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SoCoder -> Blogs Home -> Blogs

power mousey
Created : 04 March 2007
Edited : 26 March 2007

Cobra not so down to Earth

hi everyone,

its with reservation that I write this for everybody.
I'm not so socoder to share code and problems that I have
with coding and programming with everyone.
Just with a few people.
Yet, I hope you will at least listen and understand.
And especially the Cobra owners out there too.

Cobracore is not so down to the Earths' core
for Cobra owners. At least for simple, basic input commands
or functions. Cobra does not have a input command or function.

Say what!?? Say what!?? oh,oh,oohhh
tell me, tell me why!?? The Cobra creator had well over
2 years to implement some kind of input function or command. Even if it was a some kind of input for strings only. Then I can check and process the string and see if I can convert the said string to a specific number format of either a integer or real number.
At least Dark Basic has some kind of input command or function.

and hey agent smith...I understand your concern and inquiry with your question about Console I/O when you posted your question to Cobra creator over at the squeaky duck site. hey, agent smith, we shell out good hard cold cash for this prodcut. And true its a very good product but without at least some kind of input command.

And yeah and true...I tried out the demo. I thought
and assumed it would have at least a input command for inputting strings at least. But I was so into the eye candy and graphical and animation features too. SO, I bought it. Its still a very good product. I'm still going to use and learn Cobra.
Even Pascal had input commands with their Readln(....)
function. And since Cobra is in the style of Pascal and of Pascal-like style syntax and command structure. You would think...think now it would be similar. right??
Even Pure Basic has Console I/O and even redirection.

I do have some workable solutions and code in Cobra for some simple input and output. A fizzball program done in the fashion of the fizzbuzz program and also a get_char()
function. Both coded in Cobra too.

Yet, I hit some obstacles and programmers block using Cobra to create some input functions. Its kinda nasty. And right now, well I...I'm stressing out and feeling like heated perspiring electrical energies going thru me.
I have trouble sleeping trying to resolve this problem
and coders block. I found some mental alleviation
Its Blitz Basic. It seems like I keep going back
to Blitz Basic and Blitz3d. Here are a few programs that I whipped up using Blitz3d to check the input command.
They are in rough draft form and I whipped them up in under 5 minutes too

and the second piece of code in Blitz3d:

again, these programs are in rough draft form.
and I whipped them up in under 5 minutes.
tweak and modify them if you like or want.
I was just curious if Blitz Basic supports these
inputs in a game loop and with Gui/windowed mode.

You know... it seems its my fate to stay with Blitz Basic and Blitz3d. I always keep going back to it. I try out
the latest and greatet. Yet, I keep going back to Blitz3d.
I'm still going to learn,code and stick with Cobra.
I just hope the Cobra creator will implement
a basic string input command in Cobra. true.

cheers to all
especially to Cobra owners

power mousey



Sunday, 04 March 2007, 17:17
I think you can still do in Cobra what you're trying to achieve - see the help screen example for the GetKey function in the Pure2D unit.
This is still using a graphic screen, but my question on the SqueakyDuck forum related to Console I/O - i.e. for a non-graphical program.

I can't help wondering if Shockwave had asked for it instead of me, it would probably be implemented already in the latest patch, but I wasn't about to grovel for it...

Not to worry, it was just out of idle curiosity anyway. If I need to write a console program I'll probably use C (or D ).

The good news is that with support for inline assembly in the latest Cobra patch, it opens up the possibility of writing my own Console unit. It's good to see frequent updates and especially speed improvements - largely being driven by Shockwave and the demo gang, I suspect. I'm keen to see how Pure2D performs on my old laptop.
Sunday, 04 March 2007, 20:15
power mousey
agent smith,

I did see the Getkey function. And I did use it
for my get_char() function inorder to build my string.
Yet, as you saw or maybe even used the code snippets
that I have shown for Blitz3d...the input command or function works fine in Blitz3d for both console mode
and in using the graphical screen too.

I'm still going to use and learn Cobra...especially
when the 3d module comes out.

Yet, I'll probably go back to Blitz3d. I already did.
And just use it for my programs and especially for 3d graphics and animations.
I think perhaps shroom was right, after all.

new editey: I just want and like to use the ready made
commands and functions to build my apps,demos,games and
3d graphics and animations without worrying nor stressing
out to code input/output commands that should have already been included to begin with.
Maybe a return to Blitz3d and also Pure Basic would be good for me. Yep, I think that I will. true

Sunday, 04 March 2007, 20:42
That's living proof that Blitz3D is not ready to die yet.
Sunday, 04 March 2007, 21:22
power mousey
thanks, steve.

at least, you understand where I'm coming from
and what I have to say.

I'll still use Cobra now and then.
And learn using it too.

Its just that I primarily use Blitz3d
for 3d graphics and animations.
And Cobra did look really good and especially for
the 2d commands. I just wish Cobra had at least an input function for getting strings like Jamagic did. Then, I can write conversion checks and codes to see if the input
can be converted to either an integer or a real number.

I'll put Cobra on hold and just use it for 3d...when the
3d module comes out.
Hello and welcome back Blitz3d
and Pure Basic too.

I'll still have plenty of 3d graphic and animation
projects in the works. And to keep me busy for many months and even for years.
Sunday, 04 March 2007, 22:43
power mousey,

I don't think Blitz3D supports console mode either, unless you understand "console" to mean something different to what I do.

