my tabs set to "auto-faviconise", I can open well-over twenty tabs without anything feeling cluttered.

This should mean that I get more work done, but it seems that I'm just diluting my efforts, so any work that I do is diluted across each tab. Back in the days where each link opened a whole new window and ate up a whole chunk of your 64mb of ram, you'd focus on one window, and keep focused until you were done.

Anyone else feel that tabbed browsing is too convenient to be trusted with a demotivated user?



Thursday, 08 February 2007, 08:42
power mousey

I'm not very good with multi-tasking. I don't mind a few windows opened now and then. But not a lot of times.
I'm better forcused on one thing at a time. I can still multi-task. But when its 3 or more things...then, forget it. Its hard and difficult.

Like for example at work. For now, I cover and mostly load and unlaod the conveyor. Which aslo involves finding and pushing both empty and filled PCC carts. A filled one weighs over 150 pounds. Anyway, whats time consuming is hunting down empty PCC carts. I look everywhere and go to lines 2 and lines 5 and push them back to line 4 lube.
I feel like Dog. Or son of Dog...the Pcc bounty hunter.

On top of that I open a lot of cassettes for my co-workers who are making and lubing disks. Sometimes, I cover their machines when they go on their breaks.

So, maybe and hopefully you get the idea. I don't like to multi-task. But the job requires me to...and a lot.

power mousey