Anyway, if you go to the SqueakyDuck site and have a look in the Bug Reports, there's a thread titled Input emulation.
It includes some code posted by GrahamK which does what you want, I think. (I would have posted a link to it, but it's only accessible to registered Cobra owners).

Whether he intends to eventually add this function to the Cobra libraries, I'm not sure.
Sunday, 04 March 2007, 23:29
power mousey
hey agent smith,

thank you for the information.

some kudos for you.
I will check out later on the squeaky duck boards
concerning this input emulation.

The 'input' of what I was talking about
concerned graphical screens. As in the above
code snippets that I displayed.
Again, I wish Cobra came with at least a input function
to gather and retrieve characters and other symbols and also with built-in backspace capability too.
And also I don't mind just an input command or
function of just retrieving characters for a string variable.
I can always utilize built-in conversion commands
or code my own from scratch. I did this before in Blitz Basic and also a way long time ago in C and C++.

Monday, 05 March 2007, 08:05
power mousey

after taking a look at the horrendous and humogous
function and algorithm....

on the one hand, I thank you for trying to help
agent smith. true

yet, on the other hand
I'll stick with Blitz3d. And reserve Cobra for a few
2d games,demos, and also especially for the up n coming
3d module. I can't wait for the 3d module.

Monday, 05 March 2007, 19:07

Just one more question...

Is your username on SqueakyDuck falagar by any chance?
Because I note that the user power mousey isn't registered as a Cobra owner.
Monday, 05 March 2007, 19:36
power mousey
yeah, agent smith

that picture of Columbo tells you and
expresses how I feel and am right now.
Some heavy sighs and a big headache too. true.

Yet, in a contemplative mood that is.

yes I'm falagar. The mighty wizard from Might and Magic 6. I'm also known as Captain Flash on the xgamestation forums.
And when the Interplay boards were opened many years ago
I was known as the Shoveler from the comic book and movie
The Mystery Men.

by the way, I noticed and saw the new Cobra patch.
When I get home tomorrow from work..I'm going to download and install it. For the latest and greatest Cobra.
Wednesday, 07 March 2007, 10:42
And people honestly wonder why I don't post over here....

Actually mousey, there is a command, if you took the time to post over at Squeakyduck you would find out, but no it's easier to moan here!!

Agentsmith, I give every request equal standing, I asked what you where going to use it for, so I could eval the best way to do it. I'm not after grovels, I'm after reasons.. I

For example, if you wanted it for something like a mud client, I have something which would work, if it was something to put in a bat file, probably not but may be able to come up with something.
Wednesday, 07 March 2007, 11:08
[quote="squeakyduck"]And people honestly wonder why I don't post over here....

Actually mousey, there is a command, if you took the time to post over at Squeakyduck you would find out, but no it's easier to moan here!!

I think the way you said that explains why he didn't post over there.
Wednesday, 07 March 2007, 11:41
I think squeakyducks got a point. At the end of the day moaning about cobra here isent really going to do anything productive.

@agentsmith: I think the assembler thing for cobra is something that quite a few people wanted. Especially since a lot of people seem to have been judging the language mainly by its speed. Being able to make console apps with it is more of a niche thing, i think anyway.
Wednesday, 07 March 2007, 11:55
yep, assembler was a) already present, but locked away until I was happy with stability (something I've always been open with), and b)a lot of people wanted to be able to do low level stuff, and cobra is designed to allow it. Shockwave hasn't actually got "anything" he specifically asked for, which hasn't already been asked by others as well (it's why I have a wishlist forum, so people can ask for stuff, which I can add if/when it either falls into the plan, or I can find a really cool use for it.

skypenguin, take a look at my forum, I think you'll find it very balanced. I can't be everywhere, although I check most important boards every few days (I drop in here, as I have a lot of respect for Jayenkai, and the effort he puts into his wednesday workshops and the like). But, as a developer, its very annoying finding moans on boards, where I havn't even had the chance to answer somewhere where I may see it. Sadly, that does seem the be the nature of the net though, more and more people sitting behind 'keyboard shields'.

Still, not to worry as I think I'll be able to resist posting more here now.
Wednesday, 07 March 2007, 15:25
squeakyduck I drop in here, as I have a lot of respect for Jayenkai, and the effort he puts into his wednesday workshops and the like.

You made that sound like I actually do something!
You wrote a new language.
I spend ten minutes a week thinking up stupid ideas. If I can even think of any!
No need to respect the workshop

I think the main issue, here, is that people are obviously not using the official forum to air their grievences. I mean, back when BC ruled the land, people used to moan about allsorts there. The main difference then, though, was that any issues got immediately relayed back to BB, either by the original poster or by others.

I think that's what we need, here. Someone to read through all the Cobra stuff, and report back and forth between the two sites, giving advice and so forth.
I don't expect that to be graham (who I'm going to assume has lost his password ), so if anyone else would like to become a "SqueakyDuck/Socoder" liason, raise your hand!
Thursday, 08 March 2007, 07:16
Well jay, you have kept this going for almost 2 years (in good times and in bad), thats commitment, I remember back at CW when you had just started it and you weren't even a mod yet...Ahhhh... good times....